Norfolk Noir by B.S. Tivadar - HTML preview

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Saied and Cushion returned to the nick foul of temper and empty of hand.

The questioning of the girls at the house had been a fruitless and costly exercise: the cost involved the employment of two interpreters from the UEA.

Four of the girls stated that they were with Morski and Pidrik for the whole of the crucial Friday evening and Saturday morning timeframe. Ok, they couldn't have been at two separate houses simultaneously. BUT all the other girls stated that they had seen the two of them in the hours concerned.

Breaking the girls down would be well-nigh impossible. They had more fear of their employer(s) than of the British police. No doubt they would all soon melt away into the murky grey underworld of society's underbelly only to resurface at some other brothel in another town. Blunt, after his, tirade on expenses and budgets would certainly not countenance holding them all in custody.

Saied's mood further darkened when he bumped into Flint who stated that she had received some interesting news that could possibly take the case forward. He had not taken kindly to her amusement at his discomfort in the meeting with Blunt.

Given that he was supposed to be 2ic to Blunt he felt that she should show him more respect. He determined to have it out with her.

'Debbie, can I have a word with you'

'Not a problem, but we need to move on interviewing our two bunnies'

He bridled at her attempt to try and take control.

Once settled into Cushion's tiny office he did not bother with any niceties but launched straight into his criticism.

'I was really pissed off when you seemed to revel in my cock-up over the reg numbers. And now you seem delighted that you have got something to take into the meeting and I haven't. Shouldn't you be telling me what you've got. After all I am 2ic to Blunt'

'God' she started to think, 'another one out of the same box as tickbox Bacon. He expects respect because of his rank'.

'I know that I have to earn the respect of the team, including Blunt. However, we might start to really get somewhere if we acted as a team and not as people vying for Blunt's approval. He should've told me about you coming and that as 2ic you reported to me. I know that we've kinda got off on the wrong foot but for the sake of ourselves and the team can we try and get on and can you accept that I am the senior?'

He spoke slowly and she could tell that it was taking a great deal of effort on his part.

'Maybe I got him wrong' she thought before responding. 'Look I'm sorry. I don't know what made me buy into the boy games.' She shook her head, 'Shit I do. Look I've always been used to reporting to Blunt direct. He brought me here without my say so. Doesn't tell me that you are 2ic. The girl Leibnitz is the one that told me. So yeah I' m pretty pissed off. I was sort of trying to show that I am better than you. I'm sorry ' she smiled awkwardly.

Ahmed put his hand out towards Flint. She accepted the gesture and they shook hands.

'What about if we push for us to carry out the interviews together' he suggested

She filled him in on Beaumont's information and said how she had got to know him. Ahmed said that he also had a kind of contact in security. She seemed impressed when he informed her that it was Rafique Khan, the well-known MP.

A knock on the door brought their chat to a close. It was Cushion. Forensics had found hairs of the floater at Pitt Street and in Morski and Pidrik's car.

Ahmed and Flint glanced at one another and smiled. Cushion noticed it and felt like the proverbial gooseberry.

'It's alright, Steve. Your news together with what Debbie has told me means that we have got something to take to Blunt and more importantly something that we can have ago at those two toe rags with. Let's see what that bastard Hewitt has to say about this!' a broad smile spread across Ahmed's face. He couldn't be sure but had Flint winked at him.

A few moments later Leibnitz appeared at the doorway.

'Sergeant Saeed uniform have just let me know about the girl that you brought in from King Street. She's called Carly Jones and she is underage. Three months off fifteen left home about nine months ago. Comes from Ipswich. Her parents said that she had taken off after her Asian boyfriend who they believed lived in Norwich. She's been passed over to Social Services'

'Probably couldn't find the boyfriend. Didn't want to go home and so hit the streets. Anyway let's hope that Social services can straighten her out. Ok let's go and see Blunt and then get at those bastards.' came Ahmed's response.