O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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A slight breeze was stirring her bedroom curtains. On such a dark night, one could see the twinkling of starlight’s as they leisurely moved across the Oklahoma skyline. Beatrice was having another sleepless night, missing her Alan deeply as she prayed for understanding on what had happened, and why.

Dozing off, as she did from time-to-time, something in the darkness caused her to wake. Sitting up, she now saw the figure of a man standing at the foot of her bed. She instinctively pulled the covers up to cover her modesty; yet, she was surprised she felt no fear as the intruder stood still and made no move toward her.

“Who are you…what do you want?” She spoke unafraid.

“I have come for closure; for I am unable to move beyond this worldly realm until righteousness has been obtained.”

“Oh my god…Alan?!” The sudden recognition of his voice made her screech.

“I am but a shadow, but my soul cries out for justice.” He said with strong emotion in his steady voice.

“Why my love did you kill yourself, I need the truth?” She pleaded as tears now rolled down her plump cheeks.

There was a long moment of silence before he spoke, “I was murdered.”

“Murdered?! Who did it?!” She cried out.

No answer was forthcoming as Alan’s ghostly form simply vanished into the shadows.

“Alan! Please! Don’t leave me again!” After a few moments, “Alan…?” Her voice trailed off as she buried her face into her hands and wept uncontrollably.