Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten

“Dude, I mean she’s a caged lioness in bed. The scratches are still fresh from that night on my back.” Derek says with a dreamy expression on his face.

“You sure got lucky man! I was aiming at the bar tender but since Grayson was with me and the way he was falling all over me after getting tipsy; the bartender thought that we were partners.” Paxton says scowling at Grayson. They all burst out laughing.

We all are at Paxton’s place having a guy time. We initially were discussing about the possibilities of their placements in preferred companies but eventually it came down to the club they went to three days ago, the night I had Serenity cuddling me like an ivy tree. I grin goofily thinking about her. But I stop smiling when I realize that I haven’t heard from or seen her since then and I miss her. I feel a sudden ache in my heart and let out a sigh.

“Well hello there Romeo!” Paxton remarks making me shoot my head to his direction. “I don’t see any Romeo here.” I ask feeling screwy.

“I can clearly envision the romantic scenario playing in that pathetic head of yours.” he asks wiggling his brows at me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shrug. I know what exactly he’s talking about but I don’t want to talk about it. So I pretend to be clueless.

“Stop being a pussy Dom!”  Paxton whines.

“Is she hot?”  Grayson asks looking like a child who’s about to unwrap his Christmas present. “Did you get lucky?” Paxton throws another question.

I scowl at them. But they all seem oblivious to that. They are scrutinizing my face. “You’re smitten bro!” Grayson says unexpectedly.

I look at the three of them; they are grinning like the goons and shake my head in disgust.

My phone starts vibrating and taking it out I click the answer button without looking at the caller ID.


“Walker.”  It’s her. How did she get my number?

“Serenity? How did--” I ask baffled. I don’t remember giving her my number. “I have my sources.” She says sounding amused.

“Oh! Did you come back?” I ask her feeling the endorphin spreading through my whole body. “Yes I’m back . Listen about that night--” I interrupt her mid sentence, “I too wanna talk about it.” “Umm—Okay! But that’s not what I was getting at. I wanted to invite you over dinner at my new place tonight; say at 7?”  Whoa! She’s inviting me over dinner at her place? Wait! Her place? Does that mean she’s not gonna stay with me anymore?

“Umm.. your place?” I ask her joylessly.

“Yeah! My company has given me my own apartment actually and tonight I kinda called a few colleagues and friends to celebrate housewarming. So, would you come?”  She asks again. I feel all the previous good feeling draining from my body, omitting all that I finally agree to come. She au- revoirs cheerily at that and rings off.

I look at my friends and they are staring curiously at me.

“It’s Serenity. She wants to have dinner with me tonight.” I reveal wistfully.

“Then why your expression is as if someone ate your dog?” Paxton asks grimly. I decide against telling them the truth and fabricate a bright smile raising my empty beer bottle.

“Well, she did invite me to have dinner with her. Aren’t you guys gonna drink to that?” I try changing the subject.  They get all slaphappy and raise their empty beer bottles to make a toast.

“To all the smitten jackasses!”  Paxton says. I glower at him but for once let it go. “To all the smitten jackasses!” We all say in unison.