O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Officer Hendrix radioed the police station from her black-and-white, “Unit 5 to dispatch?” She waited a full minute, “Unit 5 to dispatch?” After another minute, “Buddy! Answer the radio! It’s important!” She yelled into the mike.

He was leaning back in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk. Engulfed in one of his comic books, he had the base radio turned down on a low setting. Hearing his named shouted, he now sat up and turned up the volume. Not sure who called, he simply said, “Go ahead for dispatch.”

It made her mad at how unprofessional Buddy was, not to mention his unsightly appearance. She found him to be a disgrace to the department, and had reported him to Det. Miller; yet, no formal action was forth coming.

“This is Unit 5, I’m at Earl Schulz’s home, notify Chief Miller and Det. Fairchild they need to come quick; and send some more black-and-white’s out here right away. Do you copy dispatch?” Her voice was professional and direct.

“Sherry? Is that you?” Buddy asks.

Officer Hendrix now lost her patience with him and was not going to be professional, “Buddy, you stupid imbecile, send the detectives and more officer’s out to Earl’s home right now, he’s been murdered!” She thundered into her mike.

“Earl’s dead?”

Sherry was now beside herself with anger, “Damnit Buddy, just do what I said!” Her voice echoed through the base radio.

“Okay, no need to get riled up like that Unit 5, and you should really watch your potty-mouth when talkin’ on the police radio. It’s unprofessional you know; but help is on the way, you can rest assured when ol’ Buddy is on the job, yes siree.” Alerting everyone from the Chief on down to respond.

Sherry gritted her teeth as she shook her head at his buffoonery. She had already dropped her radio mike onto the front seat of her cruiser, and headed back into Earl’s house, before Buddy delivered his little speech on suitable radio etiquette.




Saint Cloud P.D. are refusing to release any details of the Earl Schulz murder at this time. When asked if Beau Camp was involved, this reporter was ordered out of the police station by Detective Dick Fairchild, and was told should this reporter return, he would be jailed. This reporter is convinced, that if Chief Hudson knew of this unprofessional treatment of the free press by the Saint Cloud P.D., he would surely turn over in his grave. The death count now stands at 4.

Story by: Jonah McGregor


Fairchild stormed into Miller’s office and slamming the Gazette on his desk, he then repeatedly poked the paper with his index finger, “Chief Hudson would roll over in his grave! That asshole had the audacity to put that in print!”

“Now, now, just take a breath, and please, for god’s sake, sit down before you go off halfcocked and get yourself into trouble.”

Fairchild sat, “I swear I’m gonna pummel that…”

“Don’t tell me what you’re gonna do, I might have to jail you for it,” Miller smiled.

“I don’t know why I let that kid get to me. That bullshit he peddles just sends me off the deep end every time. That little bozo better hope I never run across him in a dark alley, that’s all I got to say,” now he grinned.