Norfolk Noir by B.S. Tivadar - HTML preview

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Strumpshaw welcomed Blunt into his office with a smile and a firm hand shake. He told him how he was looking forward to them working together to make the new unit a success. When they moved onto dealing with a number of specifics an edge crept into the meeting. Neither of them really knew what each other expected of the unit or the other.

'Sir, I have produced a report here that outlines what I would like the unit to achieve, in terms of objectives for the first six months, twelve and eighteen months. I have put down how we are going to achieve those objectives and the resources that we will need. I have even put down Key Performance Indicators for the unit and the individual roles within the unit'

'Christ' thought Blunt as he was running through this 'I am beginning to sound like that idiot Tickbox Bacon'

'I would like to start recruiting for the team straightaway. I would like to advertise internally, as per Human Resources protocol (which Blunt actually thought was a load of administrative claptrap but he did not know where Strumpshaw stood on all that rubbish. Besides Blunt had decided that given the recent past and his hopes for this assignment it would be best to be diplomatic and play the game: initially anyway). In case there is no-one here then we could advertise nationally'

'All good thoughts John but let me stop you there' interjected the Chief Constable 'I have got you the nucleus of a team'


'I have got you the nucleus of a team. Your number two is one Ahmed Saeed from the Met. I had no choice but to take him. His name was put forward by a prominent Asian politician, Rafique Khan ....'

'That prick' Blunt blurted out taking the Chief Constable aback.

'John I would never have put you down as a racist' Strumpshaw responded.

'I am not but I have no time for him'

'Khan is a rising star and has just been appointed to the special security committee. He does a lot of good work in promoting harmonious race relations and encouraging Islamic moderation. Goddamit the Chief Rabbi has showered him with fulsome praise on more than one occasion. Anyway, Moyles also threw his weight behind Saeed....' Blunt's body language was betraying his feelings 'John I have fought hard for this experiment to be under my command. To get it I have had to make concessions. I wanted you to lead it despite opposition from every quarter. When you had your breakdown I was being pressured to dump you. I didn't! Now whether you or I like it we have to make concessions. Alright?'

'Ok it is just a disappointment'

'I understand. Now where was I....yes...Moyles threw his weight behind Saeed because he felt that the unit should be seen to have cultural diversity. The other member of your team is Steve Cushion...'

'What' Blunt exploded 'Are you trying to get rid of him from your normal payroll. Is there any point me staying here?'

'John do you want to give your many naysayers that satisfaction? If you do go. If you don't then let me explain why you have got Cushion, despite having issues with him on the Aktion case'

Blunt remained seated

'Have you forgotten that Cushion knows more about people trafficking in this force than anyone else. Have you forgotten how useful he was to you before?' Strumpshaw sighed before continuing 'Therefore, his knowledge will be invaluable to you now. Another plus is that he is a computer nerd. I have got Saeed's and Cushion's HR files here. I want you to read them before you talk to them individually.' He paused, ' You may find that you are just as popular with them as they are with you.'

'Sir, you stated that you and the powers that be want a degree of cultural diversity, yes?

'Ye.....s' said a cautious Chief Constable

'Well, most of the people trafficked are women therefore should we not have a woman member on the team? I would say that we could bring criticism onto ourselves if we are an all-male unit'

'We have not got the budget for another person'

'Maybe not, but I am sure that you can sell it on the grounds of cultural diversity. Again we will not have to waste time advertising because I have someone in mind that can fill the role perfectly. She is also doing a course on Women's Studies which means that she is even more suited'

'I take it that you mean that woman that worked with you who was disciplined, what was her name, Stone or something?

'Flint. And you know as well as I do that the whole disciplinary thing was really a way of getting at me. Can I at least ask her if she is interested?

'Ok. Let me know what she says' Strumpshaw responded with a resigned air.

'Sir, please may I be brutally honest'

The other nodded his assent

'Have you thought that one or other of us, or both of us, are being set up for a fall? The failure of this unit would finish me . It would also severely curtail your career. Perhaps Moyles or someone else sees you as a threat.' Opined Blunt

'I think you are being a tad alarmist. It is an experimental unit. It starts small and as you prove yourselves it will grow organically. I have been assured when that happens more resources in money and manpower will be made available'.

'With all due respect sir that does not mollify me. You have me as damaged goods to lead the unit. Then let me guess Saeed did not volunteer but was volunteered.' he stared at the chief Constable who stared back but did not contradict his subordinate.

'That leads me to ask why? Cushion is not the brightest bunny in the burrow. It would make sense that you see this as an opportunity to get rid of him as I have already said'

'No he isn't but as I have said he's the most knowledgeable on trafficking plus he's a grafter. With respect to Saeed why not read his file and then make a decision.'

Blunt reluctantly accepted. Strumpshaw could see that his junior remained unconvinced. He wondered how he would take the next topic of discussion.

They then moved on to discuss where the unit would be sited: A new unit on the Business Park near the City Hall. Location ideal because of the easy access to A11, A47 and all other major roads leading to all parts of the county. Computers, software and an internet connection would be set up. There would also be a special link to Headquarters.

'So we will not be in headquarters. We are going to be hidden away. How convenient! If we fail or if we become an embarrassment we can easily be swept under the carpet. I am underwhelmed with the confidence that is being shown in the unit.' Blunt couldn't hold back on the sarcasm.

Strumpshaw refused to respond but moved onto current concerns.

'You may have seen on the news the item on the female corpse washed up on Winterton Beach?'

He waited for the other's nod before continuing 'Well semen was found in nearly every orifice of her body. I felt that it could very well be a case for your unit. So I sent Saeed and Cushion off to the mortuary and let them start on the preliminaries of the case. It could be of course that it has nothing to do with trafficking. In which case you will hand it back to the appropriate team'.

'You may be aware that we also featured her cleaned up portrait in all the local media...'

Blunt nodded and Strumpshaw continued

'...well we have had a fair response. So I put a young female graduate on sifting the information. She has done a good job and Saeed and Cushion have followed up what they thought looked like a promising line of enquiry. I am sure that they will fill you in on the details when you talk with them'

'Let us hope so' responded Blunt.

'Here are Cushion's and Saeed's files and also the reports on the floater. Until your offices are ready in a couple of days you will be using Cushion's office and my meeting room next door. I will try not to interfere but you can get me at any time. We both have a lot riding on this John'

Strumpshaw hesitated for a moment and then continued.

'Oh John, we have not mentioned the new unit in any of the press releases and don't intend doing so'

The other gave him a withering look 'Why am I not surprised sir!

'John, I think that you are a little paranoid. You are looking for issues where none exist' Strumpshaw came back calmly and continued, ' as I have already said if it is not a trafficking issue it will be handed over to the appropriate department. What is the point of letting the people we are after know that a special team has been set up. That could only make them a little more vigilant and careful when it comes to covering their tracks. Wouldn't you agree?' he looked at Blunt for confirmation.

The other nodded, albeit reluctantly. Strumpshaw, on his part, had to admit that some issues had been raised that gave him cause for concern. Policing at his level was all about politics, politics and yet more politics. Promotion did not just concern doing a good job. It concerned letting others know that you had done a good job BUT in such a way that it detracted from what your competitors may have done or be doing! So, was someone setting up Blunt or him to fail?