O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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"You were born in the country of Spain," SAZARRA said to Ellen, "living in the area known as ‘Teruel’ during the time of the Inquisition within that country. The date of your birth was 1472. It was on a Wednesday at 5:44am. It was November the 11th. You were female and your name was Isabella; you were named after the Queen of Spain which was a common custom of the time. Your family name was Zambrano. You were from a large family, yet your family was not overly wealthy, but still was considered affluent. You had a pleasant childhood as far as it went, for it would be a short incarnation. At age thirteen, your father and another man of prominence had been arguing over the ownership of a piece of property for several months. This other man became so distraught with your father, that he reported to the authorities that you came to his barn and through witchcraft, you put a curse upon his milk-cows. The authorities took you into custody and they found a birthmark on your left shoulder, which they stated was the mark of a witch. Because you were not considered a true heretic, the Catholic Church did not interfere with the local authority, nor did they question you directly. You were then tortured on a device similar in design to that used in England known as the Rack; your long brown hair was cut off and you were stripped of all clothing and stretched on this cruel device. During this torture you confessed to being a witch in order to stop the pain they were inflicting upon your tender flesh. You were imprisoned for eleven days after your admission to witchcraft. Your family was not allowed to see, nor speak to you during this time period. On the twelfth day you were stoned to death in a small public square. Your father then fearing for the safety of his remaining family, withdrew all claims to the disputed property."

Ellen muttered softly, "Oh my goodness."

"Are there any questions you wish to ask at this time?"

"Well…yes, was I sexually violated by those men who questioned and tortured me?" She asked.

There was a short pause before SAZARRA replied, "If I am understanding your question correctly, there was no sexual mistreatment toward you; this was due to the Catholic Church having a representative present overseeing this ordeal. As I said, the Church did not interfere, yet they were observing quite intently what was taking place."

"Did I suffer greatly as I was being stoned?"

"No, as with the majority of deaths in this physical dimension, your 'Soul' as you term it, was removed from the body it was inhabiting moments before the pain was felt by the stones striking the body. Even when your 'Soul' or what some call your 'Spirit' is removed from your body, the body which is controlled by the physical brain is still alive, so to speak, and reacts to the pain and trauma it is experiencing; yet the true you, the Soul has already departed that body and feels no pain whatsoever. Your Master Teacher has already approved your release, and so other Energy Beings are then directed in assisting you in separating from that body. So when you see someone who 'seems' to be dying a horrendous and excruciating death; it is simply the physical body itself, which is reacting to whatever type of damage is being inflicted upon the body itself before it dies; screaming and crying out for help for example. Now then, just know there are those Souls, a very small minority, who for reasons of their own choose not to leave the physical body while it is in its death throws, and they do wish to experience the pain and anguish the physical body is experiencing; so they remain inside that body and do not depart until it has ceased to function. Do you understand?"

"Ah, yes, thank you." Ellen seemed relieved at his response, yet she wasn't quite sure why; she didn't truly understand all of what he said, but she didn't want to appear unwise in front of the others.

"Now then Ruth, which do you prefer, a past or future lifetime?" SAZARRA asked.

"I'd like to know about a past life."

"Very well then, you were born in the year of 1173 on May the 2nd, your name was Daiki Fukuda and you were a male. You were born on one of the smaller southern islands that make up the nation of today called Japan. Your family business was fishing. You and your four younger brothers were raised in this culture; yet you found it distasteful and at age twenty-three you moved to the mainland, where you operated a small business dealing in the butchering of domestic animals. It was not a very large going concern, yet it provided for your basic financial needs. Now at this time, let me explain something before I continue with your past life experience. Many times an Energy Being, or Soul if you prefer, will join up with other like-minded Soul's and plan out lifetimes that will intersect once they have incarnated into the physical world. They do this in order to experience what cannot be experienced in the Unseen World. So these Souls agree to come together, for example, each taking on a particular role while in the human form, which will help them all grow spiritually. They are all a part of the same soul group. That is precisely what took place in your last lifetime Ruth. Daiki Fukuda was what would be termed a psychopath. He murdered five women during a four-year period before he was caught and hanged by a small group of outraged villagers…"

"I was a homicidal maniac?" Ruth gasped.

"Not a maniac, you did commit the murders of these other individuals, yet it was with their permission, in order for them to experience this type of death for their own spiritual evolution. As a Soul, you wanted to experience what it was to commit murder, and they wanted to experience what it was to be murdered. Others in this soul group have since been born and used role-reversal; that is, they became the murderer and some others who had been murderers wished to then experience what it was like to be the victim of murder; like experiencing something from both sides of the coin, so-to-speak. In providing you with this information, you should think deeply about what I have just told you, concerning the impact it will have on your current lifetime. Do you have a question?"

"I can't believe I killed five women in that lifetime. Will God forgive me, or am I going to burn in Hell for eternity?" Ruth asked in a low anxious voice.

"That which you call God does not judge any of your incarnations; these lifetimes are simply lessons, you yourself, have chosen to experience in order to grow more enlightened spiritually; learning what it truly means to love unconditionally. God does not condemn you for the personal lessons you choose. You have an eternal Soul; these many lifetimes you choose to experience simply help you to learn what unconditional love truly means to you as an individual entity. Your physical bodies will always be laid aside at the end of each life you choose to live; whether it’s a long life or a short life; you chose it, not God. You incarnate in order to experience the negative side of life which cannot be experienced in the Unseen World. It's just an experience; why would our loving Creator punish you for seeking knowledge; positive and negative are simply equal sides of the same coin. Just know, there is no right and there is no wrong in this plane of existence. Fear not Ruth, for there is no such thing as a burning hell, nor is a fallen angel called Lucifer battling God for your Soul. These things only live in the mind of mankind. Do you understand?" SAZARRA asks while infusing love into the room.

“But in killing those women, I broke one of gods Ten Commandments; thou shalt not kill.” Ruth was having a hard time reconciling her bible beliefs to SAZARRA’s information.

“Just know, God, the ‘Source of all Life’ never gave to mankind a set of commandments to live by. Such commandments would have negated your soul’s use of free-will and limited your ability to create while in the human form. The Ten Commandments were put into the bible, as a control measure by the ruling religious authority of the time, in order to control the uneducated and superstitious masses.

"What you're saying doesn't seem to go along with what the bible says." Ruth responds still confused.

"One of the greatest things you have in each lifetime is your free-will to believe whatever you wish little one; no matter how true or false your beliefs may be. You speak of your Holy Book which was not written by God, but by mankind; just know, God did not sanction any religion upon the Earth. God is not Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Baptist, Muslim, Buddhist, or of any other creed or dogma. All religions on this plane of existence were created by mankind, not by God. Yet, if your Holy Book serves your true needs and dispels your fears, then let it guide you throughout this single lifetime. If you find it no longer holds truth for you, then seek within yourself and follow another path, for all lead sooner or later to where you seek to go; if not in this life, then the next and so it continues.”

Alan interrupts, “May I ask a question?”

SAZARRA answers, “Yes you may, and to the rest of you gathered here, feel free to speak up at any time with any questions you may have. Now then Alan, what do you wish to know?”

“Ah, concerning our free-will…how is that affected by Karma? I’ve read that when you do something bad or evil; then something bad or evil will happen to you in order to balance out what you did to someone else.”

“Permit me to use Ruth’s lifetime of Daiki Fukuda to explain. The Souls of those five women, who all agreed to be slain, gave their permission before coming into this physical world; just as Ruth’s true Soul agreed to slay them during that lifetime as the individual Fukuda. Because all agreed prior to these murders as lessons for their own enlightenment, Karma could not, and would not be invoked. Now, had Daiki Fukuda murdered another individual, using his free-will to do so; and, had that Soul not been a part of the original agreement to be murdered, then Karma would now come into play. For stopping another’s lifetime, which was not a planned event for that particular Soul, then the offending Soul would now be subject to ‘cause and effect’ or Karma, as many are now calling it.”

“Thank you, I hadn’t thought of it that way before,” Alan said.

“It is now time for us to withdraw for the Medium’s energy is starting to fade; may this gathering go in peace as you express the balance of your time here in this plane of existence."