O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Thomas greeted the younger man with a strong and steady handshake, which Dexter was not accustomed to, “I just want to say how sorry I am for your loss. Miss Stella was truly unique…not that I ever went to her for a reading mind you, but she did give hope and guidance to many folks, or so I heard.” He wasn’t very good with the small talk, he just wanted to see if he could get some information and then head back to Saint Cloud.

Dexter was rubbing his hand, trying to get the blood circulating again after the powerful handshake Thomas had delivered, “Thank you, yes, she will be missed by many I’m afraid. Please, come in,” he said motioning for the Chief to sit, “would you like some tea?”

“No thank you, ah, would you have any coffee?”

“Sorry, only herb tea.”

“That’s alright, I’m good.” Thomas never saw the reason behind weak, watery tea. Coffee was a man’s drink he felt, it gave you strength and energy, as he saw it.

“Well, if you’re ready sir, we can go in and get started.”

Miller rose and followed him into his meditation room. Making himself as comfortable as one could, on a straight backed wooden chair, he waited patiently, not sure how to begin.

“My guide will be here soon and she will let you know when to start with your questions.”

“Uh, thank you.” Thomas felt uneasy sitting in the semi-dark with a lamp that only gave off a red glow. Seemed a bit spooky he thought. Not that he was afraid of ghosts, at least not now since Frances showed up and saved his life that is.

“I am Alalya, greetings from the great beyond. Please begin when you are ready to do so.”

Thomas cleared his throat, “I am a police officer and I would like to ask about some murders that have happened recently. Would that be possible?”

“Not all questions can be answered, and yet, you may still ask.”

“Alright, the recent murder of Stella O’Rourke, can anything be told about this murder?”

“The one you speak of is here now, and she wishes for you to know she is well and happy now that she is back in the Unseen World. She says to tell you, even though you may not understand, that her death was something she had planned to experience in that lifetime, long before she was born into it.”

Stella was right, he was not sure of her meaning, “Can she tell me who murdered her?” Miller continued to seek answers to his preconceived questions.

“She is saying it was Dick Fairchild, and he is here with us at this time. She wants you to know that they are good friends in the Unseen World.” Alalya passed on the information Stella put forth.

“Why would Dick murder you?” His confusion was growing.

“She says his earthly reason was to hide the fact that he had murdered another, and made it appear as a non-murder. She says his spiritual reason was due to an agreement between her and him, prior to incarnating into your physical world for the benefit of both beings.”

“Why would you want to experience him killing you in such a hideous manner?” Miller asked.

“She is saying, that they each were in a previous lifetime together, and in that life, she killed him. She was the killer, and he was the victim. In this last life, they reversed rolls. Now she says, for your limited understanding, they have experienced this from both sides of the coin. This has helped both to grow spiritually, she says. She asks that you do not judge her, or Dick for their actions while in the physical form.”

“This makes no sense at all.” Miller says shaking his head.

“This is Alalya, I will give you something to ponder during your remaining days, ‘there is no right, there is no wrong, there are only lessons and experiences for those in the human form.’ Think deeply on this, for it is the key that unlocks the mystery of, ‘who am I, why am I here?’ as so many ask themselves in your created dimension.”

Confused, yes he was, but he still wanted answers, “Can you tell me who killed Martha Camp?” Miller decided to move on to new territory.

“No information can be provided on that individual at this point in time. There are others who are still playing out their programmed destiny, therefore if her killer was revealed, it would stop the other beings from experiencing, what was already approved before their births into this plane of existence.” Alalya explained, even though she knew he didn’t fully comprehend the information she had just delivered to him.

“Alright then, thank you.” Miller knew it would take him some time to sort all this out in his mind, so he figured he’d think on things for a while.

Alalya spoke, “There is another, who is here with us, that asks to communicate with you, if you so allow.”

“Yes, please,” If anyone had something to add, he was all for it, whether he understood it or not, he figured, what could it hurt to listen.

“She says when she was still alive in your world, she was called by the name ‘Ruth Anderson.’ She wants…”

“Wait a minute, Ruth isn’t dead.” Now he was thinking the jig-is-up. This is all a con job, but why? What does this kid Dexter have to gain by it? Millers mind now raced with all sorts of thoughts concerning hoaxes and scams.

Alalya resumed, “She wants to alert you to the fact that she was murdered last night, and that her body has not yet been discovered. You can find her body in her bedroom.”

Miller was now flabbergasted, “Who killed Ruth?”

“The one who terminated Martha Camp’s existence, is the same individual who has ended Ruth’s existence, and he shall not be named at this time. It is now time to close, go in peace.” Alalya said.

“Just one more quick…”

Dexter opened his eyes, “So, did you get…”

Miller stood, “Thanks kid, but I have to get back. Seems there’s a body that needs my attention.” He literally ran to his cruiser; wanting to make sure Ruth Anderson was really dead, and that all of this wasn’t just made up bullshit.