O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Milly’s Dress Shop wasn’t doing the business Margaret had hoped. There had been dry spells before, but these last few months had surpassed that mark. She was busy trying to think of something new she could do to lure folks back into her store when Berta Franklin dropped in.

“So, I guess you heard about me and Sam gettin’ back together by now.”

Margaret smiled, “Why, yes indeed, I did hear that, and I heard Sam scared the bejesus outta old Buddy. Is that part true?”

“That would be gospel, sure fire enough. Sam laid down the law and Buddy run with his tail tight between his hairy little legs,” Both ladies broke out in guffaws and giggles.

After the hilarity of the moment subsided, Berta spoke, “I hear tell Mad-Dog-Mable’s cat got kidnapped again by the little green men.” That set them off once more with horselaughs galore.

“Now ifin’ they’d only take her; wouldn’t that surely be a spectacular day of celebratin’ all over town.” Margaret chimed in.

“Oh god yes, I’d pop a cork for that blessed event,” Hysterical laughter and coughing abounded.

“But honey, after ten minutes of being with her, those poor little green men would be fallen all over themselves tryin’ to kick her outta their spaceship.” That was it; Berta wet herself first and Margaret was a close second. Their flushed faces and facial expressions reveled to each, what the other had done, and then they cut loose once again, full force with tears streaming down their cheeks, and let us not forget the pee running down their legs.