Rivulets of Blood by Christa - HTML preview

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Sheriff Logan found the going on the mountain road much easier now the rain had stopped. They could even see some stars in the sky now and then when the clouds cleared a little and the tree branches moved in the strong wind.

“At this rate we might get to the first cabin by car” he said “at least we can stay in radio contact for longer”.

The deeper the got into the woods and higher on the mountain the more the vehicle started to slip and slide, but he was able to control it and keep it moving at a steady but slow pace.

Jake kept quiet, staring out into the dark beyond the headlights. The death of his brother had hit him more than he had thought possible and thinking about the kind of criminal they were chasing, the things he had done and is maybe still doing, made him wish he could jump out of the car and run and run until he caught up with that scum, tear off his cock, stuff it into his mouth and choke him with it until his eyes popped out of their sockets.

“How far,” he finally broke the silence “to the next empty cabin?”

“Another half hour or so if we don’t get stuck that is”.

Sheriff Logan had his own demons to grapple with. How could this have happened in his peaceful little town. Is he getting too old for the job at hand, did he get too complaisant? Had the easy life in Arrowhead blunted his ability to function properly as a law-man? Maybe if they had called  the Millers sooner and he had gone with Brad, three lives would have been spared and that savage monster would already be back in custody where he belongs. Maybe …

He shook his head. No good to ponder what he could not change anymore. Rather concentrate on the task before them.

‘I am still convinced that the convict is holed up somewhere close by’ he thought ‘and no devil will be able help him once I get my hands on him’.

Aloud he said “the cabin should be about a mile or so ahead, looks like we are going to make it all the way by car”.

When they arrived at the dwelling they could see is was another wild goose chase. The place looked and felt deserted and closer inspection proved it was exactly that. No one had been here either in quite some time.

Bill Logan checked in with his wife by radio, there had been no new development about the search for the escapee from the Marshalls.

“Bill why don’t you and Jake come back, it’s well after midnight and John Bailey promised to send the chopper bright and early in the morning if the weather holds”.

“We are out here now, just one more cabin to inspect and we will be on our way back. Sorry, to keep you awake the whole night Annie, but as soon as I am back you can get some rest”.

“Don’t you worry about me, just be careful and come back safe”. I love you and would not know how to live without you, she added silently.

“There it goes Jake, last cabin to look over. If he is not there, we’ll have to leave it up to the Marshalls to locate and bring him in”.

The strong wind that had risen already a few hours ago was a help to dry the mud on the trails and a good thing it was, the last property to check was the most isolated and inaccessible one.

The branches of the trees were shaking violently as the wind picked up even more, throwing leaves, pine needles and other small wood debris at the windshield.

The Sheriff and his Deputy were driving in silence, Bill Logan concentrating on his driving and what they might find ahead and Jake Spencer once more lost in his thoughts.

‘Maybe when this is all over I should consider a career in law enforcement. I have been drifting without direction for too long now, since I was discharged from the Marines as a matter of fact’ Jake mused. He lost himself in this, for him a new idea, when the Sheriff’s voice disrupted his train of thought.

“Cabin straight ahead, up the hill. Better hoof it from here now, the last couple of hundred yards are very steep, don’t want to run out of luck and get the car stuck”. Bill Logan added “No gung-ho stuff now Jake, I have a bad feeling about this place”.

Both men rammed their Stetsons onto their heads, loosened the guns in their holsters with the Sheriff taking the shotgun from the rack and started a careful approach, moving from tree to tree.

Getting closer they could make out flickering lights shining through the windows and the dark shapes of two cars. One next to the cabin and one in front.

“What the hell” murmured the Sheriff  “what is going on here? Did we hit the jackpot now?”