O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Wheeling into the parking lot, Beau arrived at the attorney's office. The small waiting room had only one person sitting in it, the office receptionist. She buzzed and was told to send Beau right in.

As Beau opened the door to the main office, attorney E.P. Jacobs motioned for him to come in. Handing the summons over, he waited for the lawyer to speak as he made himself comfortable.

Jacobs read over the document for several minutes, "The court over in Millersburg received the psychiatrists’ recommendation and it says you have what's called delusions of reference; which it says are symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.”

Beau sat and listened. Nervously, he began to crack his knuckles and then run his fingers through his hair, but he didn't speak.

"The psychiatrist recommended that you be committed into a sanitarium for a thirty-day assessment, and the judge has agreed. You are to report there next Monday. Failure to do so will result in arrest, and you’ll be taken by force to the sanitarium." Jacobs paraphrased.

"Okay, so I’ll go, how bad can it be?” Beau shifted in his chair and turned to face the attorney, "Do they have a harbor and a boat dock at the sanitarium?"

"Uh, well…I'm not sure…I've never been there before."

"How will I get my ship in there?! It won't sail on dry land! It has to have a harbor and a lovely port!" Beau shouted.

Taken aback momentarily, Jacobs quickly recovered from Beau's outburst, "Uh, why, ah yes… most sanitariums do have large harbors, now that I think about it. You'll see after you arrive there."

"I'm not sure I believe you," Beau said pointing his finger at the lawyer.

"It's in the back of the building. You can't see it from the road, but its back there alright. You can sail your ship all over the place after you get settled and receive treatment," he said trying to sound convincing.

"If I find out you lied to me, I'll send my crew of monkeys after you. They'll rip you to pieces," Beau threatened nonchalantly, “and I'll bet you don't know why I have an all monkey crew, do you?"

"Why no, I don't," the lawyer said looking nervously around the office.

Puffing his chest out proudly, “They can climb up the rigging faster and more gingerly than anyone else. You never thought of that did you?"

"Ah…yes, you're absolutely right. I would never have thought of that." Jacobs was very on edge now; he’d never been with anyone who was clearly off-their-nut before.

“I've got a lot of packing to do. I want to make sure my gear is stowed away proper and trim, so I’m going to leave now," Beau said as he tugged at his eyebrows and smoothed his hair back with both hands.

Jacobs finally relaxed as Beau left his office. My god, he thought, he needs to be locked up in the loony bin, the sooner the better.