Silent Epidemic


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Pages: 251

Published: 10 years ago

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Book Description HTML

Dominex Pharmaceuticals must get their new drug on the market or the company will go under. Pay offs for quick approvals won’t work this time. The new gatekeeper at the FDA plays by the book. To maneuver around this new obstacle, the company orchestrates a creatively deceptive plan, using 500 study volunteers towards a deadly result.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   John
    15 Jun 2013
    Never finished the book. I think it was writtten as a teenager going throughpuberty would write. The violence was overdone. and the story left a bit to be desired.Sorry not my kind of book.
  • User image   Malcolm Lewis
    26 Feb 2013
    Like stirring badly made cold porridge. I Could not tolerate beyond chapter 4, so poorly written was it.
  • User image   michael jackson
    22 Feb 2013
    needs work, but surprisingly i liked it. keep at it and don't give up.
  • User image   scorceress
    14 Feb 2013
    So repetitive so boring. No suspense no ending
  • User image   Carole Ann Cuff
    02 Feb 2013
    was this book written by a ten year old??? Could not even finish the 1st chapter. Way too much filler and descriptions.. not relevant to story..Like ploughing through a field of mud.
  • User image   Barb
    19 Jan 2013
    written at an elemantary school level. no suspense. lots of violence & juvenile thinking. didn't bother to finish. deleted it from my library. glad it was free.
  • User image   Mimi
    26 Nov 2012
    This book is poorly written and lots of spelling errors. Because of the quality of the book i skipped from chapter 3 to the last page.
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Jill Province

It's a new day. Authors are no longer tied to the dream of 'getting published.' Our new found freedom is an accidental perk of the new age - the internet. My favorite story is about Stephen King. He decided to submit a manuscript under a different na