O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Sleeping soundly in his bedroom--as it was way past midnight--Alan didn’t hear the back door slowly open. The key turning in the lock also made only the slightest of sound. Alan was one of only a handful of townsfolk who locked their doors; most never found any call for it. The giveaway came as the weight of the individual walking across the kitchen floor, pressed down on the old wooden planks, which brought forth their song of cracking and popping with each step.

With his bedroom door open, which was his custom, Alan was laying on his right side facing the window, which was opposite the door; he now stirred, yet only half-awake as he now felt something was amiss. Listening, he now recognized the oh-so-familiar sound.

Creeping steadily up to the open door, the man stopped just inches away to listen and survey the scene.

Alan was now thinking it must be Ronny, for he is the only one who has a key, and he had snuck in before to surprise him with sex. A pleasant smile came over his face as he started to roll over in anticipation of his young lover’s touch.

Peering through the darkness, he was shocked as he recognized the shadowy figure now standing at the end of his bed, “Beau? Beau Camp…I…I thought…you’re dead…aren’t you?”

The ghostly figure spoke these words before vanishing back into the darkness, “Run Alan, flee this place, for death stalks you. You have been warned.”

“What?” Alan said as he reached over and turned on a small lamp on his night table. Beau was gone, or had he even been there at all, as Alan now wondered if it had all been a dream, or even a nightmare possibly. Laying there, he stared at the ceiling for almost fifteen minutes or so trying to understand what had just happened.

Charging quickly through the doorway, Alan flinched momentarily due to the sudden assault by Dick Fairchild, who had been waiting just outside his bedroom door. Alan did not put up much resistance due to his mild mannered nature; not to mention he was fear stricken to the very bone.

The strong and muscular Dick controlled him with little effort as he flipped his naked body face down on the bed. Pinning Alan’s arms to his sides as he straddled him, Dick let loose with a plethora of rage induced profanity as he secured his hands around his victim’s neck.

Whimpering was Alan’s only response as he felt Dick’s hands squeezing ever more tightly, as his wrath slowly choked the very life from him. The lack of oxygen now forced Alan to struggle against his assailant; but, too little, too late, as the expression goes. Dick continued to strangle and swear at Alan’s lifeless body for almost twenty minutes before breaking off his murderous attack. Evil would triumph over Good this eerie night.

Regaining his self-control, Dick now continued with his well thought out plan. Carrying Alan’s limp body out to the tool shed, where he had already made a makeshift hangman’s noose, he laid Alan’s nude body down and tightened the noose around his red and slightly swollen neck. Retrieving a chair from his kitchen table set, he placed it just a few feet from where his lifeless body now lay. Pulling Alan’s body up off the floor toward the top beam of the shed would be no easy feat; yet Dick was more than up to the challenge as the adrenaline was still surging through his veins.

Once in place, Alan’s body swung freely. Leaving, Dick placed the typed suicide note on the kitchen table where it would be easily discovered. He left the front and rear doors unlocked.

Dick surmised that when Alan didn’t show up at the library in the morning, Beatrice would surely call, and with no answer, would come out to investigate. All that was left to do, was go home, sneak back in and go to bed. After Ronny left for school, he’d replace Alan’s house key he found hidden in his son’s room. A perfect murder Dick thought; or was it?




The Mayor is calling in the ‘State Crime Bureau’ due to the incompetence of the local police department. Chief Miller and Det. Fairchild both refused to make any comments to this reporter. One can only speculate that the people of this city agree with the Mayor; how safe are we if our very own cannot protect us.

On a side note: Saint Cloud P.D. reported three freshmen students from the High School will receive proper punishment from the Principle, for stealing and hiding the corpse of Bobby Taylor. The boys were turned in by one of their mother’s when she made the gruesome discovery in her basement freezer.

Story by: Jonah McGregor


 Mayor Carver arrived at his office and made his way to his desk. He now picked up a copy of the Saint Cloud Gazette that had been left for him by Chief Miller earlier that very morning. On top of the newspaper was a small note from Miller which simply said, ‘Take a deep breath.’ Not sure what that meant, he picked up the Gazette.

Miller spied the Mayor passing his doorway. He stuck his head partway out to have a look-see as the Mayor entered his office just a few doors down. Stealthily, he crept over to Fairchild’s office, and without knocking he entered. Dick was seated at his desk.

Looking up as his door slowly opened, Dick leaned back in his chair as Thomas came into view, “May I help you Chief?”

Miller pressed his finger to his lips signaling him to stay silent. As he sat down, Dick now scrutinized the gigantic devilish grin across Thomas’ face.

Seconds went by and Dick could stand no more of this childish game, “What’s going on Thomas?”

“Just wait, you’re gonna love this.” Miller could hardly contain himself.

The Mayor’s eyes bulged as he read the headline; then focused on the story. As he finished reading, he calmly folded the paper and placed it neatly on his desk. Standing, he made his way over and closed his office door, as he turned back toward his desk he cut loose, “That goddamn, cock-sucking, limp-dicked, skinny bastard…!!!” The Mayor’s triad echoed down the corridor, even with his door shut.

Thomas was now busting-a-gut and slapping his knee in hilarity.

Dick shook his head, “You put the Gazette on his desk, didn’t you?”

That question brought on more hysterical laughter from Thomas.

“Why, you sneaky little…” Dick couldn’t contain himself now, he joined his colleague in outrageous laughter.

As they tried to settle down, they would only be re-ignited as the Mayor could still be heard bellowing obscenities.