Killed Once, Lived Twice by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


It was in the middle of the night, and Kenneth lay on Jennifer's couch under a blanket in his boxers and tee shirt. He had his flask in hand and took a periodic drink while he stared at the photo of him and Jennifer leaning against her Corvair. 

He started to get horny while he looked at Jennifer in the photo. He placed the flask on the floor and shoved his free hand under the covers. He started rubbing with his crotch having a fantasy about Jennifer.

He got off the couch.

He staggered a little down the hallway and to the bathroom.

He stood in the doorway of the bathroom and looked at the closed door to Jennifer's bedroom. He debated in his mind for a few seconds. He removed his tee-shirt and boxers and stood there naked. 

He stepped out into the hallway and quietly opened her bedroom door. He peeked inside and saw Jennifer was sound asleep on her back.

He quietly opened the door and stepped inside her room.

Once he got inside her room, he paused in the doorway.

He tiptoed over to Jennifer's bed.

Kenneth looked down at Jennifer with lust in his eyes while he fondled his crotch. He started stroking himself but decided that was too much of a risk.

He turned around and tiptoed back to the door.

He left her room and slowly closed the door behind him.

He stepped back inside the bathroom and slipped on his boxers and tee shirt.

He walked back down the hallway and headed to the living room.

Over in Michael's bedroom, Abby was in bed and stared at the ceiling in deep thought. Something started to bug her, and she glanced over at the closet. She saw the closet door was cracked opened. She remembered closing it this morning when she left for work.

She got up and walked over to the closet.

She opened the closet door and saw her backpack was on top of her high heel shoes. 

She looked in the closet and noticed her backpack was on top of her shoes. "That's strange. Was someone in here?"

She reached down and grabbed her backpack and walked back over to her bed.  She reached inside her backpack and rummaged around with her hand. She removed two of the three photos she dropped inside when she left 2010.

She saw the photo of Michael and Jennifer kissing and the photo of her and Rich at the Florida beach.

"Where's that other photo?" she asked while she rummaged through the backpack for the photo of Jennifer and Kenneth.  She could not locate it in the backpack. "Someone took it. But who?" she asked then it took a few minutes for it to dawn on her. "Kenneth!" she said, and that thought made her extremely nervous.

She looked at the photo of her and Rich on the beach during the space shuttle launch. Then that photo started to get blurry. 

Abby rubbed her eyes.

She looked at the photo again, and Abby in the photo morphed into another girl named Becky. Rich did not change. They appeared to be extremely happy. "What?" she said while she rubbed her eyes again.

Abby looked at the photo of Michael and Jennifer kissing. Jennifer in the photo got blurry then morphed into Abby. It was now a photo of Abby and Michael kissing.

"What the hell is going on?" she said while she stared at the photo of her and Michael kissing.

She stared at the two changed photos while she tried to comprehend what is going on. Her eyes widened when it dawned on her. 

"This explains all those déjà-vu feelings. I'm really, Jennifer! But how can that be possible? Am I her reincarnated?"

While Abby continued to glance at the photos, they mysteriously morphed back to their original condition.

"I can save my own life?" she said while she looked at the photos.

Abby took the photo of Jennifer and Michael kissing. She got on the bed with the photo close to her heart. She looked determined while she stared at the ceiling.

She closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

Back in 2010, Michael's garage old, Kenneth stood in the doorway with his red bulbous nose and stared at the time machine. "Where the hell did she go?"

Kenneth looked intimidated while he walked over to the door of the machine. 

He lightly tapped the door to handle afraid of being zapped again. 

He lightly touched the door handle. It was safe. 

He opened up the door and sat inside the time machine.

While Kenneth sat in the machine, he glanced at the console. 

He saw the "Destination" date display with "May 14, 1961."

"What the hell is she doing back there?"

He glanced at the "Pick-up" date and saw May 20, 1961, and didn't think anything about it. 

Kenneth got out of the time machine and closed the door.

He walked out of the garage.

Kenneth stood outside the garage and eyed Abby's house where the lights were still on in her bedroom.

He walked off and headed to her house, thinking she returned.

Kenneth walked over to the window of Abby's bedroom. He peeked in her bedroom window and saw the 1961 newspaper article about Jennifer's death and picture on her sleeping bag.

He looked back at the garage and looked back through her window. Then it dawned on him. "Damn it."

Kenneth rushed off and headed toward the front of Michael's house.

Back in 1961, Abby tossed and turned in Michael's bed, having another nightmare.

In her nightmare, Abby was a passenger in a car driving down a two-lane country road.

The car came to a wooden bridge with wooden guardrails that crossed part of a lake.

There was a gunshot. Another vehicle bumped the car from behind.

Abby screamed, and another female screamed while the car swerved all over the road.

The car crashed through the wooden guardrails to the left.

The car splashed into the lake.

The car started sinking into the lake.

Abby panicked and tried to open the car door. It would not open. She frantically tried to roll down the door window. It wouldn't open. 

Water poured inside the car from everywhere.

The inside of the car was filled with water.

Abby floated wide-eyed in the water-filled interior of the car. Jennifer was gone.

Abby bolted up from her nightmare gasping for air with her arms flailing in the air.

She looked around the room, confused. Then it dawned her she had that recurring nightmare. She lay back down and stared at the ceiling, looking worried.