O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Det. Miller daydreamed while Officer Hendrix tried to stay under the speed limit. She braked hard as she parked at the curb in front of Beau Camp's house. Miller popped a Camel in his mouth and lit up. After inhaling deeply, he slowly departed the cruiser and as the smoke blew forth from his nostrils, he pulled his trousers up a notch or so. The wild ride over had worked them down a tad as Sherry’s tire-squealing turns kept him busy trying to keep from sliding all over the front seat.

They stepped onto the front porch of the well maintained home as Sherry knocked several times. Footsteps were heard approaching inside the house; as the door opened reveling Beau, he observed them but didn't speak.

"The Chief wants you to come to the station for further questions," Det. Miller said noticing how Beau had calmed down from his earlier interview.

"I'm having coffee and cookies; will you join me while I get ready?" Beau finally spoke.

"That sounds nice," Officer Hendrix replied as Miller flashed her a surprised look. They both sat on the sofa as Beau vanished into the kitchen. They listened as he seemed to be whispering to someone in the other room, and then suddenly reappeared with a tray.

"Would you like cream or sugar?" he politely asked.

"Black will be fine for me," Det. Miller responded.

"A little cream for me please," Officer Hendrix said with a disarming smile.

"Who were you talking with in the kitchen?" Hendrix asked.

"No one…there's no one here but me," he said handing out their cups of coffee. "Go see for yourself if you don't believe me. Seriously, go look.”

Officer Hendrix quickly moved into the kitchen and examined it closely. Beau was right, she thought, no one was there. Returning, she sat in an oversized chair next to a window as she flashed Miller a look and shrugged her shoulders.

Det. Miller sipped his coffee and noticed a change in Beau's facial expression. Obviously he was upset that Hendrix had walked into his kitchen like she did.

Beau cocked his head to one side as if listening to someone, "That bitch thinks you’re a liar. Did you see her strut in there? Who does she think she is, of all the nerve?" His voice said.

Anger started to overtake him as he sat quietly in his recliner. "These people are evil. Get out of here. Run for your life. Run to the police department for safety." The voice whispered.

Bolting from the recliner, he threw his cup of coffee at Officer Hendrix. The hot liquid splashed on her neck and chest, while the cup smashed against the wall behind her. Crashing through the front screen door, Beau hauled ass up the street.

After a few moments of shear surprise, Sherry leapt to her feet and gave chase. Det. Miller grabbed for the telephone knocking over the end table it was on. Buddy Wilson was alerted that Beau Camp had wigged-out, and was on the run.

After running outside, Miller saw the two about seven blocks down. Revving up the black and white he now joined the chase. His U-turn in the middle of the roadway caused the car to jump the curb and skid into the yard of Mable and Nigel Zeeks. Running over Mable’s prize winning rose bushes, “Son-of-a-bitch!” he cussed out loud because he knew he was gonna hear about it later. Regaining control, he steered back onto the street and floored it. The cruiser roared as loose gravel and dust flew in its wake.

After he was informed by dispatch; Chief Hudson ran down the hallway toward the front doors of the building. Rushing past three startled city workers, he reached for the door handle just as the door flew open, and Beau stormed through it. Crashing into each other which sent them both sprawling across the floor.

The startled city workers deserted the hallway in record time, and disappeared into the men's restroom seeking a safe haven. Beau jumped to his feet and broke into a dead run heading straight for the men's restroom. Officer Hendrix now burst through the door and tripped over Chief Hudson who was trying to stand up, sending them both to the floor.

Beau’s sudden appearance into the men’s washroom sent all three of the city workers scrambling out in fright. They ran smackdab into Officer Hendrix; who was trying to help the Chief to his feet. All then tumbled and fell upon one another; it looked like a segment of the Three Stooges. Getting to their feet, the workers fled the building running across the street.

Det. Miller, who had lost sight of Sherry and Beau a few blocks back, now observed the city workers racing across the street; he slammed on the brakes and slid to a halt. He charged into the building as the Chief and Hendrix were just entering the restroom.

Beau was inside the last stall, and had braced himself up against the flimsy door. Hearing his heavy breathing from their grueling chase; Hendrix pulled her revolver, and aimed it at the stall door. Miller entered and signaled her to holster her weapon and step back. She looked at Chief Hudson, who nodded in approval at Miller’s signal.

"Who's out there?" Beau yelled, "I can hear you, and I know you're there!"

"This is Chief Hudson; I’m with Det. Miller and Officer Hendrix."

After a moment of silence Beau softly said, "Is anyone else out there…any evil spirits?"

"No, come on out. Nothing evil is here," the Chief responded.

He opened the stall door and gradually stepped out; looking in all directions for signs of malicious demons. After satisfying himself no evil lurked about, he turned around and placed his hands behind his back; for he knew what was coming next, or so he thought.

Det. Miller handcuffed Beau, then he and Officer Hendrix escorted him to a holding cell. Sherry now excused herself to go powder-her-nose as it were; she needed to get herself ship-shape once again, since she was sweating profusely and her hair was a disaster she felt. Not to mention the coffee stain on her blouse.

Det. Miller met Chief Hudson in his office a short time later. Glancing out the window, “I’d better move the patrol car before Sherry puts a ticket on it," he said as they both laughed. Once outside, Miller lit up a Camel and noted the time on his pocket watch before going back inside.

Chief Hudson sat at his desk and rubbed his right elbow trying to sooth the pain after being knocked down and trampled. The Chief ran his hand over his head feeling for lumps as Miller entered, "This has to be the craziest thing that ever happened to me while on duty. If one more person had mauled me in the hallway, I'd have pulled my gun and started shooting," he roared with laughter.

"It looks like a size fourteen shoe print on your forehead," Miller said pointing before doubling over with laughter.

"Yes, I remember when that happened. I think it was deliberate. Those city workers could've missed me if they had wanted to. Let's take a break, have some lunch, and then you send someone to pick up Beau from his cell, and we’ll all have a nice little chat.”