O'Heavenly Murder by Jennifer Northen - HTML preview

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Knock, knock, knock was heard from the middle-aged gentleman who was standing outside the Mayor’s office door. Randall Buckwald, more commonly known by his fellow agents as ‘Ace,’ had been assigned to help the Saint Cloud police department.

Ace had been at the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, working for the State Crime Bureau division for nearly twenty years. Solving nearly ninety-seven percent of all homicide cases assigned to him.

Standing an even six foot with broad shoulders, he sported a thick brown mustache which curled at the ends. Long brown hair touched his collar and was parted on the right side. Dark blue eyes set far apart, with bushy eyebrows gave him the look of a confident and authoritative gent.

He wore a tan Stetson ‘cowboy’ hat, tan sports coat with matching slacks, white button-down short-sleeve shirt, and a traditional thin black necktie that matched his ‘Texas’ styled boots. His colt .45 caliber pistol was carried in a shoulder holster under his left arm, and his shiny silver badge with the bold letter’s ‘SCB’ hung on his belt.

Hearing the knock, Mayor Carver called out, “Come on in.” Especially since Buddy had called to let him know he arrived a few minutes ago.

Entering, he removed his hat as the Mayor approached, shaking hands he bid him sit as he returned to his chair. “I’ve called for Chief Miller to join us, he should…”

Miller entered, shook hands and pulled a side chair up near the Mayor’s desk. “So, what have I missed?”

“Oh, nothing, Mr. Buckwald just got here himself.”

“Please gentlemen, call me ‘Ace’ and what should I call you boys?”

Miller smiled, “Informal is fine by me, call me Miller.” He didn’t feel comfortable enough yet letting a stranger call him by his first name, and he couldn’t get over the fact that ‘Ace” reminded him of the Lone Ranger, which brought a slight grin to his thin lips.

“You can call me Brent, Carver, Mayor Carver or whatever you like. Just as long as you don’t call me late to supper,” He laughed as he patted his big pot-belly.

“Okay then, Miller and Brent it is,” Ace stated with a big smirk.

“If you don’t mind Miller, I’d like to look over the case files before we discuss anything of importance. I’d like to get my own take on things, if you know what I mean.”

“Sounds good to me. If you don’t have anything further Brent, I’ll take him to my office and let him get started then.” Miller said.

“Oh no, go…do whatever it is you do Ace. We’ll cross paths again.” Brent commented as all stood.

Once in the hallway Miller pulled out his pack of Camels and offered Ace one, but he politely declined as he pulled out a pack of Pall Malls. Both grinned as they lit up.

Brent closed the door to his private office as he had a nap scheduled for about this very time of day.