Right On Time by Faith Ijiga - HTML preview

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It might look like another mundane night on earth but it wasn't so in Heaven.

Today was the day of remembrance. The day of reckoning. All the sons of God had been summoned, both living and dead.

This was a spiritual gathering, yes. However, some privileged sons and daughters of God who operated in a high dimension of intimacy with the Righteous Judge were present in this gathering.

Today was the day that a lot of prayers that had been offered for several years and were put on hold would be answered.

A lot of people would receive several miracles like healings to deadly and even terminal diseases and sicknesses, deliverances from demonic oppressions, conception for the barren, favor, breakthrough, blessings, God's help, and ultimately, salvation.

This was also the day that a lot of nations in Africa, Asia, and other countries on the green planet would receive God's intervention because of the prayers of the people who spent all their lives interceding.

Today was the day that obscure villages that were very difficult to pinpoint on the atlas would be remembered by God to reach out the gospel of Christ to them.



This would be an answer to the prayers of those who sacrificed and poured out their lives as drink offerings in prayers that the Gospel of Christ should reach every nook and cranny of the earth.

The sons of God were currently gathered in a vast hall known as the Hall of Remembrance.

It was a huge hall, with the capacity to accommodate millions times millions of attendees at once. It was so wide that it almost seemed to have no boundary.

Gold and other precious stones were lavishly used to render the flooring and installations.

This Hall of Remembrance was the very place where Cornelius' prayers and alms-giving stood as a memorial before the Righteous Judge. This was where the accuser of the brethren spoke against Joshua, the high priest, and Job, the wealthiest and holiest man in the far east during his time.

And currently, this was the place where the case of none other but Savior Munachimso Onuoha was tabled for consideration.

On his regal and highly exalted throne, bathed in a light so bright that no mortal could gaze upon, sat the Righteous Judge.

The golden throne was at the epicenter of the hall, on a very high plinth that made it seem as if it was floating.

Surrounding his throne were four mighty cherubs with fierce appearances.

They each had four faces and four pairs of wings. With two wings they covered their feet, with two others they covered their faces, and with two they flew.



The flying wings fluttered so fast it looked like the buzzing of a super-speed hummingbird.

A brilliant, rainbow-like glow, with a million colors flashing as lightning bolts erupted, cocooned the throne.

The four cherubs cried, "All hail the one true God who was, and is, and is to come. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the Righteous Judge!"

With that cry, every creature in the hall bowed low and made obeisance.

"Bring forth the accused," the majestic voice of the One who sat on the throne boomed.

A hologram image of Savior appeared. Not only was his physical body revealed but also the state of his spirit.

His spirit looked black, rock-hard and wounded at the same time.

The Righteous Judge looked closely at this son of man who he had created for his purpose in his current state, behaving as though God didn't exist.

"Who is here to plead his cause?" the Righteous Judge said with a sigh.

"I am," a soft voice called.

He was the one called the Lamb. Jesus, the advocate.



First, he appeared as a spotless lamb who had deep red blood gushing out from a slit in his neck, but as he drew nearer to the throne, he took on his humanoid form.

His white robe mirrored the glory that proceeded from the throne. He stood at the right side of the throne, beside the hologram of Savior.

After a quick glance with eyes of compassion on the holographic image of Savior, he bowed to the One who sat on the throne and said, "Your majesty, if it pleases you, I will advocate for the candidate being addressed here, your son, Savior."

"Alright then, the proceedings may begin."

"Woah, woah, woah," a sleek voice echoed, interrupting the sacred gathering. "Don't tell me you want to begin this party without me!"

At the appearance of a huge black reptilian form on the golden floor of the hall, groans could be heard from the crew of angels in the hall.

He was here again. That old serpent. The devil, the accuser of brethren.

He slithered up close to the throne, doing his best to mask the pain and regret he felt at having lost his place of glory forever.



Oh well, if he couldn't reign as God, neither will those weaklings called men. How dare they take his place? He'd definitely make them suffer along with him in hell for the rest of eternity.

Mustering all the hate he could manage and making sure not to look too close at the throne, he took his place at the left side of the hologram of Savior.

He completed his transformation into a human form too. His raven black hair glistened and his robe of doom flowed past his feet.

He sneered at the image of Savior. Piece of cake. This one was a goner. He was an easy prey. Let them just get all these formalities over with.

Then with a smirk, he turned and mocked the Christ, "Oh, I see you showed up punctual again. I wonder why you even bother with these ungrateful imps. They don't deserve everything you do for them. They don't even know it."

"SILENCE!" the majestic voice of thunder from the throne commanded.

The accuser willed himself not to tremble too visibly. "My apologies, your majesty," he said, bowing low. "I didn't mean to disrespect your presence. I was only stating the fact to my opponent here."

One of the mighty angels in the front row flew to them and bowed low to God.

He brought out a large golden-inked scroll. He was a record-keeping scribe angel.



"I will now read the briefings of this man's life."

"Savior Munachimso was born to Mr and Mrs Onuoha who are now resting in the bosom of the Lord and are in fact standing in this court this very day. He was brought up in the way of the Lord, however, he didn't follow this path. His heart grew more hardened when, after his parents' death, he began a blood-thirsty pursuit of revenge, going as far as joining a crime syndicate known as Alpha Shadows. Currently, he is responsible for the murder of over a hundred persons both directly and indirectly."

Terse silence hung in the air. Mr and Mrs Onuoha in the congregation standing among the resurrected saints, with heads bowed, wept silently.

The accuser clapped and laughed maniacally.

"Why do you all stand stiff?" he asked, turning around and addressing the congregation.

"This is great news! Why, I'll say the boy has really impressed me. Need I go on and go into full details of his sins from childhood till date? It seems our dear secretary here has intentionally left some things out."

The accuser's face morphed into one of triumphant evil.

"His fate is sealed. It is written in your word that the soul that sinneth, it shall die. This man," he pointed at the holographic image of Savior, "is worthy of condemnation. He has rejected your only son and hardened his heart.

I say, he be judged accordingly."

The Righteous Judge didn't speak, so the accuser continued, pressing home his point.



"Can't you see? He is not even the least bit repentant. He curses you, your majesty, daily, not only in his words but also in his acts. He nails over and over again the one who died for him. He has rejected your love. Didn't your word also say that your eyes are too righteous to behold iniquity?"

The Righteous Judge finally spoke up in a voice filled with pain.

"Does the advocate have anything to say?"

Jesus slowly stepped forward. He knelt down with heads bowed.

"Oh please, can all this drama stop and the verdict be issued already?" the accuser said in an irritated, impatient voice, rolling his eyes.

However, the entire congregation paid no heed to his rants. Their eyes and attention was riveted on Jesus.

"Abba," Jesus said in a sweet voice, barely above a whisper.

Then he lifted his hands and the blood began to flow from his pierced hands. When he raised up his head, the tears fell like a waterfall, unrestrained.

The accuser scowled so deeply, his eyes were almost buried.

"No!" he growled deeply, low and slow. "That's cheating! He is going against all practical orders of the universe."

Everyone ignored him. He'd had his say. Now was time for the Lamb to speak.



Some of the angel guards ached for the Righteous Judge to command them so they could toss this talkative back to where he belonged, the pit.

"Remember my sacrifice on the cross, Abba. The blood I shed for Savior's sake," Jesus said, "Remember the prayers offered for him by his parents."

At his words, an angel came as if on cue and dropped a golden vial into Jesus' hands.

He uncorked the lid and out flowed a wisp of incense that ascended to the throne. The prayers and tears of his parents had been kept here all these years. Now was the set time for remembrance.

"Remember who you are. Gracious in mercy and slow to anger. Remember your love for his soul. Show mercy, Abba. Give Him one more chance," Jesus said, crying.

The One who sat on the throne stood up, and thunder clapped.

All knees bowed.

"I am the Lord. I have mercy on whom I will have mercy and compassion on whom I will have compassion. I give Savior a second chance. I dispatch his guardian angel this moment to begin reminding him of me, of the faith he has lost."

"Urgh, what is all this? I bet you, I will make sure he never turns to you. You'll see!" the accuser spat.

"SILENCE! Your time here is up! Guards, escort him out of my presence!"



Two burly, gladiator-like angels flew and grabbed the accuser by his arms with joy. Oh, how they had been itching for this!

"Stay back! I'll leave!" the accuser barked at them.

He shrugged them off and slithered away by himself, his head down in defeat.

Yet, the glint in his eyes showed the cunning determination not to give up on that soul. Tiger.