Right On Time by Faith Ijiga - HTML preview

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5:30 A.M.


He was currently dressed like Munachimso Onuoha but he was feeling like Tiger.

It was necessary to blend both personalities today because it increased his uniqueness.

She needed to see him as Munachimso Onuoha, that former classmate of five years ago. But there was just one problem about that.

Munachimso was a good guy. He was clean. He had never carried out any dirty job. He was a quiet, smooth talking businessman, a professional and the drop-dead handsome CEO of a successful enterprise, Charlie’s Hub; definitely not a spy.

Thus, if Munachimso tried any behavior or activity that was contrary to his personality, he would not last even for one second before he would be caught or killed.

But Savior, alias Tiger, was the direct opposite of Munachimso Onuoha.



He was the bad guy—a fact that he was all too eager to admit—and he was the master of dirty jobs. Indeed, his hands were soiled with it.

The only similarities of these personalities was that they were both handsome and smoking hot.

And today, Savior was practically itching to do another dirty job. That was why he was happy to tag along. After all, he was the one who had set in motion the plan Munachimso was executing right now.

Thus, his job was to tag along side Munachimso to protect him from doing anything stupid that would land his backside into trouble.

Munachimso Savior was back on the road again. This time around, he was following the direction of a GPS

tracker. And it was the GPS that he had planted in the tyre of Barrister Righteous Green's car to monitor her movements.

After planning different kinds of scenarios to get back into the life of Ayanate Righteous Green, the best scenario had finally come down to the one he was executing right now.

After carefully thinking of how to do his reintroduction back into her life, he decided that the best place that he could meet her and it would look like a pure coincidence would be in her church.

There was no way he could walk up to her front porch, ring the doorbell, and after he was asked to be welcomed in, he would just walk up to her and, bam, drop the information of how he relocated her after five years on her laps.



No, the reunion was supposed to be better, more dramatic, more natural than something as ridiculous as that.

Although several scenarios came up, after several and deep contemplation, he finally concluded that this was the best case scenario.

The Ayanate he knew five years ago was a very religious person. Where better to meet her than the place that would be like a second, if not the first, home to her?

The words of David in the Bible came rushing into his heart. "I was glad when they said to me let us go to the house of the Lord."

Munachimso Savior didn't know why he remembered that Bible passage. Indeed, he didn't know why he was remembering a lot of Bible passages lately but he convinced himself that it was because of the person he was going to meet.

Maybe her spirituality was rubbing off on him, he smiled, but after a while, the thought and knowledge of her spiritual convictions posed a new question and challenge to him.

Munachimso used to be a dedicated, born again Christian that turned into an agnostic, and finally abandoned God and anything that had to do with church after the death of his parents.

As an atheist who had a great level of knowledge of the Bible, he knew what could stand as a challenge should he desire to forge a relationship with Ayanate.

Even now, he remembered some of those Bible passages that frowned against having a relationship with the kind of person with his spiritual standing.



He remembered what David said in the Bible, specifically in Psalms 84:10.

"For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."

He also remembered what Paul wrote in his second epistle to the Corinthians in the sixth chapter verbatim.

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

More Bible passages came rushing and he was surprised at how even after all these years of burying his mother's Bible in the bowels of his library, he could suddenly remember a lot of them.

A frown creased his forehead as he looked straight ahead.

What was happening?

This wasn't the right time to get cornered or distracted by that thought. The question now should be how he was going to make things work between him and Ayanate.



Would she accept him regardless of his spiritual standing? It was highly unlikely.

So what should he do? Pretend to be a Christian or tell her the plain fact?

Don't worry or get distracted, Munachimso. Savior’s here to do those dirty jobs for you, okay? Just focus on executing your ongoing task. You will cross that bridge when you get to it.

Munachimso nodded almost imperceptibly as his eyes focused on his GPS reader and the road in front of him.

The moving GPS finally stopped moving. Munachimso read the location from the GPS screen.

"Jackpot!" he exclaimed as he floored his accelerator and drove like one who was possessed to his destination.

He arrived at the church location in a couple of minutes and was directed by one of the members of the crowd control unit to park his car in the parking lot.

He did so, and when he checked his GPS screen, he realized that his car was parked a few rows behind that of the barrister.

Still sitting at his driver's side, he switched off his car and checked the time on his wristwatch. It was 5:43 a.m.

He quickly browsed the time for the church service on the church website. Good. He was seventeen minutes early.



A lot of people were parking behind him and entering the church, so he told himself that he better get going if he wanted to get a seat in the main church auditorium. He had no doubt that Ayanate had made it with her mother into the church auditorium, and he wanted to be in the same place where he could keep his eyes on her.

Making it to the main church auditorium was also very vital for their so-called coincidental reunion.

Just before he stepped out of his car, his eyes inadvertently went to the Beretta on his passenger side. An urge to take the handgun along welled up in him but that was a foolish suggestion, so he quelled it.

He had no doubt that a church as big as this would be tight on security. If he walked past the church magnetometer with a concealed pistol, he knew it would immediately set off and expose him to the security personnel.

That wasn't how he planned to introduce himself to Ayanate. Thus, it was time to put Savior in his rightful place.

Munachimso chided Savior for his unnecessary and foolish interference. Slightly ashamed and subdued, Savior apologized, and agreed that he would remain quiet in the background.

"That's better," Munachimso whispered as he began making his way inside the main church auditorium, being conscious all the while that Savior's presence was with him. And he could also sense the presence of another that he could not quite identify.



What he did not know was that it was that unidentified entity that was pouring those Bible scriptures in his heart.