O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Ten minutes till eleven, Det. Miller arrived at the Mayor's office. Entering the building by the side entrance, he found Brent Carver in his office studying several forms. Sitting down he waited for him to finish.

Brent glanced at Thomas and then back to the forms. Handing the forms to him, “The city council met in an emergency session this morning at nine and decided you should finish Chief Hudson's term. If you have a reason why you'd rather not, I'd understand, but I hope you'll finish the rest of his term," he said, "and if you decide to take the position, you'll be a shoo-in for the office when it's time to officially appoint a new Chief-of-Police. Please, I need to know your answer as soon as possible."

"Thank you for the consideration. It'd be an honor to fill the Chief's vacancy. It won't be easy to fill his shoes, but I'll do my best," came his modest reply.

The two men stand and shake hands as the Mayor continues, "This change is effective as of right now. We'll be at your office at one o’clock to make it official."

"Yes sir."

The new Chief walked down the hall to his office. Sitting at his old desk for the last time he thought; this is not how I saw myself becoming the Chief.

Not twenty minutes had passed when Det. Fairchild came in with a smile on his face, "Congratulations, I hear you're the new Chief."

"How'd you find out so fast?" he asked surprised.

“Grapevine, its spreading fast.”

“I’d like you to take over as the lead detective, would that be a problem for you?” Chief Miller asked.

“It would be my pleasure to serve under you. But, when it comes time at the end of the year to fill the vacancy permanently, I’m going to give you a run for your money, if you catch my drift.” Fairchild said grinning.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Miller now grinned.

"So, any news about Beau Camp’s whereabouts?" Chief Miller asked.

“None, not even one sighting of that fruitcake.”

“I know you don’t want to hear this, but I need you to take Officer Hendrix under your wing and train her. Make her the best she can be.” Miller braced himself for Fairchild’s reply.

“My god…I don’t know if I can deal with her ineptness. She picked up the bloody hammer at the North Side Park murder without gloves on, and walked around like she was on an Easter egg hunt; and when she picked up the purses at Beau Camp's house, she had her finger prints all over them, even inside…”

“Dick, please do this for me, alright? Please?” Miller tried a different tactic with his old nemesis. They were not friends, so to speak, yet each did hold great respect for the others abilities when it came to police work.

“Thomas, you owe me big-time,” Dick said pointing at him with a big grin on his square jawed face.

“Thanks.” Thomas replied nodding his head in agreement.