O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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As the ‘Monday Night Mystics’ settle in for their weekly séance; all are present except Beau. Miss Stella opens with a prayer of love and healing. The session begins with a fifteen-minute meditation; to attune their vibrations to each other, and to their surroundings in anticipation of those from the Unseen World; who would be communicating with them shortly.

Miss Stella works with her regular guide who goes by the name of Dr. Lyndall Rice; who communicates with her through the abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience. The title of doctor in this case refers to the spirit kind, not the medical kind. As the group finishes their mediation, Miss Stella has already established the connection to her guide.

“Very well then, I know many have questions, so let’s get started. Mary my dear, would you like to start us off with a question?” She asked knowing in advance she would surely have questions concerning her assault by Bobby Taylor last week. She closed her eyes and waited for Mary to begin.

“Yes, I sure would. My question concerns that Taylor boy who pounced on me last week. Was his true motive just to rob me?” Mary inquired as she stared almost unblinkingly at Miss Stella.

“My guide says his intentions went much further than simple robbery.” She conveyed in her soft reassuring voice.

“Oh…so was he going to molest me?”

After a short pause Miss Stella answered, “No, my guide said that was not part of his plan.”

“Was he going to murder me?” Mary asked now holding her hands over her heart.

Miss Stella gave a gentle, yet straightforward response, “Yes, my guide says murder was his ultimate intention, but that it was not his idea to do so.”

“Whose idea was it then?” Mary asked a bit surprised.

“My guide says, for your understanding, there is a ‘dark spirit’ that is using its influence on weak minded individuals in this small community. This dark spirit once walked the earth many centuries past. In that lifetime, it practiced sorcery and black magic. Upon its death, it refused to return to the Unseen World. It now uses these weak minded people to carry out its evil acts of lawlessness.”

“May the Saints preserve us?” Mary crossed herself.

 Miss Stella said in a stronger tone of voice. “Do you have another question Mary or shall I move on to Ellen?”

Mary hurriedly rattled on as if she might lose her chance to ask another question, “Yes, I do have another question, if you don’t mind. I would like to know who that young blond-haired man was who came to my rescue? No one seems to know who he is or where he came from. Nobody remembers seeing him around town before that night, nor has anyone seen him since. I just felt the Christian thing to do is properly thank him for saving me from such a terrible fate.”

Miss Stella took in a deep breath and slowly released it. Her mind was being given a lot of information from her guide concerning the answer she was about to communicate to Mary.

“Let me start by explaining that everyone, each soul, before they are born into this physical world, have what could be called an outline of what should occur during that chosen lifetime. This outline contains experiences and lessons that your soul needs for its personal growth and advancement.”

Mary interjects, “Who decides what lessons I’m to learn here on Earth?”

“You, yourself, plan out what you wish to experience and then go before a small, select assembly of higher beings. They review your requests and advise you on what you are truly capable of handling, as they see it, in that life you have proposed for your spiritual development. So you and your higher spiritual advisors both agree and things are put into motion from there. Okay so far?”

“Ah…yes, please continue,” Mary spoke softly as though she was a child speaking to an adult.

“Very well then, just know that there are souls who come to this plane of existence to experience such things as rape, disease, war, sickness, murder and the like. Things that may be viewed as negative; yet each thing of such a nature can teach unconditional love through many forms and many degrees of awareness. So do not judge others for what may seem like an evil or bad thing they do, or that they have done to them; for it truly may be something they wished to experience. That of being the victim or the attacker. Sometimes souls wish to experience a negative thing from both sides. To be the attacker in one life and to be the victim in the next; like two sides of a coin as SAZARRA spoke of. Only here in the physical world can a soul experience such things as physical, mental and emotional torture or death first hand. Are you with me so far?”

Mary wasn’t completely sure, but didn’t want to seem less informed then the rest of the group, so she modestly said, “Yes, please go on.”

“Alright then, let me now say, each person who is alive on this planet right now has a spirit companion who watches over them and helps them with their chosen lessons. Many people call them by many names; Angel, spirit companion, Archangel, or refer to Jesus or certain Saints or Mother Mary and the like. It doesn’t truly matter what you call them, they will assist you whenever you call. That is their assignment, to help you grow spiritually. So as you go forth in your lifetime, they will guide you towards the lessons you chose to experience. Now, just know, you do have free-will to alter your chosen outline. If you do go off course, your spirit companion will still try to place those lessons you chose, before being born, in your path so to speak. Now, free-will also will allow other souls who are in the human form to stray from their chosen path. This is what happened to you concerning Bobby Taylor last week.”

Mary asks, “How so?”

“My guide says it was not in your programmed outline for you to experience being murdered. It was not a lesson you chose, nor needed to experience; so it was not allowed to take place.” Miss Stella took in a deep breath and slowly expelled it.

“That seems to make some sense, but I still don’t know who that blond-haired man was who saved me?” Mary said a bit tense.

“My guide says the man you saw was what is known as a ‘walk-in’ from the Unseen World.”

“What does that mean, a walk-in?” Mary now has no clue what Miss Stella is talking about, neither did the others present.

“Most of the time, your spirit companion who oversees your life will not interfere in it because you have free-will. Only if it concerns death or certain other events will they intervene, if the event is going to stop you from having the opportunity to learn or experience your lessons. Now if you call out or mentally ask for help, or pray for assistance, then your spirit companion comes forth to assist you with whatever your problem might be. Now then, my guide says the man who came to your rescue was not of this Earth. Once your spirit companion felt the change in your vibration he tuned in, so to speak, to see what was happening with you. Since it was not a chosen lesson for you to experience murder in this lifetime, your companion called upon a higher being to intervene. That higher being then empowered another being to penetrate into this world and stop the attack. Once the attack was halted, the walk-in as they are called simply returned to the Unseen World. That is why he was not known or seen before the event, and why no one could locate him after the event. Do you understand now?”

“Well, yes, but I’m going to think on it some more later, if that’s alright?” Mary whispered.

“Yes dear, that would be fine. Later on if you have more questions just come and we’ll discuss them.” Miss Stella said in her easygoing countenance as she now continued, “Ellen, what question would you like to ask this evening?”

“I would like to know what is the cause of my arthritis and what can I do to remedy it?”

“My guide says this is a simple issue, but that they are all simple though, aren’t they? What he means by that is; there are no complex answers, the difficulty is often finding the motivation or energy to move down the path which we see as inviting. But at the present time you are not interested in changing from your current mindset, or state of being as it were. Therein is the root cause of your arthritis.”

Ellen hesitates for a moment before speaking, “I’m not sure I understand what you just said.”

“My guide says, that the love they have for you, for your world and for all of creation should allow you to see the greater good of this entire place and your impact and purpose you have here. You are always doing great work and the growth you crave is not absent because of some fault in your past, or some impassable hurdle in your present. It is important to relieve yourself from guilt and energy of the past; it was not meant as a punishment, or to be a heavy weight on your mind. If you approach them and carry them negatively, they will impact every fiber of your being.”

The room was silent with only the negligible sounds of breathing from the group coming forth as Ellen spoke, “I’m so sorry Miss Stella, but I really don’t know what all that means.”

“Let me see if my guide can say it in a different way.” There was a short pause and then Miss Stella began, “Your arthritis is currently stemming from self-hatred and your inability to love yourself. Because your Soul is living inside a human form, your self-hatred and feelings of undeserved love are manifesting themselves throughout your body as arthritis. It is important for you to release these feelings. Acknowledge what has or has not happened in your life, but do not see life as positive and negative. As an energy being there is no right, there is no wrong, there is simply lessons and experiences. Attach no positive or negative feelings to those events you, yourself chose. Life is not a punishment; it is about love and developing one’s self to a higher enlightened place then previously. It is important to never give up. What you may not see is the ripples that spread out all around you; the impact in ‘seen’ and ‘unseen’ places that you are having at all times. It is not important to have grand works that impact millions of life forms. You may impact one life; that life may present to you your greatest challenge, but the seed you plant may change several lifetimes of experiences for others in a very dramatic way. Is that much clearer now?”

“Oh yes, now I understand. Thank you.” Ellen felt relief at now knowing she could now forgive herself and release all the regrets, anger and fear she was holding onto from past encounters with her family and so-called friends.

Miss Stella took in another deep breath preparing for the next question. “Now then Alan, what would you like to ask tonight?”