Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

Delicious aroma of food invade my nostrils. Mmmm! Is that pancake?

I stir by my stomach quibbling and an eerie feeling as if someone is watching me. I open my eyes a peek and the very next moment both my eyes grow larger when they land on the spine-tingling frame of Serenity sitting at the bean-bag beside my bed with a delightful facial appearance.

“Buongiorno sleepyhead!” she greets gaily.

“Morning! Err—how long have you been sitting here?” I ask her ineptly trying to cover my unclothed body.

“Eight minutes twelve seconds to be precise.” She says looking at her watch. Whoa! She’s been counting the time?

“Why didn’t you wake me then?” I ask her getting out of the bed.

“Why, I liked watching you sleep.” She shrugs, as if it is the most common thing to do. “Umm—” I try to form words but find myself tongue tied at that.

“Come, I made breakfast.” She states getting up from her seat and leaves the room.

I stand there grinning insanely big for a few moments then dash inside the bathroom.

“So, what do you plan on doing today?” Serenity asks me after spraying maple syrup on my plate of pancakes.

“Nothing. Will stay in probably.”

“How about we take a tour of the city?” she offers with sparkling eyes making me choke in awe. She wants to spend a whole day with me? Really? I stare at her radiant face trying to discern if she is being honest and all I see is sincerity there.

“I’d love that.” I say returning the same sincerity.

“Great! It’s 8 o’clock now and we leave in thirty minutes then.”

It’s been five hours we are on our outing and it is in every way the most exciting and entertaining day out I have been on so far. I have been staying in this city from quite a long duration now, but with all my extra baggage I never had the heart to explore the city in so much of a care-free manner. When they say, “God created man and finding him not sufficiently alone, gave him a companion to make him feel his solitude more keenly.”- which is conclusively chauvinistic keeping aside the metaphorical meaning of course, I would say keeping the hunky-dory feeling I’m going through now in my mind by having Serenity next to me that, it was one of the best thing God has ever done, I mean literally. Glancing at her joyful face I feel my heart melting. That smile on her face has the power to illuminate a whole city like this; it is that much gracious indeed.

“It’s beautiful.” I hear her commenting.

“Undeniably.” I pronounce looking at her face. “I know ri—” she locks her gaze with me.

“Umm—Walker?” she clears her throat making me blink and points toward the Cabot Tower. “I’m talking about that.” She smirks making me flush in embarrassment.

“Err—Yes it is.” I say scratching the back of my neck.

She laughs shaking her head. Then looking behind my shoulder her body tautens and her hand flies to the back of her jeans.

“Move!” she shouts shoving me aside.

And the next thing I know, she’s holding a gun and firing at a backtracking mugger’s leg.