Killed Once, Lived Twice by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 17


It was early evening.

Kenneth sat at his desk in deep thought while he drank his seventh cup of coffee at the police department. It was a slow day for criminal investigations, so the other two detectives left early.

Kenneth's phone rang on his desk. "Detective Mueller," he answered.

"Yes, Detective Mueller. I'm Officer Bruce Kayne from the Orlando police department. You inquired earlier about an Abby Austin from down here?" Officer Bruce Kayne replied from the phone.

"Yes, I did."

"We don't have anything on this woman. No known driver's license. No known address and no criminal record. Are you sure she was from Orlando?"

"That's what she claims."

"Sounds like she might be hiding something. But if anything shows up, I'll give you a call."

"Thank you, officer," Kenneth said then hung up the phone.

He looked suspicious while he gulped down the rest of his coffee.

He glanced at this watch after placing his coffee cup on his desk.

"I got some time," he said and looked like he had an idea.

He got up from his desk and rushed out of the room.

Out in the parking lot of the police station, Kenneth got inside his Bel-Air and drove out of the parking lot looking like he was on a mission.

A little later, Kenneth parked his car about eight houses down from Michael's house. He parked knowing Michael never drives down this part of Dorothy Avenue.

He sat inside his car and conducted a little surveillance on Michael's house. The police radio under his dash made an occasional call to patrol cars working the night shift.

He watched while Jennifer walked out of her front door and headed across her front yard to Michael's driveway.

Michael walked out of his front door with Abby and Martha and Harry behind him.

They walked to Michael's Bel-Air parked next to Harry's Bel-Air. 

Michael smiled the second he saw Jennifer standing by the front passenger door.

Kenneth still watched from inside his Bel-Air while Michael was a gentleman and opened up the car doors for the girls and his parents.

"Always the fucking gentleman," he said and did not sound impressed with Michael.

He watched while Michael's Bel-Air backed down his driveway, the drove off down Dorothy Avenue in the opposite direction.

Kenneth pulled his car in drive and slowly moved down the street closer to Michael's house.

Once Michael's Bel-Air was way down, Dorothy Avenue Kenneth pulled his car into Jennifer's driveway.

 Kenneth got out of his car and rushed to Jennifer's front door. He stepped inside her house.

A few seconds later, Kenneth rushed out of Jennifer's sliding glass door.

He rushed through the sliding glass door at Michael's house.

He opened up the door and rushed inside Michael's kitchen.

Kenneth rushed down the hallway and entered Michael's bedroom.

Once he was inside the room, he looked around for any of Abby's personal items.

He rushed over to the closet and opened the door. 

In the closet, he saw Michael's clothes on the left side then saw Abby's clothes on the right side.

"Well ain't this fucking quaint," he said while he started to check out her dresses.

He glanced down at the floor and saw a Montgomery Wards shopping bag, next to pairs of high heel shoes and her sandals, next to her black backpack.

He reached down and opened up the shopping bag and saw two pairs of white panties and two white bras inside. 

He looked at the sandals and backpack and thought they looked strange. He picked them up and walked them over and sat down on the bed.

"What the hell are these? I've never seen these types of sandals before," he said while he checked out her sandals. He sniffed them then dropped them down to the floor.

"Is this some type of Army backpack?" he said while he looked it over.

He saw the zipper then unzipped it. He reached inside and removed her blue jeans. He found them strange and dropped them to the floor where they landed on her sandals.

He reached inside and removed her blouse. He looked at it then dropped it to the floor.  It landed on her jeans.

He reached inside the backpack and removed a pair of her black sexy 2010 panties. "Whoa!" he said while he checked them out then sniffed the inside of the crotch. "Sweet," he said with a horny grin then dropped the panties to the floor. They landed on top of her clothes.

He reached back inside the backpack and removed three photos. 

He looked at the photo of Jennifer and Michael kissing that he remembered talking with Michael's camera. "Why does she have this?"

He set it down on the bed.

He looked at the second photo. He saw it was of him and Jennifer leaning against her Corvair. "What the hell?"

He placed it on top of the first photo.

He looked at the third photo of Abby and Rich on the Florida beach. He found it bizarre. 

He focused on the space shuttle launching in the sky. 

"What the hell is that?" he said then looked closer at the photo. "Is that some weird rocketship?"

Kenneth glanced down at her clothes then at the Florida beach photo in his hand. "What the hell is her story?" he said and really got suspicious.

He snatched up the other two photos and dropped all three into the backpack. He rethought that then reached back inside the backpack and removed the photo of him and Jennifer. He tucked it away in the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

He reached down and grabbed her clothes and sandals. He shoved them in the backpack.

He got off the bed and rushed over to the closet. He dropped the backpack on top of her high heel shoes then closed the closet door leaving it cracked open.

He spotted the dirty clothes hamper close by. He could not resist. 

He rushed over and opened up the hamper. 

He looked inside then removed pair of Abby's dirty panties. 

He stuck his nose into the crotch of the panties and took a sniff. "Smells like Jennifer," he said then dropped them in the hamper. He closed the hamper lid then rushed out of the bedroom.

Michael rushed through Michael's house and out the sliding glass door.

He rushed through his backyard then through Jennifer's backyard.

He rushed over to his car. He chose that path in case one of the neighbors had peering eyes through their curtains. 

Over in the nearby Church Of Our Savior, located on Thorndale Avenue south of Broadmoor, Michael stood on the raised area in front of the pews.

To Michael's left stood Pastor Kane.

To the Pastor Kane's right were the bridesmaids, Abby, and Gail Abbott now twenty-seven years old. 

Martha sat alone in one of the front pews on the right side.

Michael glanced down at the front doors past the pews. 

He glanced over at Abby. She gave him a warm smile.

The rear door opened and Kenneth rushed down the aisle.

"Sorry I'm late, police business came up at the last minute," he said the second he walked up to Michael.

Kenneth stood next to Michael then glanced over at Abby. He gave her his suspicious detective stare.

Abby glanced over at Kenneth and felt uncomfortable with his suspicious, peering eyes. She looked away and avoided eye contact.

The organist started playing the Wedding March song.

A side door at the end of the pews to the left opened.

 Jennifer strolled out of the opened doors arm in arm with Harry.

Kenneth stared at Abby while Jennifer and Harry strolled down the aisle while the Wedding March song played. 

Abby could feel his eyes on her even though she avoided eye contact. It started to make her skin crawl.

Kenneth took his eyes off Abby and looked at Jennifer. He got a strong feeling of jealousy while Jennifer walked down the aisle arm an arm with Harry.

They continued to practice the wedding ceremony.

After rehearsal, Abby, Gail, Michael, Martha, Jennifer, Michael, and Kenneth had reservations at the Brandywine Restaurant located on the outskirts of town just off Amster Road before the bend that soon becomes Shady Hill Drive.

Abby recalled seeing this restaurant in 2010 when she first drove into town. She was glad the place survived the test of time and was still opened.

The restaurant was packed, but the Osborne party had one of the three private rooms that catered to larger parties.  The room was to the left of a larger room.

They sat at a round table where Jennifer sat next to Michael's right side. \Abby sat next to Michael's left side. 

Gail sat next to Abby's left side. 

Harry sat next to Gail's left side.

Martha sat next to Harry's left side.

Kenneth sat next to Martha's left side and Jennifer's right side to complete the circle.

Dinner was recently delivered, and they started to eat. Everybody drank iced tea except for Kenneth, who was on his second whiskey and water. 

"So Abby, now that you're part of our happy family, we should know more about you," Kenneth said while he glanced across the table at her.

"There's nothing much to tell."

"Do tell," Kenneth replied with inquisitive pair of eyes.

Abby felt uncomfortable with all the peering eyes from around the table.

Martha leaned over at Harry. "I just can get over how much she feels like family," she quietly told Harry.

Harry nodded in agreement with Martha.

"Well, like I said before, I'm from Orlando, Florida. I was born in Miami and moved to Orlando after my parents died. My grandparents raised me."

"What? Where in Orlando?" Kenneth fired out the next question.

"I lived off Orange Avenue."

"Where did you work?" Kenneth fired back.

Abby paused for a few seconds while she took a sip of water.

"Secretary at a hospital."

"What hospital?" Kenneth fired back.

Abby paused for a few seconds while she took another sip of water. She fidgeted in her seat. "Doctor Phillips Hospital."

Michael, Jennifer, and Gail looked bothered with Kenneth's rapid-fire of questions.

"Stop the interrogation," Jennifer said while she lightly smacked Kenneth's left hand.

Kenneth glanced at Jennifer, and she gave him eyes to show she was getting a little mad with him.

"I'm sorry, Abby. It must be the detective in me," he said while he looked back at Abby and appeared to be sincere.

Abby accepted his apology but still felt uncomfortable.

"I'll tell you what, I'll take Abby out for a few drinks and some dancing after dinner to make up for me acting improper," Kenneth said.

"That would be nice," said Harry.

"Yes, that would. After dinner, I have to help Jennifer get her dress ready," Martha said.

"I actually brought some exams home to grade. So I'll be busy," Michael added, but for some strange reason, he felt a little jealous with the thought of Kenneth taking Abby out.

Abby felt pressured and a little nervous with this proposal. "Okay."

"I promise I'll be a gentleman with our new friend," Kenneth said then crossed his heart.

"I know you will," Martha said and winked at Kenneth happy he had a date.

It was quiet around the table while they all continued with their dinner.

Martha glanced across the table at Gail. "How's your new job at Wendy's Hair Salon?"

"It's going great. But hopefully, I'll find a sweet man to marry and settle down," Gail replied while she discreetly glanced over at Michael.

"I'm available," Kenneth said while he took a sip of his drink.

Gail rolled her eyes. She was never interested in Kenneth and recalled those creepy times in high school when he asked her out on dates. "But my first plan is to save up for a car," she said then took a drink of her tea.

After dinner, Jennifer, Abby, Gail, Michael, Kenneth, Martha, and Harry walked out of the restaurant. They headed to the parking lot.

"Thanks for dinner," Gail said then gave Martha a kiss on their cheeks. She then gave Jennifer and Michael a kiss on their cheeks.

Kenneth moved his cheek out at Gail for a kiss. 

"Goodnight Kenneth," she said, then looked at Abby. "Will I see you tomorrow night, Abby?"

"Tomorrow night?" Abby replied and did not have a clue. 

"Of course she's going to be at my bachelorette party," Jennifer said.

"Of course," Abby added with a smile and looked forward to partying with some 1961 ladies.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow night," Gail said then walked over to a two-tone green four-door 1957 Chevy that belonged to her dad.

The rest of them walked away and headed over to Michael and Kenneth's cars parked side-by-side at the other end of the lot.

"Well, thank you for dinner. And I hope you all have a nice night," Kenneth said then walked over and gave Martha a kiss on her cheek. He shook Harry's hand.

He walked over and gave Jennifer a kiss on her cheek. He shook Michael's hand. "I'll be in touch for tomorrow night, buddy," he said, then winked at Michael.

"Okay," Michael said and did not look thrilled.

Michael walked over and opened up the rear passenger and front doors.

Kenneth escorted Abby to his car.  He did something he does not agree with, he opened up the front passenger door for Abby. He figured he needed to pretend to be a gentleman tonight.

He got inside behind the wheel.

The second he started up the engine, the police radio started broadcasting a radio call.

Kenneth reached down and flipped the radio off. "We don't need to listen to that crap," he said then backed his car up.

He drove his car through the parking lot behind Michael's Bel-Air.

"I am truly sorry about my behavior tonight at dinner," Kenneth said while he pulled his car back onto Amster Road after Michael's car.

Abby looked over at Kenneth, and he appeared to be sincere. "That's okay."

Kenneth had a smirk while he drove around the bend and followed Michael's car into town.

Kenneth made a left turn down Montvale Circle while Michael continued his drive down Shady Hill Avenue.

A little while later, Kenneth and Abby sat a two-person table in Shumaker's Lounge.

The lounge was half-full with patrons. A jukebox played the Rickey Nelson Traveling Man song played at the moment.

Kenneth hummed to the song. 

Abby smiled as she likes that song. 

Kenneth stopped humming. "Since I've asked you so many questions about your life, I guess it's fair for me to tell you a little about me."

"That would be nice."

"Well, I was born in Kingsville located seventy miles away. My dad worked at the steel mill over there. Then in thirty-eight when I was around four, dad got a job at the new General Motors plant that opened up here in Barbourville. We moved here," he said then gulped down the rest of his whiskey and water. 

He motioned for Nancy, the waitress that he wanted to see her.

"I met Jennifer and Michael in the first grade, and we've been best friends ever since.

Nancy walked over to the table. "Yeah, sugar."

"Another one, Nancy," he said while he handed her his glass. 

Nancy glanced at Abby while she took his empty glass. She leaned over at Kenneth's ear. "Nice date. But she looks like Jennifer," she whispered in his ear.

Kenneth smiled while Nancy left the table.

Abby looked suspicious. "What did she say?"

"Oh, she's just an old friend teasing me about having drinks with you."

Abby sipped on her drink that looked like it was hardly touched.

Kenneth looked a little apprehensive while he looked at Abby. But he had numerous whiskeys and water drinks, so he decided to go ahead. "I've never told anybody this, but I still have a huge crush on Jennifer. I've had it ever since I hit puberty. But she wanted Michael, so we just remained good friends. But I'd marry her in a heartbeat if she left Michael. I mean, I don't want that to happen. But if she did, I'd be there."

The Angel Baby song started playing on the jukebox. 

Kenneth smiled. "That's Jennifer's favorite song."

Abby could not believe her ears.

Nancy brought Kenneth his new drink.

"That's also my favorite song," Abby replied then realized she should have kept her mouth shut.

Nancy looked at Kenneth. "A gentleman would ask the lady to dance to her favorite song."

Kenneth's eyes lit up, then looked at Abby. "May I have this dance?"

Abby hesitated to respond, as that did not sound appealing.

"Go ahead, sugar. Dance with him. After all, its Jennifer's favorite song," Nancy said then walked away from the table.

Abby reluctantly got up from the table.

Kenneth got up and walked Abby over to the dance floor where four other couple slow danced.

Abby and Kenneth started slow dancing. She was not enjoying it while he hummed the song in her ear.

The time at the lounge was finally over, and it was quiet in the car while Kenneth drove her back to Michael's house.

A little while later, Kenneth pulled his Bel-Air into Jennifer's driveway. He parked behind her Corvair that was in the carport then turned off the engine.

"Thanks for tonight and the slow dance," he said.

"You're welcome."

Before Abby could react, Kenneth scooted over and forced a kiss on her lips. 

Abby tried to push Kenneth off her. 

He forced his lips harder against hers. 

Abby was finally able to push Kenneth away with her left hand against his forehead while he opened the door with her right hand. She fell out of the car and landed on her butt on the driveway.

Outside his car, Abby got up and rushed away through Jennifer's front yard and headed over to Michael's house.

Kenneth closed his passenger door and was pissed. "Damn it!"

He slammed open his glove box and removed his silver flask. 

He opened the flask and took a long drink. 

He closed the flask and shoved it in his right suit pocket.

Inside Michael's house, Abby entered the living room.

She gingerly walked past Michael while he slept on the couch.

She went down the hallway where she gingerly walked to Michael's bedroom door. 

She went inside Michael's bedroom, where she closed the door. She leaned against the door, and a creepy chill ran through her body while she thought about Kenneth kissing her.