O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Buddy looked up from his comic book to see Ronny standing before him, “Sorry sport, your father hasn’t come in yet.”

“I need to see Chief Miller please,” his voice was heavy and unemotional.

Buddy had never seen him in such disarray before, Ronny always took pride in how he dressed and maintained himself. Buddy rang and spoke with the Chief who told him to send Ronny to his office.

Ronny slowly entered and sat. His head was down as he stared at the floor.

Miller took immediate note of his disposition as he lit up a Camel, “What can I help you with?”

Leveling his eyes as he drew his head up, he leaned back in the chair, tears were gently cascading down his cheeks, “I’m not sorry I shot him. He deserved it for what he done.”

With that admission, Miller now gave his full attention to Ronny, as he put the cigarette out in a green ash tray, “Son, who did you shoot?”

“My father.”

Taken aback, Miller regrouped, “Is he dead?”

“Yes, I put six rounds in him…he’s dead.” There was no emotion or remorse in his voice.

“Where is he right now?”

“Laying on the living room floor.”

“Where is the gun?”

“I let it fall to the floor.”

“Why kill your father?”

“Because he found out I’m a queer, as he calls them, and that I was secretly meeting Alan Wallace; we were lovers you see. So he killed Alan, and made it look like suicide. That’s why I killed the bastard who murdered my one true love.”

As he tried to process what Ronny had just said, he picked up his black desk phone and as Buddy answered, he informed him of Dick’s demise. His instructions were to send some black-and-whites to the Fairchild residence immediately. Then he told him to notify Doc and Troy to meet him there.

“Ronny, I’m sorry, but you’ll have to come with me now,” Miller stood and walked over to Ronny who was now getting up. Miller took him by his right arm and unhurriedly led him down the hallway to the jail section. Placing Ronny in a holding cell until he could sort things out.

Thomas just couldn’t comprehend how a son could take the life of his own father, no matter the cause or reason behind it, yet he could identify with a father killing the man who molested his son.




Ronald (Ronny) Fairchild killed his father, Detective Dick Fairchild late last night. Authorities reported he confronted and shot his father six times with his own revolver; over the death of his secret lover, Alan Wallace. Ronald stated that his father admitted murdering Wallace because he was a homosexual, and knew he had sodomized his only son. Ronald is in police custody and is facing the death penalty per Mayor Carver.

Beatrice Reid said it was a bold faced lie, and that Alan Wallace was not a homosexual, and was not having sexual relations with Ronny Fairchild.

Story by: Jonah McGregor Death toll now stands at 12.
