O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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The sunrise that morning was very comforting to Mayor Carver. It took his mind off all the murders, at least for a short spell. With his own police department unable to solve the murders, which he knew were causing great concern for the townsfolk, he felt he had no choice but to bring in outside assistance.

Wishing, as it were, that Chief Miller and Det. Fairchild would be one-hundred percent behind his decision to call in the Oklahoma State Crime Bureau. That’s why he had Buddy telephone both men for a meeting at 9am sharp in his office.

Dick was just entering the building as Thomas walked up behind him, “So, you got a call too?” Thomas asked.

“Why, yes I did as a matter of fact. So what’s this all about? Buddy said he didn’t have a clue why the Mayor wants to see us.”

“I don’t know, but I reckon we’ll find out shortly.”

Entering his office, Brent motioned for them to sit. “I know you’re both needed elsewhere, so let me get straight to the point. I’m going to call in the SCB to help you solve these murders. Now, this is not to say you haven’t done an excellent job so far, but let’s face facts…your department has no experience dealing with a homicide, much less dealing with five. Therefore, I would like to hear what you think about calling in the SCB.”

Thomas began, “I see your point, and I don’t take any offense at what you just said. I guess we could use all the help we can get, so I guess I agree, let’s call in the state boys and see what they come up with.”

“Dick, what have you to say?” Brent asks, hoping for a unanimous decision all around.

“I think calling in the SCB will make us look stupid in the public’s eye. They’ll figure we’re just a bunch of keystone cops, only good for issuing parking tickets and arresting the local drunks. No sir, I think it’s a bad idea and you should give us more time to solve these murders ourselves. That’s what I think.”

Brent studied on their responses a few moments before making his final decision, “I’m sorry you feel that way Dick, but I will be making the call, asking for the SCB to send one of their agents to come help us out of this ungodly mess.”

Dick stood, turned and walked out of the Mayor’s office in a huff. Brent just stared as Thomas now spoke, “No one likes to admit they can’t complete the task at hand, but it’s a wise man who knows when to seek help. Make the call.” Standing, he gave Brent the thumbs up, which made him feel a touch better about his bringing in another department.