Right On Time by Faith Ijiga - HTML preview

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Munachimso Savior Onuoha lived an ambivalent lifestyle, unknown to the people that surrounded him on each side.

As the CEO of a successful tech enterprise, his workers, employees and friends could never imagine that he was one of the most wanted men in the country.

Also, as the second in command in the ranking of Alpha Shadows, the founder and current leader of this crime syndicate, Tekena Green, never knew or suspected that his second-in-command was a successful CEO of an enterprise. His prodigies didn't know. In fact, none of the members of Alpha Shadows knew anything about him apart from his English name and his alias.

The question was, how possible was it that the CEO of a well-known enterprise in the country was a cold-blooded killer and one of the most wanted men in the country and no one was the wiser? How did he carry out his ambivalent activities unabated?

The simple answer was that Munachimso Savior Onuoha was not just a criminal, a killer and a CEO, he was also the master of disguises. He was a pro in his game.



Apart from his identity which was meticulously concealed, he had taken an elaborate measure to disguise his physical appearance as well.

But even that one did not suffice. So, apart from the camouflage and disguises that changed his physical appearance and identity, he also did most things differently and lived in different locations for each of his partitioned lifestyle.

Different houses, different phone numbers, cars, clothes, shoes. Even different patterns of thoughts, behavior and movement. The only similarities was the fact that he was dedicated and professional at what he did, regardless of which role he was playing.

Tonight, he was dressed as Savior and was currently sitting on one of the couches in the living room of one of his hideouts. Besides him was a small sized stool. On top of it was a bottle of Budweiser and an empty glass.

The television was on and tuned to one of the news stations. He was watching the news coverage of his handiwork just like everyone who was currently tuned to the station.

He liked what he was seeing and hearing from the news. He had killed Maro and his girlfriend at the right time, at the time they were having their lovers quarrel. So far, from the report given by the police PRO at the press conference, and from the ongoing speculation by the media, nothing was linking the deaths of the two victims back to him and that was how he wanted it to be.

That was why he'd set up the crime scene the way he wanted the police and any other eye witness to see it.

Snatching the advantage of their acrimony towards each other that he learned of a few minutes prior to their deaths, he had made it look like the girl killed her boyfriend and committed suicide.



Everyone who knew the couple when they were alive was apparently presuming the same thing. Savior believed that no matter what, the Nigerian police force would still come to the same conclusion, it was just a matter of time.

The success of his impromptu mission gave him that familiar feeling of exhilaration of victory but Savior could not celebrate. Instead, he found his thoughts wandering to Ayanate.

What was she doing right now? He suspected that she must have heard the news about her dead friends, probably from that basket-mouth, Joy. Maybe not her, but surely, someone must have told Ayanate.

He wondered how she was taking the news of their death. She would never know, and Savior would never tell her what he did for her. She would never know that the students died because of what they did to her. That was a necessary and selfless sacrifice that he had to make for the woman that he had always wanted so much to impress but he would never bother regaling her with the details.

Savior had no regrets for killing them. The only thing he regretted right now was not being with Ayanate to console her as she mourned the deaths of her so-called friends.

His train of thought was interrupted by another concern. The River State police commissioner.

Who knew if the man was also watching the news? He was probably still thinking of the last conversation they had.



He was impressed at the way he managed to pull everything off.

It has taken a lot of arduous planning and investigation, but in the end, everything paid off.

Yes, it was true that the commissioner's son was a member of Alpha shadows. Ibrahim Ali AbdulRahman had tried to conceal that fact, probably because of his father's public image, but Savior had eventually discovered it on his own. It was also true that there was a plan that was being set in motion to kill all the children of law enforcement officers that had joined Alpha Shadows.

In the midst of that, Savior saw an opportunity to turn things around to his advantage, and he used it to the maximum.

That was why he had personally handpicked Ibrahim and everyone who joined him on his last operation. And everything worked according to plan.

He knew beyond any shadow of doubt that he had gained the trust of the four commissioners and the Inspector-General of police.

He hoped it would remain like that. Everything was almost in his control now, and there would be no going back.

He was a fighter and this was a fight that he would see to the end.

Well, enough of all that. Time to change course and start planning for his next move.



He got up from the couch that he had been sitting on, straightened the wrinkles on his shirt, turned off the television and all the lights, and began moving into his bedroom for the night.


Ayanate was crying over the loss of her new friends. Her mother, who had been by her side consoling her, stepped out to call her brother.

Preye, upon getting the information from his mother, immediately put a call across to his weeping sister, consoled her and promised to return home that weekend and go to church with her on Sunday though it hadn't been in his initial plan.

She thanked him and disconnected the call even as her thoughts drifted again to the three friends who had visited her earlier today, two of whom were already dead.

It was true that she didn't know much about them, but she never suspected that Karo was capable of doing the things they said she did.

That was what she told Joy.

"I knew these people longer than you did and the truth is that she was obsessed about him. Don't you remember what she said when I caught them kissing each other at your house today?" Joy argued back.



"She obviously lacked self-control and it was this same lack of self control that pushed her over the edge. I strongly believe that she truly did what she was suspected of doing."

Ayanate didn't like the way Joy spoke of them with so much indifference, especially now that they were gone.

At least she should show an iota of respect for the dead. A level of disdain for the girl stirred in her, but it wasn't the right time to point that out.


As it turned out, Savior eventually didn't have to go after Chika, aka Stone, as he planned.

Stone gave up the ghost in the arms of his grandmother in the early hours of Sunday, 1:15 a.m. to be precise.

He died from an infection that he got from the gunshot wound that wasn't treated.

It happened that he finally managed to return home in intense pain from Destiny Estate to the dingy, rundown apartment that he and his grandmother resided in.

When his grandmother, who was the only surviving member of his family saw him, she had raised an alarm, calling people to help her take her grandson to the hospital.

Her daughter and her son-in-law had died violently from a car accident, leaving her to take sole custody of their son who was her grandson.

Chika was finally rushed to the hospital, but the doctors had refused to administer even first aid without a police report.



There was no way that the doctors would treat him without the police report—that was highly unprofessional and risky in the light of the type of injury he had gotten—regardless of his grandmother's persuasion. Chika refused to give a statement that would implicate him to the police.

The police refused to write a report for what they didn't know about, and the doctors refused to treat him without it.

Then his grandmother took him home and began to administer local treatment, but it was too late by then because the damage had already been done.

Chika apologized remorsefully to his grandmother for the wrong he had done to her.

Granny forgave him and asked him to also apologize to Jesus for all the heartbreak that he had caused him.

Chika hastily but sincerely did so before passing on to the other side.

Granny held the corpse of her grandson and cried for his untimely death, but her consolation was that her grandson was currently in the gracious arms of Jesus and reuniting with his parents and grandfather.

She gave a prayer of thanksgiving for all the time and opportunities that she had spent with her grandson, and concluded her prayers by asking God to take her home if her assignment here was over.

Little did she know how her prayers were being answered at that moment.

In a fortnight, granny would peacefully pass on to glory in her sleep.



Then, she would finally see the face of her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and her family reunion will be complete.