Public Enemy Hud Hudson by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Morning arrived in Florida for the start of the gang's vacation.

After Ester cooked the gang a nice egg and toast breakfast with coffee, they relaxed for a little while out on the grounds of the Oakwood Motor Court.

Hud and the gang relaxed in the Adirondack chairs on the grounds of the motor court. They were all was dressed in casual pants and shirt while he puffed on a cigar. Ester wore trousers and a blouse.

Ester sat in another Adirondack chair next to Hud. She read the instructions to the Kodak camera they bought yesterday.

She got up with the camera and aimed it at Hud. "Smile," she said.

Hud gave her a fake smile.

She snapped the picture of Hud in his Adirondack chair with the cigar in his mouth, palm trees, and the Oakwood Motor Court sign in the background.

She walked back over and sat down in the chair next to him. She sniffed the air. "Let's drive to the beach," she said with a smile.

"Okay," Hud replied and got up.

Jack, Harold, and Willie all got up and looked excited, as they all never been to a beach before.

After they all got dressed in their one-piece bathing suits under their clothes, Hud drove everybody down Indian Beach drive and headed towards the water.

Hud found a place to park his Hudson near the sandy beach.

They all got out and stared in awe of that humongous body of water.

"Look at all that water," said Jack.

"I never been to the ocean before," said Willie.

"This is the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean is on the other side of the state," Hud said and wondered if he ever attended school.

"Maybe we can see an ocean before we go up north?" asked Harold.

"Sure. Why not," Hud replied.

Jack, Harold, and Willie all took off running through the sand and headed to the water.

Ester took off running through the sand and after the guys.

Hud stayed by the car and lit up another cigar. He puffed on it while he watched Ester, Jack, Harold, and Willie play in the water like little kids.

Thirty minutes had passed, and Hud and the gang headed back to the motor court. They were exhausted from playing in the water.

That night, Ester treated Jack to a romp in his bed.

Then the next night, Ester treated Harold to a romp in his bed.

Then the following night, Ester treated Willie to a romp in his bed.

She decided to fuck them for free those nights, as she was feeling generous.

A few more nights passed.

It was in the middle of one Moonlight night, and Hud and Ester drove the Hudson back to the beach dressed in casual clothes.

They took a blanket with them and set it out in the sand. It was so peaceful as the only sound heard were the waves of the Gulf of Mexico hitting the beach.

Then Ester stood up.

She started undressing.

"What are you doing?" Hud asked while she slipped off her trousers.

"Something new.

Going naked in the water," she replied while she removed her blouse.

Then after she removed her bra and panties, she stood in the Moonlight bare ass naked.

"What the hell," Hud said while he stood up. He started to get undressed.

A few seconds later, Hud and Ester ran naked to the water.

What they did not realize was that behind the dunes were two twelve-year-old boys.

They were Kenny and Mike, and their young eyes peeked above the dunes. The boys were in awe at sight to two naked people on the beach. This was the first time they saw a nude woman, and they were hooked.

After a few minutes of Hud and Ester playing around naked in the water, they headed back to their towel.

It did not take long for Hud to get on top of Ester and start fucking her.

Back at the dunes, Kenny and Mike's mouths were wide open in shock. This was the first time they saw people having sex. They heard about but never witnessed it live. They would tell this story for years to come.

December rolled around.

Back at the Bureau of Investigation office in St. Louis, Agent Wendell Wallace read a report at his desk. He was not happy with the details of this report.

He got up from his desk and left his office.

He walked through an area where numerous Agents worked. He walked up to Agent Roger Jordan.

"Jordan. This report concerns me. There have been five bank robberies across the state from July through November, and we do not have a clue on the identities of these four guys?"

"That's correct, sir," Jordan replied.

"Well, get cracking. I don't want to have to explain to Hoover why we don't have a clue who these thieves are," Wallace said then tossed the report back on Jordan's desk.

Wallace walked back to his office.

Jordan looked frustrated while he glanced down at the report on his desk.

The rest of December passed, and Hud and the gang loved spending time on the beach.

Then it was time for another Christmas.

Hud bought presents for everybody to thank them for a good start with their money acquisition business. This was his end of the year bonus plan.

Ester gave the guys a special treat in bed without rubbers. She then made the rule that any treats in bed next year would cost ten dollars. She had to make a living somehow.

Besides having the guys pay for sex with Ester, Hud talked with the guys proposing that they should give Ester five percent of the loot. After all, she will earn it by cooking, cleaning, taking care of the laundry, and running errands. Jack, Harold, and Willie all agreed, as they started to like Ester and felt she was part of the gang.

For New Year's Eve, Hud and the gang went to a party in Tampa.

On the evening of January 2nd, 1933, the guys met in Hud and Ester's room for a meeting.

"Okay, it's now time to think about what do this year," Hud said to get the meeting started.

"Rob banks," Willie replied.

"Yeah, but I think we should not set foot back in Missouri.

Let's hit Indiana," said Hud.

"When do we start?" asked Harold.

"End of February," Hud replied.

Jack, Harold, and Willie all nodded in agreement with his proposal.

"So, until then, let's enjoy this Florida sun," said Hud.

"Can we to see the Atlantic Ocean?" asked Harold.

"Sure. "We'll go in a couple of days," replied Hud.

During the next day, there was something Hud had to do before he left Sarasota.

He and Harold went out on a fishing boat in the Gulf of Mexico.

"This is for you dad," he said the second he cast his fishing line into the water.

Even though he did not catch a fish, Hud still loved the feeling with fishing in the open waters.

Two more days had passed, and as Hud promised, he drove his Hudson across Florida and headed east.

He drove over to Cocoa Beach, as they had a casino on the beach with a pier.

Hud was able to get four rooms at the Cocoa Beach Casino. The casino only had twelve rooms but Hud's greasing of the desk clerk's palm, and Ester's performance on her knees, suddenly made four other reservations disappear.

The next day Jack, Harold, and Willie played in the Atlantic Ocean.

Then later that day they played poker at the casino.

Hud parked his Hudson on the beach, and he and Ester lay on a towel by it. They both wore casual clothes, as they did not want to get in the water.

Ester had the Kodak camera in hand and snapped a picture of the sandy beach and the Atlantic Ocean. "Where's your Colt?" she asked him.

"Under the driver's seat," he replied.

Ester looked, and nobody was in sight. "I want to take a picture of you," she said while she aimed the camera at him.

"What kind of picture?"

"I think you can look like a bank robber."

"You're just saying that because it's true," he playfully replied then got up.

Hud walked over and opened the driver's door.

He reached under the seat and removed his shoulder holster that had his Colt 45 inside. He placed the holster around his shoulder. He then sat in the driver's seat and looked at Ester.

He gave her a mean gangster's glare.

Ester snapped a picture with the camera.

Later that night, Hud, Ester and the guys ate a nice dinner over in Cocoa. Jack, Harold, and Willie all bragged about their small winnings at the poker table at the casino.

Another week had passed, and Hud drove the Hudson south down Route 1 and headed to Miami.

During the drive, they were in awe over all the orange groves.

They all commented that they've never seen so many oranges in their life.

After they found rooms in the Tropical Motor Court in Miami, they again headed to the beach.

Then one day, Hud, Ester and the guys went out on a fishing boat.

Ester snapped a picture of Hud with Jack, Harold and Willie on the boat with fishing poles in hand. Just like his fishing trip in Sarasota, nobody caught any fish on this trip.

But they still had a grand time drinking beer and soaking up the sun.

Then the next three weeks were spent hitting the dog track, eating at excellent restaurants and lounging in the warm sun.

By now, Hud and everybody all sported beautiful tans.

Hud and the gang loved life and were glad they started robbing banks for a living.

February was coming to an end, so they knew it was time to get back to work.

So Hud drove his Hudson north on US 1.

During the drive north on US 1, Hud stopped off at Harvey's Grove just south of Cocoa. He bought a bag of oranges to snack on during the trip back up north.

So they took turns driving back up north and headed up US 301 then up US 27. All along that route up through Georgia and Tennessee, the gang left a trail of orange peels on the road while they snacked during the drive.

Jack drove the Hudson on Route 27 through Kentucky.

They were ten miles south of Lexington when Hud's eyes lit up with an idea.

"Willie, I've been neglecting your skills," Hud said.

"Neglecting my skills? I don't understand," Willie replied.

"I believe you're a safecracker?"


"I think that we could rob a bank one month. Then during the next month, we can rob a jewelry store.

Hence the safe-cracking for some of their expensive jewelry," said Hud and he smiled thinking he had a grand idea.

"I do miss breaking into a safe," Willie replied.

Then Hud looked a little concerned. "But we will need a fence we can trust. Does anybody know of one?" he asked.

"I do," Jack replied.

"Are you sure we can trust him?"

"He's my cousin. Ernie Jenner. He lives in Springfield, Illinois and has been doing that for ten years. He's outstanding," Jack replied.

"Good. And Jack, I think we should steal Chevy's this year," Hud said.

Jack thought about his suggestion. "I like that. It'll confuse the hell out of the cops."

"Exactly since most of them have rocks for brains," Hud said.

"Got it," Jack replied and always wanted to drive a Chevy.

It was quiet during the rest of the drive for that day.

Hud and the gang finally arrived in southern Indiana from Route 27 on February 16th, 1933.

The second they arrived in the town of Ackerman, Hud pulled his Hudson into a gas station. He filled up the gas tank and bought a road map for Indiana.

After they left the gas station, they found the Comfort Motor Court down the road. They liked that motor court because Alfred's Diner was located across the street, and the rooms also had a small kitchenette. Hud got four bedrooms and paid for them himself. He told the guys that after this, they paid for their room during the rest of the year.

They agreed then they all went across the street for a meal.

After Hud and the gang ate dinner at Alfred's Diner, they met in Hud and Ester's room.

Hud had the Indiana road map spread out on the floor. He studied the cities located in the southern part of the state. "There, we'll hit Lansing," he said while he pointed at that town on the map," he said then he paused while he studied the map again. "Jack, since we're so close to Ohio, slip over there and steal a Chevy. We'll do the job with Ohio plates then switch them with another Chevy here Indiana."

He rolled up the map. "Okay, we'll do the job as soon as Jack gets a car."

Everybody nodded in agreement.

"Go get some rest," Hud said while he walked over and opened his room door, as the sign he wanted them to leave.

The three guys left Hud and Ester's room.

Later that night, Hud gave Ester a good fucking, and her screams during her orgasms were heard in Jack's room next door. He could not wait to spend a night with her.