Killed Once, Lived Twice by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 24


A little while later at the cabin, the guys polished off two six-packs of beer.

Michael sat in the middle of the room on one of the dining room table chairs. A sexy song played on the record player.

Sweet Fire seductively danced in front of Michael.

He was not impressed but played along.

Sweet Fire danced up to Michael. She wiggled her breasts into Michael's face.

"I love it!" Jack cried out.

All the guys looked excited while they watched Sweet Fire dance in front of Michael. 

In another chair, Kenneth sipped on his bottle of Jack Daniels and stared off into space. The sound of Jennifer's voice echoed in his head. Those acne pot marks kinda make my skin crawl. He started to fume inside.

The guys cheered louder when Sweet Fire started to remove her sexy lingerie.

Back in Jennifer's living room, the phonograph played the Angel Baby song.

All the girls, including Abby, sang along with the song with wine glasses in hand.

The full moon provided some light in Jennifer's back yard.

At the rear of her house, old Kenneth from present-day peeked in her sliding glass door. He heard the girls singing and the Angel Baby song playing.  

He looked determined while he slipped away into the darkness.

Back at Michael's cabin, the party was really kicking. 

Sweet Fire danced naked around Michael, who looked disinterested.

The guys all loved her red pubic hair, white skin sprinkled with freckles, perky breasts, and tight buttocks. They cheered her on while she sat down on Michael's lap.

She started to give Michael a lap dance, and the other guys cheered louder.

Kenneth was still in deep thought while he drank a bottle of beer.

Back in Jennifer's living room, Jennifer and the girls danced the Walk, Don't Run song by The Ventures that played on the phonograph. Now that the girls had lots of wine in their system, they cranked up the volume of the phonograph.

Abby sat on the couch, drinking wine while the girls danced.

She was in deep thought while the girls danced and sang all around the living room.

Abby grabbed the wine bottle. It was empty.

Abby got up from the couch and walked out of the living room and headed to the kitchen.

She walked over to the fridge and placed the empty wine bottle next to the other empty bottle.

While she opened the fridge, she did not see or hear the sliding glass door while it slowly opened.

She closed the fridge door with a bottle of wine in hand.

Old Kenneth snuck up behind Abby and covered her mouth with his right hand. He pressed the silencer end of a pistol hard into the middle of her back. 

Abby's eyes widen with shock.

"I knew there was something funny about you," old Kenneth whispered into Abby's left ear.

Abby's eyes widen, and she dropped the bottle of wine. It shattered on the floor. The rock and roll song still blared from the record player in the living room.

Old Kenneth walked a scared to death Abby back to the sliding glass door.

He walked her outside to the porch leaving the sliding glass door opened.

Once old Kenneth had her outside, he slammed her face forward into the wall of Jennifer's house. 

"Scream, and I'll put a bullet in your back. I have a silencer on my pistol, so nobody will hear you die," he whispered with a serious tone.

Abby was scared to death while old Kenneth used his left hand and handcuffed her.

Old Kenneth grabbed Abby by her left arm and walked her away toward Michael's garage.

"You don't have any right coming here and messing with the past. It should be left alone," he said and looked pissed.

"Why wouldn't you want to save Jennifer's life?"

Old Kenneth remained silent while he walked her through the grass over to Michael's garage.

He stopped when he noticed the window was closed.  He walked Abby to the window. He tried to slide it open with his left hand. It would not budge. "Damn it!"

He rushed Abby over to the garage door, and she almost tripped over her own feet.

He tried to open the garage door. It would not open, and he saw that it was also locked. "Damn it! Damn it!"

He rushed Abby to the side where he crawled through the window.

He slammed her back hard up against the wall. 

He peeked in the window while he had his right arm pressed against her chest.  He noticed the bare spot in the middle of the garage. "Where the hell did it go?" he snarled through his teeth.

 He looked pissed then grabbed Abby by her throat. "Where the hell is the time machine?"

She could not stand having his Bulbous red nose close to her face. She glanced away at that ugly sight. "I sent it to the year twenty sixty," she replied in a muffled tone.

Old Kenneth looked furious. "You bitch," he said then slapped Abby hard across her face causing her to drop to her knees.

Back in Jennifer' house, it was quiet while Maris, Elaine, Linda, Diane, and Gail went through Jennifer's 45 records for the next song.

Jennifer entered the kitchen. "Abby? Where did you go?" she called out while she looked at the room.

She saw the broken wine bottle and puddle of red wine on the floor. 

She spotted the sliding glass door was still opened. She had a bad feeling in her gut.

"Girls! Abby's in trouble!" Jennifer called out.

Maris, Gail, Diane, Linda, and Elaine ran into the kitchen. 

They saw the broken wine bottle and puddle of wine on the floor.

Jennifer rushed to the sliding glass door with her friends right behind her.

Back by the side of Michel's garage, old Kenneth had Abby back on her feet with her back pressed up against the garage wall.

 Old Kenneth had a horny smirk while he looked down at Abby. "I thought you were sexy the day I saw you at Michael's viewing," he said then forced a kiss on her lips.

Abby tried to squirm away from his lips, but then old Kenneth pressed his silencer into her belly. She stopped and reluctantly accepted his kiss.

Old Kenneth placed his pistol back in his back pants pocket. He ran his right hand down to Abby's crotch and started groping her.

"Stop!" Abby mumbled behind his forced kiss.

Then out of nowhere, Jennifer body slammed into the side of old Kenneth. They both tumbled to the grass. Old Kenneth's pistol fell out of his back pocket during the tumble into the grass.

Maris and Gail brought Abby to her feet.

Old Kenneth got on top of Jennifer and grabbed her by her throat. He squeezed, and she gasped for air.  She tried to beat old Kenneth with her fists, and this caused him to squeeze her throat harder.

Linda ran over and gave old Kenneth a good swift kick in his right side. 

He fell off Jennifer in pain and rolled into the grass. He spotted his pistol within reach and grabbed it.

Back in Michael's cabin, Sweet Fire sat on the couch back in her sexy lingerie. She sat with Joe, Mark, and Wendell while they drank beer and chatted.

Michael gathered up empty beer bottles from the floor.

Kenneth sat in his chair. He sipped his beer in deep thought then he suddenly cringed in pain and grabbed his right side. 

Michael notice and got concerned while he started picking up empty beer bottles on the floor. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just a little pain in my side. I'm fine," Kenneth replied, then took another drink of beer.

Michael continued to gather up beer bottles off the floor.

Kenneth sat and stewed

Back at Michael's garage, Jennifer and the girls all huddled by the side of the wall. They looked scared to death while old Kenneth was back on his feet and had his pistol aimed at them. 

"I should kill all of you bitches," old Kenneth snarled at them.

Harry's voice came out of the darkness. 'You do that, and I'll blow your head off!"

Old Kenneth looked and saw Harry inching close to him with a double-barrel shotgun aimed at his head.

"The police are on the way. So it might be best if you drop that pistol," Harry said while he inched his double barrels closer to old Kenneth's head.

A police siren was heard down Dorothy Avenue.

Old Kenneth dropped his pistol to the ground, knowing he did not have a chance. 

Elaine rushed over and kicked the pistol out of reach for old Kenneth.

"Why was this man attacking you?" Jennifer asked.

Abby pondered for a few seconds. "He's that peeping tom. I saw him peeping in the sliding glass door."

Old Kenneth looked pissed. "She's lying. Tell them the truth why you're here?"

All eyes were on Abby. "This man is crazy. He's claiming he came here in a time machine that was in your garage."

Linda, Maris, Elaine, Diane, and Jennifer rushed to the window of the garage. They peeked inside.

"There's no time machine in the garage. He must be crazy," Jennifer said while she looked back at old Kenneth. "Why do you look familiar?"

Old Kenneth remained tight-lipped while he looked down at the ground.

Two police officers ran through the yard and headed to the garage.

Harry dropped his shotgun the second he spotted the officers figuring old Kenneth would not run anywhere.

Martha curiously peeked through the curtains of Michael's bedroom window.

Old Kenneth knew the routine and placed his hands behind his head.

One of the officers immediately handcuffed old Kenneth's hands behind his back.

The other officer started taking statements from the girls.

 A little while later, Jennifer, Abby, and the other girls watched from her front yard while the two police officers placed old Kenneth in the back of the police car.

"You're right Jennifer. That old man does look familiar. And it's a creepy type of feeling," Maris said.

Gail, Elaine, Linda, and Diane all nodded in agreement.

"This past week has been really weird," Jennifer said.

Abby remained quiet while they watched the police car drive away.

"Should you call Michael?" Abby asked.

"I can't. His cabin doesn't have a phone. But don't worry. That creep will be in jail, so I'm safe. Plus I'm still a little drunk from that wine to drive over to the cabin."

Jennifer walked back to the house. The girls followed behind her.