Norfolk Noir by B.S. Tivadar - HTML preview

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It had been a bitch of a Monday; hot and sticky. Flint had had enough. The lights had failed on the Great Cambridge Road just before the rush hour. She had directed the traffic for over two hours. It had been unremittingly hot stood in the middle of the road.

She thought long and hard whilst taking a shower. Since being busted to the beat and uniform she had made a number of changes in her life. First of all she had left her husband. Secondly, she had decided that she wanted to do something other than directing traffic and general dogsbody duties. 'Traffic' was not the most riveting of assignments and together with the other things it certainly did not provide her with job satisfaction.

Crime and women's studies work appealed to her. As a result she had enrolled on a distance learning course and was already working through it in her spare time. She was most interested in date rape drugs and their increasing use. She hoped it would allow her to transfer to a police unit that specialised in crimes against women. It was Blunt who had persuaded her that she needed to broaden her horizons and to aim for promotion. Not that being busted back to the bet could be regarded as a promotion after being a detective. After being heavily involved with one of the biggest scandals in recent years resulting in many high profile prosecutions she felt bitter about her current situation.

Bacon and Skinner had made sure that she had been skewered for insubordination. They couldn't get Blunt so they had got her instead: knowing that it would affect the former. Trouble is that she didn't even know whether Blunt had any idea of what they had done to her. That bastard Moyles had done nothing to help her. But then that was to be expected. Bacon and Skinner were his boys and she was the price for their loyalty. Thankfully the transfer to uniform had taken her out of the firing line of that randy little shit Skinner?

She was surprised when her phone rang and even more surprised that Blunt was on the other end of the line.

'Debbie, it is John Blunt. How are you?'

She felt a slight frisson of sexual tension and embarrassment, 'Shit' she cursed 'I thought I'd got over this'.

'I'm fine' came the guarded response 'how are you? There's been all sorts of rumours going around about you, nervous breakdown, left the force, left the country. Which is true?'

' I am fine now and I did have a breakdown after internal affairs and the security services had finished with me! I am living in Stalham in Norfolk. I start a new assignment tomorrow setting up a new unit. Do you fancy coming to Norfolk if I can swing it?'

'What do you mean Sir?' from a confused Flint

' What is all this sir business. It was always John'

'Ok John. I put myself out for you in more ways than one. What did I get for it? Sweet fuck all. Where were you when I was getting beat up by Bacon and Skinner?'

'I could not do anything at the time Debbie. We had upset a lot of powerful people...'

'No John you upset a lot of powerful people' she interrupted. Blunt thought she had changed. She seemed to have a harder edge tinged with bitterness.

'Not me! And anyway it's a long way from home and the kids. All my family are here. I don't know anyone up there in bloody Norfolk. Those that I did meet on the Aktion case were not exactly friendly'.

Blunt refused to get dragged into the blame game argument.

'Debbie I doubt that you enjoy what you are doing right now. It is probably not made any better by that shit of a husband of yours'

Flint stiffened. Blunt was not someone that got personal

.I have never said anything before but you really ought to leave that shit you are married to. If I can swing it Norfolk would be a fresh start for you'

'What are you saying? And before you say anything I kicked him out several months ago '

' Well done. You should have done it ages ago' she had certainly got harder. The thought pleased him. It would make her a much better asset 'It is purely work. I feel bad about not being able to protect you and this is a way of making up for it. I doubt whether you like what you are doing right now. No doubt Skinner if he comes across will rub your nose in it or try to take advantage' he continued

'I don't know. You're not the easiest to work for'

'That will not change'

'Another reason that I cannot join you is that I am doing a course on Women's Studies.'

'That is even better. My new unit would help you with your studies. You can switch to distance learning!'

'I don't know. I don't think that I can work for you again'

'Think about it. I am making no promises but I will ring you again tomorrow'