O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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The telephone rang at police headquarters. As Buddy answered, a frantic woman’s voice spoke rapidly about hearing a whistle and then seeing Beau Camp coming out of Chief Hudson’s home, and that her husband went over to check and he said the Chief was dead. Buddy recognized Chief Hudson’s next door neighbor, Mrs. Spencer and said he’d send units right away.

Buddy radioed the two black-and-whites on duty to respond immediately. Then he telephoned Det. Miller’s residence and was told to call Det. Fairchild and have him meet him there. Buddy got no answer at the Fairchild residence, so he decided to try again every fifteen minutes.

 Miller parked behind one of the patrol cars in front of the house. Quickly surveying the scene as he entered, he noticed the faint smell of burnt flesh, yet couldn’t place the odd scent. Bound, gagged; the Chief’s lifeless body was a gruesome sight to behold. Miller noticed the extension cord with the bare wires secured to his blackened big toes. Tearing up, he tried to hold himself together as he stared at his friend and mentor. It was going to be a long night indeed.

The police officer that arrived first on the scene saw Det. Miller and began to fill him in. After hearing his report, he asked, "Where's Det. Fairchild?"

"I’ll radio in and see what I can find out," the Officer replied.

Det. Miller crossed the room and slumped into the Chief's recliner. He pulled his pocket watch out, glanced at the time, then reached into his jacket pocket and lit up a Camel. Gazing past the body on the floor, he tried to make sense of the evening. Closing his eyes, he sat quietly as Doc Pearlman who had just arrived checked over the corpse.

Earl Schulz now entered the front door just as Det. Miller started to choke on his cigarette smoke, which caused him to bolt upright in the recliner coughing and gagging for breath.

"That's a bad cough, you might want to quit," Earl noted as he assisted Doc with the Chief’s body.

Wiping tears from his eyes as the coughing now was brought under control, Det. Miller stood.

"Well, as near as I can tell, he was electrocuted." Doc Otis deduced.

“I’ll get my camera and film from the car," Det. Miller said making his way outside.

Det. Fairchild had finally been notified and came roaring to a stop. He jumped from his car and rushed over to Det. Miller.

"What's going on?"

Det. Miller handed him the camera, "The Chief is dead; he’s inside with Doc and Earl."

Fairchild could see Miller was not capable of dealing with his old friend’s death, so he took charge for now. Officer Hendrix now arrived with her siren blaring and strobe light flashing. She turned off her siren as she braked hard. Misjudging how much stopping space she needed, she slid right into Chief Hudson’s mailbox, knocking it several feet into his front yard.

Miller shook his head, but couldn’t bring himself to admonish her for the little mishap. Lighting another Camel, he took in a long drag, and then blew the smoke up into the air. He watched for a moment as the warm sultry breeze slowly sent it toward the house.

She leapt from her vehicle and strutted over to Det. Miller, "Sorry sir. Is it really true? Is the Chief really dead sir?"

"Yes, and Det. Fairchild is already inside the house. Go check in with him.” She did as she was told; for she knew now was not the time to cause problems after looking into his watery eyes.




Chief Frances Hudson was murdered last night. Det. Dick Fairchild has been assigned to head up the investigation. Witnesses report that Beau Camp was seen fleeing the residence minutes before Chief Hudson’s body was discovered. Saint Cloud P.D. has every available officer out looking for Mr. Camp. Anyone seeing him, call the police department immediately.

With the murder of Frances Hudson; the death toll now climbs to three. Who will be next?

Story by: Jonah McGregor
