O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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“So,” Nancy said, arms crossed, looking up at her husband as she stood toe-to-toe with him, “you accepted the Chief-of-Police job?”

“Yes I did,” he said as he backed up a half-step, “you know I’ve always had my mind set on taking over after Frances retired, and now that…”

“Oh, so I’ve always known this, have I? That’s really funny, since you never once spoke to me about your career goals. Not once. You’re probably mistaking me for your chirpy-little girlfriend.” She huffed.

Thomas new where this was heading, “Look honey, I’ve got a lot on my mind with all that’s going on. Can you please not start your yammering about…”

“Yammering! Well, god forbid you spend more than two seconds talking with your wife! Pardon me all to hell!” She shouted as she stormed off to their bedroom.

Thomas waited for it; Nancy slammed the bedroom door so hard, one of the pictures hanging in the hallway fell to the floor cracking the glass in the frame. Sitting down, he quietly stared out the window, wondering why their world was spinning out of control.

All he knew was, he was getting so tired of his wife’s craziness. He’d never seen her so jealous before. It was as if some malicious spirit was controlling her he thought, or more likely, she was going through the ‘change-of-life’ he had heard Doc Otis speak of. Whichever, he thought as he lit up a smoke, something had better change, and soon.