Rivulets of Blood by Christa - HTML preview

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Jason’s body was on fire, not only was his head still spinning and hurting from being pistol whipped and his broken ribs were giving him hell, but in the situation he was in there was no relaxing. His mind was numb and his thoughts were going round and round like a Ferris-wheel.

Being tied to the chair for hours in a cramped position did not help either.

He had tried to talk to his high-jacker a few times, offering him more money, the car and whatever else he wanted, to just leave.

“Keep your mouth shut, I’ll tell you soon enough what else I want from you” was the snarled answer “I have to think and your japing is not helping”.

Chase paced up and down the cabin for most of the day and into the evening, mumbling to himself, making plans on how to get away and to safety.

‘That’s it. Tomorrow before sunrise I take the guy and his car. He’ll have to drive me over mountain trails and back roads to the coast. I’ll find myself a fishing boat and make my way down the coast to Mexico. The Law won’t expect that move from me’ he giggled to himself ‘they think I’ll go to the next large town and hide there. No Siree, not me, this boy got brains’.

‘Will also be easier to get rid of that guy at some secluded spot on the coast’, he mused. Yeah, life is looking up.

Chase started to dream about the senoritas in Mexico what he will do to them and the easy life he will live there.

‘Good riddance to the US of A’ he thought ‘bet the Mexican police won’t be as fussy about what I’ll do to their whores’.

The thought alone sent shivers of lust and heat to his groin.

‘The sooner I get there the better, I’m tired of jerking myself off, I need a woman’.

Not long to wait anymore, half of the night is gone already and the rain has cleared away for now.

He stopped his pacing, looked out of the window into the dark when he saw approaching headlight.

He turned to Jason.

“You better not expect someone you did not tell me about” his rasping voice and his eyes were threatening  “whoever it is, you better get rid of them fast, you hear, or it’s lights out for you and whoever else is arriving right now”.

He untied Jason and kept the gun trained on his head “git out there and chase them off”.

Jason went to the door when he heard an all too familiar voice calling “Jason are you there? It’s me Shelby, we have to talk”.

He rushed to the door, fumbled with the bolt and tore it open. For one second his eyes lit up and the thought of ‘Shelby came back to me, she still loves me’ went through his mind and then remembering who was standing behind him, not caring about his own life he shouted “get back into the car Shelby, drive away fast”.

Shelby was standing on the porch looking at him in shock with a stunned expression in her eyes.

She got out only one word “what ….” when she saw her husband being viciously kicked to the floor by a brute of a man.

Shelby tried to turn and run but got no further than a few yards when she felt a hand grabbing her hair, hauling her brutally back, lifting her up and throw her into the cabin.

She hit her head hard on the floor and through blurred vision could just make out that Jason had suffered the same fate.

Chase slammed the door shut and shot the bolt. He turned and “Lookedy-look” he smirked at her “look what the cat dragged in and who might you be?”

Shelby tried to gather her courage together “I can ask you the same. After all this is my cabin and my husband you just assaulted”.

“Assaulted?” he roared with laughter “you called that an assault? High fangled words we are using, you are a feisty one, I like it”.

Jason shook his head to clear the fog from his brain and tried to get up.

Chase turned to him while holding his gun pointed at Shelby.

“Now don’t you get any ideas little man” he barked “stay where you are”.

He took the rope from the chair Jason had been confined to earlier, motioned with the gun for Shelby to join him next to Jason “git over there and tie him up”. When Shelby made no move to obey, he again grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her over to where Jason was still unsuccessfully trying to stand up.

“Hog-tie him and no funny business or I shoot him on the spot”.

He stood over them giggling like crazy as Shelby tied Jason’s hands behind his back and ran the rope down to his ankles. Chase bent down, took Jason’s legs and bending them at the knees with a kick, pulled them up as close to his bound wrists as possible.

“That’s how you hog-tie” he grinned “I see I will have to teach you a thing or two. Now finish it, I’ll check”.

Shelby was kneeling next to Jason “what’s going on” her voice was trembling “who is this man?”

“No talking you two unless I ask you something. So what are you doing here? This man, you say is your husband, did not tell me he is expecting company.  I warned him not to keep anything from me” he lifted his foot and aimed another kick at Jason.

Shelby tried to shield her helpless husband and took the kick meant for him on her shoulder. “He did not know, I wanted to surprise him, we have things to discuss” she gasped.

“Don’t you touch my wife” Jason got out between clenched teeth.

Chase gave him an evil grin “Or what?”

“Get up” he said to Shelby looking her up and down “well, well, you are a beauty, not the usual fare I am used to. You are in luck, there is still time before we leave, might as well get me a taste of high-society cunt for a change”.

She could see the lust in his eyes, the slobber starting to escape the corners of his mouth and looked frantic for a way to get away, while Jason was shouting “leave her alone, I’ll give you whatever you want, money, I’ve got money, how much do you want”.

Chase turned to him, fished a filthy handkerchief from his pocket and stuffed it into Jason’s mouth.

“That will keep you quiet” and turned back to Shelby.