Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight

I just stall gaping like a fish out of the pond in the direction of her effortless velocity of taking a shot at the man. The man staggers on his track but surprisingly keeps running with his bleeding leg. But Serenity runs like the flash after him and tackles him to the ground. The man manages to hit her across the face, but she does not budge an inch. One hard punch from her and the man becomes unconscious.

Sirens of the police car and an ambulance break my stupor. I without delay run to her with a pounding heart wondering if she’s fine. But before I could reach her, I see the guy scrambling to his feet and taking out a knife he readies himself to stab her from behind. My heart stops!

I yell her name trying to alert her. Hearing that she twirls around and the man plunges the knife in her stomach, but she still succeeds to grab his arm and twist it, making the man wail in pain. Police cars reach the place within minutes and they all rush to the direction where now Serenity sits holding her abdomen with a huge crowd surrounding them. Thrusting the crowd aside I try reaching her, but the cops stop me from going any farther.

“She’s with me goddamit!” I roar at the younger looking cop. Imaginably, there was something savagery clearly written on my profile, because without a word he lets me through.

“But Miss we need to take you to the hospital. Look at all the blood you’re leaking.” I see a female officer insisting Serenity sitting beside her.

“Take care of the lady there with the kid who was mugged. I’m perfectly alright. Besides it’s just a scratch.”  She tells while standing up. “But Miss what about the state—”

“I’ll be down to the station in the evening.” She informs. The cop argues, but she dismisses her with a wave of her hand. Then all of a sudden her head whips to my direction and her eyes soften. I see her walking to me with that usual smirk on her face. She stops in front me and comes impossibly closer to my face and as if feeling the emotional turmoil racing inside of me, she caresses my cheek with her hand in a soothing motion and whispers, “I’m okay. Let’s go home.”

“You sure you don’t want my help?” I ask her for the upteenth time after reaching the apartment. “Ugh! Quit nagging me Walker.” She snaps and heads for her bedroom with the supplies in hand. I sit at the couch with my shoulders slumped and let out a sigh. The day has gone from awe-inspiring to awful in a matter of few seconds. I was planning to make our night romantic by making her a special dinner after getting back from our trip and here I am drowning in self-pity for not being able to protect her today. I could have helped her getting that bastard, instead I stood there like a thunderstruck puppy. Anyhow, there were certain things which had me cemented to the spot during that occurrence, which was her possession of a gun and her expert fighting competence. Those are clearly the skills of a warrior. Moreover, what kind of internship lets one tuck a 9mm under their shirt? What exactly is she?


I jump from my seat when I hear a glass shattering. I immediately follow the sound and reach her room and there and then ice up looking at Serenity’s bare back facing the entrance. My throat becomes parched and hands turn clammy.

The lamp on the bedside table has cast a part luminescent glow to the whole room making her lush surface glimmer ethereally. Her long fiery curls are knotted in a messy bun with untamed tendrils flowing down her back where stands a lonely angel with her head held up high soaking in the rays of the sun and her wings are spread along Serenity’s shoulder blades. I feel my fingers itch to trace circles on the breathtaking body art.

“Would you mind helping here?” she asks without turning to look at me bringing me down from my ecstatic state.

Shakily I take steps to where she is sitting and stand facing her. My breath hitches when I take in the sight of the artistry before me. I try to perceive every lines of her delicate face, the arch of her neck, the sinuosity of her breasts, the curve of her torso and the swerve of her long shapely legs which  go on for miles. My eyes linger on the slash she got while saving someone else’s life. I swill down the bile rising in my windpipe thinking of how much torment she must be going through. Outwardly I place my fingers on the cut which is now gauzed.

“I’m not hurting.” She assures me looking up. I don’t know from where I get the courage to stoop before her and taking her hands I kiss both her palms.

“You don’t know that I almost died the moment I saw the guy holding that knife.” I murmur to myself. I feel her one hand tangling my hair and she lifts my face with another hand to meet her eyes and from that moment everything happens in a daze.

I gently lay her on her back and leisurely start kissing every inch of her bewitching entity, remembering her every sensualistic gasps and moans.

And the moment I enter her I get an underlying feeling that even though my desolate soul has been replenished by the passion emitting from our beings, my life is amended for the rest of forever.