O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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The sudden raps on her front door startled Mary; getting up from her sofa, she peeked out her front window curtains to see who was standing at her door. As she recognized the person, she unlocked and opened it, “My god, you scared the daylight’s outta me banging on my door like that. Hurry up, get in so I can lock the door,” She said a bit flustered.

“Well for heaven’s sake, give me a chance to get in before you close the door on me,” Ruth whined.

“Come sit by me.” Mary took her by the arm as she almost dragged her to the sofa.

“Alright, alright…I’m coming. Don’t pull my arm off.” Ruth said as Mary all but threw her onto the sofa, “What’s gotten you so spooked?”

“I’m sorry dear, but all this murder and death stuff has me a tad on edge I’m afraid. I’m so glad you stopped by, I truly am.” Mary seemed anxious; yet was calming down now that her best friend had arrived.

“Hey, everything is going to be fine. No one is going to mess with us, I’ve got a knife in my purse,” Ruth said producing a rather large steak knife, “So don’t you get yourself all worked up dear. Anyone shows up here uninvited is gonna be damn sorry indeed,” She said slashing it back and forth through the air.

“Oh my goodness, well, okay than. If you say so, I believe you. Can you stay tonight?” Mary was still a bit unnerved as it were.

Ruth patted her knee, “I’d be happy to stay over as long as you need me sweetie.”