Killed Once, Lived Twice by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 23


Later that night, Jennifer sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by three wrapped presents. On the floor near her was a bottle of perfume, and sexy white lingerie.

All the girls sat on the couch and chairs and had glasses of red wine in hand. They appeared to have a buzz. Two bottles of red were on the coffee table.

Jennifer grabbed one of the other presents. She looked at the tag. "It's from Maris."

At the rear of Jennifer's house, Kenneth snuck to her sliding glass door. 

He quietly slid the door opened a little and carefully stepped into the kitchen where the light was on. 

He flicked the kitchen light off.

He stood in the dark and listened to the girls talking in the living room.

In the living room, Jennifer held up sexy cream and brown lace nylon Peignoir lingerie.

"Sexy! I wonder how long that will last on your body tomorrow night?" Diane said, and the other girls except Abby chuckled.

Jennifer grabbed another present.

Kenneth eavesdropped on the girls from the behind the doorway in the kitchen. 

In the living room, Jennifer held up sexy red lingerie. "Thanks, Elaine."

"That's for the second night of your honeymoon," Elaine said then took a sip of wine and wondered when she would get married.

Jennifer opened up another present and removed a romance novel. "This will get me in the mood many nights. Thanks, Linda."

Jennifer took a drink of wine. "I have to tell you girls something," she said while she glanced down at the lingerie and romance novel.

Her friends are all ears.

"I was informed that Kenneth would marry me if Michael ever left me," Jennifer told her friends.

"Kenneth Mueller? Ewe," Maris said and looked disgusted.

"I remember that creep trying to kiss me in high school," Gail said and looked disgusted.

"He kissed me and groped my butt cheeks one night after a football game," Linda said and looked disgusted.

The rest of the girls, except Abby, shivered at the thought.

Abby looks like she's getting a bad feeling.

"He's just a friend. I could never date or marry him. Never. Besides, those acne pot marks make my skin crawl," Jennifer said with the wine doing the talking.

Abby looked at Jennifer, and she felt the same way.

In the darkness of the kitchen, Kenneth touched his pot marks on his right cheek.

He was pissed while he gingerly walked back to the sliding glass door.

Back in the living room, Jennifer opened up the last present. She looked at Ernest Hemingway's "Snows Of Kilimanjaro And Other Stories" book. She clutched it close to her heart. "Thanks, Abby. I love Ernst Hemingway."

"Me too," Abby replied but had this strange feeling that Jennifer would love her present.

Back out on Dorothy Avenue, Kenneth was furious while got back inside his Bel-Air. He grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels from the seat and opened it. He took a swig while he stared at Jennifer's house. He set the bottle down between his legs. "Fucking bitch!" he yelled out while he pounded on the dashboard with his fist.

He started up his car and put it in drive.

He drove down the street, and when he passed by Michael's house, he did not notice the millions of small lights that rained inside of Michael's garage.

Kenneth drove away down the street then suddenly got a strange chill throughout his body. He shrugged off that feeling.

Back in Michael's cabin, Michael and guys lounged around the room drinking beer. A 16mm projector was in place with the screen. "Property of General Motors Visual Aids Department" was stenciled on the projector.

Jack looked at this watch. "Where the hell is Kenneth? I want to get this show on the road."

"You know him. Always late," Michael replied.

There was a knock on the door then it opened.

Kenneth stepped inside with a brand new Jack Daniels bottle in hand. Behind him was a young girl around twenty-years-old with pale skin with freckles, shoulder-length red hair dressed in a trench coat.

"Guys, I want you to meet Sweet Fire. Our erotic entertainment for tonight."

All the guys, except for Michael, looked excited while they stared at Sweet Fire. 

She opened her and closed her trench coat in a flashing motion to give them a teasing peek at her sexy red lingerie.

"That's it, baby. Show us what Sweet Fire hides behind the coat," Jack called out all excited.

Sweet Fire strutted closer to the guys, stopped then removed her trench coat. She let it drop to the floor.

She modeled around in her sexy red lingerie that accentuated her perky C-Cup breasts and lovely round tight butt cheeks.

The mouths of Jack, Joe, Mark, and Wendell watered at the sight of Sweet Fire' breasts and butt cheeks.

Michael appeared to care less and wished the guys did not bring a stripper to the party. But he knew his buddies would rag on him for years if one did not show up.

"Now we're talking," Jack said.

"Start the film," Joe called out.

Mark got up and turned on the projector while Kenneth flicked off the living area lights.

An old black and white stag film started showing on the screen.

Kenneth walked Sweet Fire into the kitchen and got her a beer.

Back at Jennifer's living room, the girls sat around drinking more wine.

Elaine and Linda smoked a cigarette.

Abby got up from her chair and grabbed an empty wine bottle off the coffee table.

She walked out of the living room and headed to the kitchen.

She stepped into the kitchen where it was still dark. Abby found that to be odd while she flicked on the light.

She walked over to the refrigerator. 

She set the empty wine bottle on the counter and got this strange feeling while she glanced over at the sliding glass door.

Her curiosity got the best of her, so she opened up the glass door.

She stepped outside.

Once she stepped out to Jennifer's porch, she glanced over to her right at Michael's garage. 

Something felt odd and piqued her curiosity.

She rushed over to Michael's house.

She got to his sliding glass door and peeked inside where the kitchen was dark. She suspected that Martha and Harry were sound asleep.

She carefully slid the sliding glass door opened. 

She reached inside and grabbed the key off the wall. 

She carefully slid the sliding glass door closed.

Abby rushed off through the yard and headed to the garage.

When she got closer to it, she did not notice that the window she climbed out of on Sunday was opened.

She walked over to the garage door and unlocked it. She swung the left door opened and stepped inside.

She flicked on the light the second she was inside.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the time machine in the middle of the garage.

"It returned. Why now?" she said while she inched a little cautious to the machine.

She paused for a second while she stared at it, then walked over to the door.

She opened the door and stared inside and looked a little apprehensive. 

She paced a little by the door while she debated in her mind.

"I should go back?" she said while she paced back and forth by the opened door.

Abby sat inside the time machine and stared at the "Destination" date display that had "May 19, 1961" shown. 

She closed the door.

She debated in her mind on whether she should leave and let history stay on its path it already played out.

She lightly touched the dials for the "Destination" display.    

She hesitated and pulled her fingers away.

She debated in her mind what she should do. She recalled the great time she had with everybody this week. They felt like family, and she knew she would miss them terribly.

"I'm going to do it!" she said then configured the machine for a destination of May 20, 2060. She put a "Pick-up" date as all zeros hoping that it would stay in 2060.

She had everything configured except for the step for locking the door and the final travel step.

She got out of the machine while the rear engine had that constant hum.

Abby rushed over to the other wall and grabbed a shovel. 

She rushed back to the time machine. 

She grabbed the shovel end of the shovel and poked the wooden handle inside the time machine.

She carefully flipped the "Travel" toggle up with the end of the shovel handle. 

The rear engine started to hum louder.

Abby used the shovel and closed the door to the time machine.

She ran back to the other wall while the machine vibrated.

The humming and vibration got severe.

Psychedelic colors filled the outside of the time machine windows.

Millions of sparks danced around the humming and vibrating time machine.

The time machine disappeared in a poof raining millions of small bits of lights all over the garage like an explosion.

Abby ducked down to the floor a little intimated by the lights.

It was quiet in the garage and the millions of bits of lights dissipated into thin air.

"Well, I guess I'm now stuck in nineteen sixty-one for good. I better go save Jennifer," she said while she stood up.

She turned to leave, but something caught her attention above the workbench at the other wall.

She walked over to the workbench. 

She looked at the opened window. "That's weird. I thought Michael closed it the other night?" she said then reached across the workbench and closed and locked the window.

She noticed a puddle of vomit on top of the workbench. She got suspicious.

She rushed to the garage door, flicked the light off and stepped outside.

Abby locked the garage door and rushed over to Michael's house.

After she placed the key back in Michael's kitchen, she headed back over to Jennifer's house.

Abby entered Jennifer's kitchen through the sliding glass door where she saw the refrigerator door opened.

Jennifer closed the refrigerator door with a bottle of wine in hand. She saw Abby. "Where did you go?"

Abby hesitated for a few seconds. "I stepped outside for some fresh air. The cigarette smoke was bothering my eyes."

"I know what you mean. I'll tell the girls to smoke on the porch for the rest of the party."

Jennifer noticed that Abby looked concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, while I was outside, I did some thinking. And I've decided to stay here in Barbourville."

Jennifer's eyes lit up. "Great!" she said then held up the wine bottle. "Let's go have some fun."

Abby followed Jennifer out of the kitchen and back into the living room.