O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Buddy Wilson dialed the Chief’s home number, hoping he wouldn’t answer; but that wasn’t in the cards for the unfortunate dispatcher.

“Hello…who’s there?”

“Sir, its Buddy.”

“Buddy? Buddy who?” The Chief didn’t recall knowing anyone named Buddy; his mind struggled to place the name.

“Buddy Wilson, the dispatcher at the police department sir.” Buddy shook his head in disbelief at the Chiefs senility.

“Oh…yes, yes…Buddy Wilson, the dispatcher. Well my good man, how may I be of service?”

Buddy wasn’t quite sure the Chief still knew who he was, but he relayed the information anyway, “I’m sorry to be the one to break this news to you sir, but the jailer just called and said Bobby Taylor has escaped. They’re not sure how he got out of his cell, but they are investigating it right now. I’ve already sent some black-and-white’s out searching for him. They’re not sure how long he’s been missing, but they’ll let you know as soon as they can figure it out sir.” Sweat was forming on his brow as he waited for the Chiefs wrath to present itself.

“Thank you so much Bobby, please advise detectives Miller and Fairchild that Buddy has escaped…”

“Ah, sir, Bobby Taylor has escaped, I’m…Buddy Wilson…the dispatcher,” he explained in a slow voice.

“Why, yes indeed, so you are, and what a fine job you’re doing. You know, when I was just a young lad, my mother told me once, ‘Women wear underwear to keep things up, and men wear underwear to keep things down.’ Well, keep up the good work, my dear fellow.” Chief Hudson hung up the telephone.

Buddy wiped his brow with a napkin as he too hung up. Poor man, he’s going to end up in the loony bin, he thought; yet, he called the detectives as ordered. Buddy took it upon himself to call Mayor Carver and make him aware of the latest event; just in case Jonah got wind of it, he didn’t want the Mayor getting blindsided by the skinny little reporter before he had a chance to prepare himself.

Word was already spreading fast, as calls started pouring into the station about Taylor being seen all over the countryside. Folks were petrified; well, some were. To tell the truth, most didn’t really care one way or the other.




The escape of Bobby Taylor has the local citizenry locking their doors at night. The Police Department has fumbled the ball once again, as this reporter sees it. Mayor Carver and Chief Hudson are trying to reassure the public that Taylor will soon be behind bars once again; but can the public put their trust in the same department that allowed Taylor to escape in the first place? Only time will tell.

Mayor Carver has also announced a reward of $300 dollars for any information leading to the capture and arrest of Martha Camp’s killer. No reward is offered at this time for the killer of Terri Helms.

Story by: Jonah McGregor


Dick Fairchild walked casually into the Chief’s office carrying a copy of the gazette, and sat down across from him with an immense smirk on his taut face, “So boss, you think I’d get the ‘chair’ if I beat that skinny, dimwitted McGregor kid to death with my bare fists?”

“All I can say Dick, is get in line. If they found Jonah dead tomorrow, half the police force and even the Mayor, I dare say, would be suspects, to be sure.” Both men fell into thunderous laughter at the sublime thought of Jonah McGregor’s demise.