O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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A strange sensation came over Beau as he tried to pay attention to the words of the spirit guest. A low humming sound was now apparent to him, and seemed to be coming from inside his head. It became so intense, it completely blocked out all sound in the room. He became aware that he was gently swaying from side to side; within mere seconds he realized he had floated up and outside of his body. From this point he could see the rest of the sitters as he hovered above them. Feeling compelled, he soared onward through the ceiling out into the dry night air.

Time stood still, or so it seemed as he started to perceive sights and sounds of nocturnal life, as he glided effortlessly over the bright moonlit landscape. Echoes of crickets chirping drifted into his senses as he smiled at the sweet smell of dew covered greenery. Frogs croaked their love songs in anticipation of future couplings.

Without warning, screams pierced the night air; Beau was confused and uncertain what to do. A bright light appeared in front of him; its powerful luminosity drew him in its direction. Pulling him into the light itself, he became suddenly engulfed in total darkness. Confused, a bit of dread crept through his person. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the blackness, he now made out the images of trees and landscapes which were so very much familiar to him. No longer at Miss Stella’s home, he now found himself on the outskirts of town. What he saw next would thrust horror into his heart for the first time in his despondent pitiful life.