Killed Once, Lived Twice by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 25


Twenty minutes had passed, and Jennifer’s party died.

Maris, Gail, Linda, Diane, and Elaine were at the front door with Jennifer and Abby.

“Thank you all for a wonderful party. And I’m sorry it ended with creep,” Jennifer said.

“That’s okay, it made it a little interesting,” Elaine said.

“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to kick a creepy pervert,” Linda added with a playful kick in the air.

Maris, Gail, Diane, and Elaine all chuckled.

“We'll see you tomorrow at your wedding,” Gail replied.

Maris, Diane, Linda, and Elaine all nodded in agreement.

Jennifer gave Maris, Gail, Linda, Diane, and Elaine, each a hug and kiss on their cheeks.

“And it's nice meeting you Abby,” said Elaine.

“I hope we see more of you,” added Gail.

Diane, Linda, and Maris nodded in agreement.

The girls each gave Abby a little hug.

Jennifer opened the front doors, and the girls left the living room.

“I’ll go get you a pillow and some blankets for the couch. I don’t have an extra bed at the moment,” Jennifer said while she closed the door.

“The couch is fine,” Abby replied.

“Do you have any pajamas?”

“I left them over at Michaels.”

“I’ll bring you a pair of mine,” Jennifer said.

“Thanks,” Abby said while she sat on the couch and watched Jennifer walk out of the living room and down the hallway.

A few minutes later and Jennifer had the couch made up into a bed for Abby.

Abby got dressed in a pair of Jennifer’s pajamas.

Back in her bedroom, Jennifer was a little warm, so she cracked opened her window about six inches. The cool night breeze feels good once it started flowing into the room.

Jennifer got out of her clothes and wore the cream and brown lace nylon Peignoir lingerie. She felt a little sexy while she thought about losing her virginity tomorrow night.

Back at Michael’s cabin, his party started to whine down also. 

Michael and Kenneth stood by the opened front door.

Joe, Mark, Jack, and Wendell all surrounded Sweet Fire.

“Thanks for taking her home guys,” Michael said.

“Home? I'm hoping we can have another party later on at my place,” Jack said with a horny smile.

Sweet Fire gave the guys a sexy smile. “That'll cost each one of you extra moola,” she said while the thought of extra cash sounded great.

“No problem,” Joe said while he smacked Sweet Fire on her butt.

Jack, Mark, and Wendell all nodded in agreement and looked extremely horny.

Joe, Mark, Jack, and Wendell left the cabin with Sweet Fire.

Michael closed the door then yawned. “I'm heading off to bed. Are you sure you want the couch?” he told Kenneth.

“Sure. The couch is fine,” Kenneth replied, then gave a fake yawn.

“Okay, buddy. I'll see you in the morning. I'll bring you down some blankets and a pillow.”

Kenneth patted Michael on his shoulder while he walked away then headed off to the stairs.

Kenneth walked over and sat down on the couch. Jennifer’s earlier comment about his pot marks was still eating away at him.

Hours had passed, and it was in the wee hours of Saturday morning.

Jennifer was sound asleep in her bed.

In the living room, Abby lay on the couch under a blanket with a pillow. She stared at the ceiling in deep thought. “What am I looking for? Why does she need to go to Michael’s cabin in the morning?” she said then yawned. Her eyes widened with a little concern. She got off the couch.

She walked over to the front door and locked it, making her feel safer.

She rushed through the living room and into the kitchen and headed to the sliding glass door. She locked it.

She yawned while she headed out of the kitchen and back into the living room.

Back in Michael’s cabin, he was sound asleep in his bed. 

Downstairs in the living area, Kenneth lay on top of the blanket on the couch wearing his pants and shirt. 

He stared at the ceiling sipping on whiskey from his Jack Daniels bottle. It was half-emptied.

Kenneth sat up on the couch in his pants, shirt, and black socks. He listened to the quiet of the cabin. 

He shoved his feet into his shoes.

He grabbed his Jack Daniels bottle and stood up.

He gingerly walked to the front door.

He quietly opened the door then stepped outside to the front porch

Once Kenneth walked off the front porch of the cabin, he rushed over to his Bel-Air parked next to Michael's Bel-Air with his Jack Daniels bottle in hand.

He got inside his car and started it up.

He backed up his car without turning on his headlights.

He drove his car away down the dirt driveway.

Kenneth turned his car left onto Amster Road and raced east.

A little while later, it was dark and quiet on the wooden bridge that went over that skinny part of the Brandywine Lake.

Kenneth’s Bel-Air headlights were visible heading to the bridge.

He saw the “Slow Down” sign when he got closer to the bridge.

Kenneth raced his car eighty miles per hour over the bridge.

The wooden bridge and the wooden guardrails shook a little from Kenneth’s excessive speed.

Kenneth was in deep thought while he continued to race his car eighty miles per hour down Amster Road.

Back at Jennifer’s house, she and Abby were sound asleep.

Back at Michael’s cabin, he was sound asleep.

A little while later, Kenneth parked his Bel-Air four houses down from Jennifer's. 

He turned off his car then took a large drink of whiskey. He placed the cap back on the bottle and shoved it under his car seat. 

While his hand was under the seat, he removed a black ski mask. 

He slipped the ski mask over his head.

Kenneth got out of his car and headed toward Jennifer's house.

Kenneth snuck in the darkness to the rear of Jennifer’s house. 

He walked to the sliding glass door and tried to open it. It was locked. “Damn it,” he quietly said. He peeked in the sliding glass door and saw it was dark and quiet inside her house.

He looked around and then spotted Jennifer’s bedroom window that was still cracked opened. He smiled at that sight of opportunity.

Inside her bedroom, Jennifer was sound asleep on her side with her back to the window. She did not hear her bedroom window that slowly slid upward.

It was fully opened, and Kenneth carefully crawled through the opening.

He stood by the window and stared at Jennifer while she slept in bed.

He gingerly walked to Jennifer's bed.

He stood by her bed and stared down at her. 

He reached in his pants pocket and removed his pistol. He placed it on the end of her bed. 

He removed his shoes and left his black socks on his feet. 

He pulled down his pants and stepped out of them. 

He lowered his boxers and stepped out of them. 

Kenneth carefully lowered the sheets down Jennifer's body.

He stared at Jennifer in her sexy cream and brown lace nylon Peignoir lingerie. “So I'm not good enough for you?” He reached down and started to slowly lower her panties.

She stirred in bed and rolled over onto her back. 

He paused, afraid she would wake up. But it as safe, as she was still sound asleep. 

He carefully lowered her panties down below her pubic hairs. He stared at them for a few seconds. 

He carefully pulled her panties down to her feet. He carefully pulled them off and dropped them on the floor.

Jennifer's eyes suddenly opened and she saw a half-naked man in a black ski mask standing by her bed towering over her. She was speechless with fear.

Kenneth grabbed his pistol and brought it to his lips. “Shhhh,” he said.

Jennifer's eyes welled up, and she shook her head to let him know that she did not want this to happen.

Kenneth nodded that it was going to happen then he climbed on top of her.

She tried to squirm out from under his body.

Kenneth took his pistol and pressed it into her right temple.

Tears ran down her cheeks.

Kenneth forced her legs open with his other hand.

“Please no,” Jennifer pleaded in quiet cry.

Kenneth kissed her lips to indicate it would.

Jennifer quietly cried when the tip of Kenneth's dick started poking at her crotch.

She started to squirm under his body.

Over in the Barbourville police department, Old Kenneth lay on a mattress on a metal bed in a jail cell. He was asleep on his back and humped the air with a smile.

Back in Jennifer’s house, Kenneth was not having success entering Jennifer’s pussy because she frantically squirmed under his body.  

In the living room, Abby was asleep on her back on the couch. She tossed and turned while she cried in her sleep with her legs open. 

Abby's eyes opened in a panic. She frantically started moving an invisible person off her body.

It dawned on her what was happening, and she jumped out of bed.

She ran out of the living room and ran down the hallway.

She ran to Jennifer’s closed bedroom door.

She opened the door just in time to see Kenneth arch his back. He had an orgasm on the inside of Jennifer’s left thigh. 

Abby stood in the doorway in shock.

He was out of breath, and his body relaxed. He lowered his pistol from Jennifer’s temple.

Jennifer got pissed. “Bastard!” She cried out then grabbed the top of Kenneth's ski mask and yanked hard. It slipped it off his bed.

Kenneth jumped up to his knees in shock. He lost his grip on his pistol, and it dropped to the floor.

Jennifer's eyes widen in shock when she saw his face. “Kenneth!”

Kenneth jumped off the bed.

“How could you rape me?” she cried out.

Abby remained in shock while she stood by the bedroom doorway.

Kenneth did not notice Abby.

“What do you expect? I heard you telling the girls that you could never date me. Never. And you said that my acne scars made your skin crawl,” he yelled down at her.

Jennifer's eyes widened in shock when it dawned on her what he meant. “You spied on my party?” You're a creep!”

“I've loved you since I was a teenager. But no, you had to have Michael.”

“I'm going to tell Michael,” Jennifer said while she got out of her bed.

“Oh, no! Michael must never find out.”

“Oh, he's going to find out.”

Kenneth rushed over and smacked Jennifer hard across her face.

She flew back and landed on the bed.

Kenneth looked for his gun. 

It was on the floor near his feet.

He bent down and grabbed his pistol the same time Jennifer grabbed her bedside table lamp.

She yanked hard on the lamp. Sparks shot out of the wall outlet.

Kenneth stood up with his pistol aimed at Jennifer.

“He'll never find out because you won't be alive to tell him.”

“You're going to kill me? Are that much of a coward?” Jennifer said and suddenly was not afraid of him.

“Of course. After all, we have a peeping tom out there to blame,” Kenneth said with a smirk.

Abby's eyes lit up with an idea. “You can't blame that peeping tom. An old man was arrested earlier outside Michael's garage for being the peeping tom.”

Kenneth took his eyes off Jennifer and back at Abby in the doorway.


“The peeping tom was arrested hours ago by the police,” Abby said and looked serious.

“Bullshit,” Kenneth said then turned around to look at Jennifer.

Before he knew what happened, Jennifer whacked him hard across his forehead with the wooden base of her lamp.

Kenneth fell to the floor with a bleeding cut across the middle of his forehead out cold.

Jennifer bolted to the door still wearing her cream and brown lace nylon Peignoir lingerie.

She grabbed her car keys and glasses off her dresser.

Jennifer put on her glasses while she and Abby ran down the hallway.

Jennifer and Abby ran through the living room and headed to the front door.

Jennifer tried to open it. It was locked, and she smacked into it. “Who locked it?”

“I did.”

Jennifer unlocked the door, and they ran outside.

Back in the Barbourville police department, Old Kenneth was on the floor of his jail cell. A bloody red line formed on his forehead while he was passed out.

Back in Jennifer’s bedroom, Kenneth lay on the floor still out cold.

He stirred a little then his eyes opened. He sat up and was a bit dazed and confused while he looked around the room. 

He remembered what had happened, and he was furious.