O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Nancy met her husband at the door with cullers in her freshly washed hair. She had her lime-green pajamas on which definitely did not go well with her pink house-slippers; but fashion was not her intent, comfort was. "Are you alone, or is your shadow waiting in the car? Let me smell your breath," she said trying to lean closer to him.

"I've had a rough day, lay off the third degree and stop picking on Officer Hendrix. She'll soon be on night patrol and working with someone else. That should make you happy."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Nancy smirked as she made a big point of rolling her eyes in mock disbelief.

Tossing his tie on the dresser and removing his shirt he slowly sat and began to unlace his shoes. He stopped and leaned back in his chair, "Something strange happened this afternoon that has me puzzled…"

"Something about the case?" Nancy asked as she poured some jelly-beans out of a glass jar into the palm of her left hand.

"Yes, we had Johnny Hudson in the office for questioning and just as we started to find things out, the Chief stopped the inquiry. It seemed to me he was protecting him. I don't know if it was because they are related or the Chief knows something and is hiding it?"

"My father told me years ago that Hudson bunch was no good. Said they'd steal pennies off a dead man's eyes," she said popping a jelly-bean in her mouth.

"I'm going to shower and hit the sack, goodnight dear," he said leaning forward to place a soft kiss on her forehead, which brought an encouraging smile to her weary face; if only for a few seconds.