Office of the Dead by Brother Bernard Seif - HTML preview

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Chapter 22


"I'm sure that the police have been over this with you many times, Miss Von Kiel but I've been going over and over the death of Father Theophane in my mind and I need your help."

"Certainly, Father Andrew, what can I do for you?"

"Just tell me once again what your morning was like prior to our finding Father Theophane dead."

 "Well, I arrived here for work promptly at eight-thirty as usual and took several phone calls. I did some word processing on the computer, and also did a little filing. It was a pretty day so I went out back and ate my lunch from eleven-thirty to twelve-thirty during which time I also did a little reading and praying. The Center was very quiet and I knew Father Theophane had a one o'clock appointment with a young man so I made sure I was back in the house in plenty of time for the young man's arrival."

"And at what time did the young man arrive, Miss Von Kiel?"

"About twelve forty-five, Father. I put him in the parlor and expected Father Theophane to come down promptly, which he always does. When he was not down on time, I gave him about ten minutes and then rang his room. There was no answer and that's when I rang your room."

"So there was a time when someone could have very easily walked into the building and up the stairs into Father Theophane's room?"

"Yes, that's certainly true, Father. As you know Father Theophane is a very regular person. He takes a brisk walk every day between eleven and twelve. He comes back and showers, reads some Scripture, and then often has appointments from one o'clock on." Her eyes welled with tears and unspoken pain.

"I can't help thinking, Miss Von Kiel, that the murderer knew Father Theophane's schedule. I believe he slipped into his room when he was showering, hit him over the head or something like that, and then slipped a noose around his neck and stopped up the tub until it filled with water."

 Flinching, she responded: "That makes a morbid kind of sense to me, Father. My only question is why."

"Frankly, Miss Von Kiel, there are people who think that they are doing right by getting rid of traditionalist Catholics. So many sins have been committed in the name of the Lord. As you know, I think that all of this liberated so-called theology is anathema but Christ is never served in violence. Thanks for your help, Miss Von Kiel."

"You're very welcome, Father."

As he walked out of the office, the priest was angry at himself for thinking that the secretary he had just spoken with so rationally had all the opportunity in the world to kill his partner at the Center. She certainly was not the type and what would motivate her to do such a thing any way?