Public Enemy Hud Hudson by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


The sun rose above the horizon for the start of another cool November day in Missouri.

Hud and Harold were sound asleep in their cottage.

Then someone pounded on the door at 9:00 a.m.

Hud woke up, got out of bed, and headed over to the door.

He peeked out the living room curtains to make sure it was not the cops. It was only Peter.

Hud opened the door. “What do you want? It’s still fucking early,” he said and looked a little bothered.

“You and your gang have to vacate your cottages immediately,” Peter said and looked concerned.

“What’s wrong, Pete? We’ve been perfect guests. Haven’t caused any trouble around Pine Hills.”

Pete hated to be the bearer of bad news. “I know. Your guys have been perfect gentlemen. But Wally spotted your Ford with bullet holes in the rear.

He’s worried someone might call the cops,” Peter replied then glanced back at the car.

Hud rushed out of the cottage in his boxers and tee shirt.

He rushed over to the rear of the Ford and saw it had eight bullet holes from yesterday’s holdup in Malvern. “Okay,” he said, then rushed back to his cottage.

Fifteen minutes had passed, and Hud and the gang loaded their stuff into the Ford.

Jack drove away down the street. “Where should we go?” he asked while he made a left turn down another street.

Hud thought about his question for a few seconds. “We were planning on some fun in Saint Louie, so let’s head there. I’ll think of something later,” he replied.

Jack, Harold, and Willie were all smiling as they loved having fun in that city.

It was mid-morning when Hud and the gang arrived in St. Louis.

The second they arrived in town they stocked up on bullets from their trusted gun shop.

They then filled up the gas tank afterward and drove off.

Hud wanted to change things up a bit, so they decided to head off to Madam Harriett’s House of Pleasure.

Hud and the guys knocked on the door to Madam Harriett’s.

A few seconds passed, and the speakeasy door opened. Harriett’s eyes appeared. “You’re a little too early,” she said, then closed the speakeasy door.

Hud was pissed as he really wanted to fuck Ester. So he pounded on the door.

The speakeasy door opened again, and Harriett’s eyes reappeared. “I said you’re too early.”

Hud was not going to hear of this, so he whipped out his Colt 45 and shoved it in the speakeasy door. “You’re now opened for business,” he said and looked furious.

She opened the door and allowed Hud and the gang to step inside.

Once Hud and the gang stepped inside, he heard a female scream from one of the rooms down the hall. He looked at the five whores on the couch and saw Ester was missing. He did not like what his gut told him.

“No!” Ester screamed from that room.

“You can’t go back there,” Harriett said the second she saw Hud head off to the hallway.

Hud turned around and punched Harriett in her face. She fell back and landed on her fat ass.

Hud turned back around and rushed down the hallway.

“No!” Ester screamed out again, and Hud heard some slaps inside the room.

He kicked in the door and rushed inside.

Once he got inside that room, he saw Butch with his pants around his ankles forcing himself on Ester on top of the bed.

Hud ran over and whacked Butch on the back of his head with the handle of his Colt 45.

Butch fell off Ester and dropped to the floor, stunned.

Hud then gave Butch a good swift kick in his crotch when he tried to get up. Butch buckled over in pain and dropped back to the floor.

Ester jumped off the bed.

Hud then gave Butch a kick in his mouth, knocking out his two front teeth.

Butch flew back hitting the bedside table, knocking over the lamp that crashed on top of his head. He was out cold.

“Get dressed, you’re getting out of here,” he told Ester.

She ran over to her closet and opened it. She got out a plain blue dress and slipped it on. Then she grabbed some shoes and slipped them on her feet.

Hud grabbed her by the hand and rushed her out of the room.

Hud rushed her down the hallway and into the greeting area.

“We’re going,” he told his buddies.

They looked disappointed but knew something must be wrong, as they heard Hud beating the crap out of someone in Ester’s room.

Hud and the gang rushed out of the whorehouse.

Once they got outside, they rushed over to the Ford and got inside.

Ester sat in the backseat between Hud and Harold.

Jack started up the car. “Where should we go?”

Hud thought for a few seconds. “Find a motel,” he said.

Jack started up the car and drove off down the street.

“Thank you. That creep always thinks he can have a free turn with us girls,” Ester said.

“No girl should be treated like that. I don’t care if she is a whore,” said Hud, and he was still pumped up from beating Butch.

“He would also beat us if we refused to give him our tip money.”

“I should have shot the asshole.”

“Where can we drop you off?” Jack asked.

Ester looked worried. “I don’t have a place to live. And I don’t have any money since what I did have is back there,” she replied.

“We’ll have to drop her off somewhere Hud,” said Willie.

Hud thought about things for a few seconds.

“Can I tag along with you?” she asked.

“I don’t know about that,” said Harold.

Hud continued to think about things for a few seconds.

“I know that you guys are robbing banks. I mean, money acquisition. It took a few days, but I put two and two together,” she said.

Harold, Willie, and Jack looked concerned.

“Don’t worry. I’m good with that. Besides, I want a little adventure in my life.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” said Harold.

Jack and Willie nodded in agreement.

“Listen. Let me tag along. I can cook and go get groceries so you won’t have to risk being seen. And if you want, I could earn a little extra money by satisfying all of your urges,” Ester offered and looked sincere.

Hud, Jack, Willie, and Harold all thought about her proposal for a few seconds.

“She stays with us. And I want you guys to wear rubbers when fucking Ester,” said Hud.

Jack, Harold, and Willie nodded in agreement.

“By the way, I’m Ester Walker,” she said.

“Jack Jenner.”

Harold Pyle.”

“Willie Gates.”

“And I’m Hud Hudson.”

“Glad to meet you, and you won’t be disappointed,” she said with a smile.

“But Hud, where should we go?”

Ester thought for a few seconds. “I know of a hotel on the west side of town. I’ve fucked that manager a few times. I know we can trust him for a room,” she said, then paused. “If I get on my knees for a few seconds,” she said with a smirk.

Hud thought about her comment for a few seconds. “We’ll go there,” he said.

Fifteen minutes had passed, and Jack drove the car down another city street.

Hud’s eyes lit up the second they passed by Wooten’s Hudson dealership on the left side of the road.

“The place is just down the street,” Ester told Jack.

Jack drove another quarter of a mile, then saw the St. Louis Motor Court on the left side of the road.

He pulled the car into the motor court and parked in front of the office.

“I’ll be back with some room keys,” Ester said then motioned for Hud to let her out.

Hud reached in his pants pocket and removed a ten-dollar bill.

“Here’s for the rooms,” he said while he handed her the bill.

Hud opened his door got out of the car. He stood by the car while Ester got out then he got back inside.

Hud, Jack, Willie, and Harold waited in the car while Ester went inside the office.

Five minutes had passed, and Ester gave the manager a free blow job for two rooms for one night without any registration being completed.

She rushed back to the car and over to Hud’s window. “Rooms ten and eleven down at the end,” she said then handed Hud back his ten-dollar bill.

Hud looked surprised.

“What can I say. I give outstanding blow jobs,” Ester replied and gave the guys a wink.

Jack, Harold, and Willie, like what they heard.

I’ll meet you down at the rooms,” she told Hud and handed him the two keys.

She walked off and headed down toward the rooms.

Jack drove the car and followed Ester while she walked down to their rooms.

A little while later, Ester and Hud were in Room 10 while Harold, Jack, and Willie were in Room 11.

After they got situated in their rooms, Hud could not get something out of his mind.

“We could use a new car,” he told Ester.

“I was going to say something about that when I saw the bullet holes after you rescued me,” she replied.

“Let’s take a walk down the street,” he offered.


After Hud told the other guys he was out to buy a new car, he and Ester walked down to Wooten’s Hudson dealership.

Then an hour later, Hud and Ester drove out of that Hudson dealership with new1932 Hudson. It was a Brougham burgundy Major 8 four-door sedan with wire-rim wheels.

Hud loved the idea of driving a car with his last name on the grill. And the triangular headlights were something different from the standard round headlights.

Hud gave Ester $2,800 in cash to by the car in her name with her keeping the change. They pretended to be husband and wife, and the salesman bought their story.

He drove the Hudson back to the motel and showed it off to the guys at the motor court.

They loved it and could not wait to ride in a little style for once.

“Ditch that Ford away from this place,” he instructed Jack after Jack got out from behind the wheel of the Hudson.

Jack obeyed and rushed over to the Ford.

He got inside, started it up, and drove the Ford out of the motor court.

A little while later, Jack found a parking lot of a hardware store and parked the Ford.

He left the key inside, hoping someone would steal it then walked back to the motor court.

While Jack ditched the car, Ester and Hud drove off in the Hudson to a nearby grocery store for tonight’s dinner.

Since these rooms also had a small kitchenette, Ester kept true to her words and cooks the guys up some fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green bean dinners.

After dinner, Hud, Ester, Jack, Willie, and Harold sat around the kitchen table to discuss their plans.

“Well, first of all, we can never come back to Saint Louie,” said Hud.

“I never want to come back here,” said Ester.

“Where should we go?” asked Harold.

Hud thought for a few seconds. Then his eyes lit up with a grand idea. “Since it’s starting to get cold up here, let’s head down to Florida for the next two or three months. We can soak up the warm sun and relax. We earned it,” he said.

Jack, Harold, and Willie’s eyes lit up, and they absolutely loved that plan.

Ester smiled. “I’ll need a bathing suit.”

“No problem. We can swim late at night,” Hud replied.

It took a few seconds, but Ester knew what he hinted at and liked the idea.

“Let’s leave in the morning before the sun comes up,” offered Harold.

“Let’s wait a little later. I want Ester to get us some grub and other supplies for the trip down south. We’ll also take turns driving through the night,” Hud replied.

Nighttime arrived, and the gang went to bed to get rest for the long trip down to Florida.

Hud and Ester lay in their bed under the covers in their room. He was in his tee-shirt and boxers while she was in a nightgown she bought earlier.

Hud started to look very curious. “So, when you got us these rooms, you stated that you give great blow jobs,” he said hinting that he wanted to verify her claim.

“I did,” she replied with a little smile.


Ester pulled the covers away, pulled Hud’s boxers off, then started to fondle his crotch.

It did not take long before Hud was erect and Ester started using her mouth to prove her earlier claim.

Hud closed his eyes and loved the feeling of her warm mouth.

Over in Cottage 11, Jack and Harold shared the large bed.

Willie lay on the floor.

They were in deep thought about the past months.

“How much longer are you guys going to do this?” asked Willie.

“Oh, maybe another year. That could give me enough money to live on for the rest of my life,” Jack replied.

“About the same for me,” Harold added.

“Me too,” said Willie.

“Do you think Ester can be trusted?” asked Jack.

“I do. I mean, most whores can be,” said Harold.

“Would be nice for someone to cook and run errands so we can relax,” said Willie.

“Yeah, that part is nice,” said Jack.

“Plus, I can’t wait to fuck her,” Harold said and refrained from getting an erection since he was in bed with Jack.

“Me too. Even with a rubber,” said Willie.

The guys closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Back in Hud’s room, he had his orgasm in Ester’s mouth.

“You’re right. That was great,” he said while she pulled his boxers back up.

Ester put the covers back on their bodies then cuddled on his chest.

They both drifted off to sleep.

Morning arrived, and Ester cooked the guys some eggs and toast breakfast.

After they ate, Hud gave Ester cash for supplies.

While she drove off in the Hudson, Hud and the guys started packing up their stuff.

Harold came over to Hud’s room for a minute after Ester drove out of the motor court.

“Do you think she’ll come back?” he asked Hud.

“Well, this would be her test of trust. If she doesn’t, I’ll just have to walk back down to the Hudson dealer and buy another car,” he replied, but his gut instinct told him Ester would return.

“Is he your girl? I mean, you said we could fuck her. I didn’t know if you were planning on getting hitched with her,” Harold curiously asked.

“Me get hitched? No fucking way. I like Ester, but never to be my girl. She’s just a whore and will always be a whore to me,” Hud replied and sounded serious.

The sound of tires stopping on the gravel parking lot was heard outside the room.

“I guess she passed the test,” Hud told Harold.

They both went outside the room.

Hud and Harold went over to the Hudson.

Ester showed Hud the groceries she bought for the trip, a rubber hose for mid-night gas acquisitions and some packets of rubbers for the guys.

Plus she bought two dresses, a pair of shoes and a bottle of whiskey.

“Keep the change,” he told her.

“Thanks,” she replied and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Twenty minutes had passed, and Hud and the gang were on the road in his new Hudson.

Jack drove with Willie in the passenger seat.

Hud and Harold sat in the back with Ester in the middle.

“She drives like a dream, Hud,” Jack said.

“We have little over a thousand miles to Sarasota. So it will probably take us over twenty hours of driving. So I figure we’ll each take five-hour shifts driving. Willie is next, then Harold, then Ester and then me,” Hud told everybody.

Everybody nodded in agreement with his plan.

Hours later, Jack drove the Hudson south on Route 61 in the southeastern part of Missouri.

Everybody napped while Jack drove.

The evening started to arrive, and Hud and the gang pulled over and decided to eat at nice steak dinner and Roscoe’s Diner just off Route 61 in Arkansas. They also filled up the tank with gas.

After they ate, Harold drove for the next five-hour shift.

After it was dark while Harold drove down Route 61 in Arkansas.

“We probably could use some gas,” Hud said.

“Haven’t seen a gas station in miles,” Harold replied.

“Look for a farm. They must have gas for a truck or tractor,” Hud replied.

Ten minutes later, Harold pulled the Hudson off to the side of the road.

Hud and Ester waited inside while Jack, Harold, and Willie snuck on into the darkness to the farmer’s barn.

Then Hud heard the sound of a shotgun coming from the farmhouse.

Hud and Ester looked out the car for any signs of trouble. None were visible.

Silence for a few seconds then the sound of another shotgun was heard.

Silence for a few seconds.

Then Hud and Ester heard the sound of footsteps and heavy breathing running to the car.

Jack, Harold, and Willie, who had a five-gallon gas can in hand ran up to the Hudson.

Willie rushed into the passenger seat with the gas can while Harold got behind the wheel.

Jack got in the backseat.

“We better git! That farmer is pissed,” Harold said while he started up the Hudson.

“Did you get some gas?” asked Hud.

“Oh yeah and almost an ass full of buckshot,” Willie said then Harold drove the car off down the road.

After they got a mile down the road, Harold pulled over, and Willie emptied the five-gallon gas can into the fuel tank of the Hudson.

The weather started to warm up while Hud and the gang drove his Hudson down east on US 90 through Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.

After they got to Florida, they drove south down US 27 and eventually headed south down US 301.

They finally arrived in Sarasota, Florida in the late afternoon.

Hud found a beautiful place to stay in Sarasota. It was the Oakwood Motor Court off Route 41 and not far from the Gulf of Mexico.

After they settled in their individual cottages, Hud, Ester and the gang went into town to do some shopping.

They found a Woolworth store in Sarasota where they at an early dinner at the counter of the store.

After they ate, Hud and the gang shopped in Woolworth where they bought some beach towels, sunglasses, bathing suits, a No. 1A Pocket Kodak camera for Ester, some 116 films for the camera, cigars, cigarettes, and other odds and ends.

After they went to Woolworths, Hud and the gang headed off to the local grocery store and liquor store. Hud let Ester pick out the food since she was the chief, but he had to pick out the booze

After they got back to the cottage, Hud and the gang went to bed early, as the drive down to Florida was exhausting.