Norfolk Noir by B.S. Tivadar - HTML preview

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Saeed and Flint strode into Blunt's room followed by Leibnitz and Cushion and settled into their, now customary, chairs in front of his desk. He noted that the initial coolness between the first mentioned appeared to have substantially dissipated.

He took quiet satisfaction from the fact that Saeed introduced the presentation of their findings. He listened patiently whilst each team member launched into their findings. It impressed him that Cushion and Leibnitz participated fully in presenting information about the hair samples and the solicitor

'Damn it' he thought, 'each time she flicked her hair back with her right hand it reminded him of Anjii and brought back the memories'. Memories that were infused with happiness, sadness, anger, confusion and the will for revenge.

He complimented Flint on the information provided by Beaumont. He commiserated with Saied and Cushion regarding their frustrating time spent with the women at the 'educational' establishments managed by Pidrik, Morski and Medvedskaya.

'We have certainly moved on. It is obvious that Banderovski appears to be wanting to, and is in the process of, taking over from where Aktion left off. I am sure that they wish to build a substantial people trafficking network and perhaps a lot more besides. Perhaps one of the most interesting things is how they are looking to spread the risk. They are utilising native solicitors and accountants to purchase properties and businesses. Classic ways of laundering money. As always we are behind the curve. There is legislation currently being drafted that will allow us freer rein to investigate such movements. Unfortunately it is at least two years off becoming law. We have to operate with the law as it stands, imperfect though it may be.

However, I digress. Our problem is that we cannot use any of Beaumont's information in court....'

'But surely we can hit them with some of it when interviewing !' Flint interrupted

'I don't know Debbie. You have got Hewett in there with them. He's bound to scream foul play. At the moment he has plenty to beat us over the head with ' he sat back and waited whilst his words hung in the air.

'Fair enough but we can use it to shake em up. What've we got to lose?' Ahmed backed up Flint, 'We've also got the fact that she lived at Pitt Street. We have the evidence from Patel, her hairs found on the premises and Jane Sharpe's statement. Her hairs in Morski and Pidrik's car. The photographs of Morski slapping her outside the Pitt Street house. The GHB found in her hair and in Morski's room.'

'And from a defence point of view?' enquired Blunt

'The fact that Morski had it in his room is purely circumstantial' Flint drily commented, 'and none of the rest proves that they murdered the girl.'

'Yeah, but surely it is part of the case we are building up against these towrags' Saeed came to Flint's defence.

A wry smile crossed Blunt's face.

'All good stuff Saeed but let us consider what we do not have.' He paused, for effect before continuing

'We do not even know who the girl is yet! Her clothes have not been discovered. All the Russian's properties have been searched. Nothing has been found. What evidence do we have that places Morski and Pidrik where the body went into the water. Yes we have her hairs in the car and in Pitt Street. However, I will wager that you will find hairs of nearly all the girls in the car.

What about motive? Why should they kill an asset? We can speculate but that is all....'

'Beaumont said that a common KGB tactic involved killing as a lesson to others, to bring them into line' Flint interjected

'Yes I agree. It is a common tactic with all those who trade in violence. However, it is just as easy to make the opposite point. Why kill an asset? It is better if we now concentrate on what we do not know.' Blunt concluded before turning to the younger woman.

'Leibnitz, you are to arrange for the media to ask if anyone had seen Morski and Pidrik's car during the crucial time frame and where. Debbie and Steve you are to interview the three again...'

Flint and Saied fleetingly exchanged glances before the latter interrupted,

'I thought that it would be a good idea if Debbie and I did that together'

'Ordinarily I would agree with you. However, I need you to go with me to the Patels. I think that it would be useful to question more members of the family regarding seeing the girl. Always better to have more than one statement. '

He turned to Flint and Cushion

'We need you to try and wheedle as much as you can out of Morski and Pidrik and do not forget Medvedskaya. At the very least you are to charge each of them with obstructing police enquiries. But also throw in running a brothel, immoral earnings etc. etc. Let them know that we will fight tooth and nail to oppose bail. Ok we all know what to do. Ahmed I will see you down in the foyer in ten minutes. Melanie, can you hang back a moment'

Their chairs screeched on the wooden floor as they all, apart from Leibnitz, got up and left the room.

'Melanie, not only do I want you to get the local media on side regarding the car I also want you to...' Blunt simultaneously reached for a newspaper, The Times, and passed it to the female detective, '...see if you can chase up these two reporters' he pointed to the two names on the by-line for a half page article, 'you can then get onto the Weybridge force and find out what you can'

She took the paper

'How do you find Flint?'

'I like her. You worked closely with her didn't you. Is she going to stay?'

'I do not know. I hope so. Anyway, you are not to say anything about that..' he pointed to the article, '..until I say so'

Meanwhile, Cushion had disappeared to his cubbyhole of an office. Saied and Flint were at the coffee machines commiserating with each other over the vileness of the coffee and the fact that they were not going to carry out the interviews together.