Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

How can she do this to me? I thought she loved me; then why?

The room’s dimly lit. They are on the bed together. I can clearly hear the sound of her singing the blues; hiding under their bed. I’m shaking, tears streaming down my face. This isn’t happening! They stop. Now they are talking. They are talking about the sex they just had. They are saying it was fun; they are complimenting each other. I ball my fist and put it in my mouth to block any sound of my misery to come out.

“Why don’t you just leave him? Then we won’t have to sneak around like this babe.” he asks her. She snorts. “Come on Raj! You know how much he loves me. He caught me making out with others several times before and still didn’t leave me. He probably would do the same if he walked in on us now, you know. Besides, you know as well as I do that we’re only having fun--” blinded by rage I come out and stand at the foot of their bed.

I wake up gasping for air. I look around panicking. Then feel relief wash over me. It was just a nightmare; there’s nothing to worry about. But it was so vivid; I felt everything happening before my eyes.

Fuck! I’m sweating like a pig. But I never had these dreams for few months now. I buried it safely in the back of my head. Then what could trigger it?


But she was sleeping beside me; where is she now then? I get off the bed and search for the bathroom. She isn’t there. Panic stricken; I rush towards my room, she’s not there as well.

She’s gone; just like that!

I come to her room. Plopping down on the bed I put my head in my hands and let out an angry growl. This is the second time she walked out on me without saying anything.

I think of checking the time. It’s 6 o’clock in the morning. I see a piece of paper tucked under the alarm clock. I take it out and it’s a note; from her.


Sorry I had to go without informing you, but I’ll have to attend to some serious business before I come back. Till then, keep your ears perked up and eyes open.


I stare at the note for a while with several questions swarming through my mind. Why did she write a note like a detective flagging her client? And what business she had to attend this early in the morning with her injured-self? Ugh! Now I sound like an insecure clingy boyfriend! Whoa! Now from where did come the boyfriend part? Shaking my head I try to control my thoughts to stop trespassing that particular jeopardous territory; it is definitely not the time to think of putting myself and her to the boyfriend-girlfriend zone, even if we slept together. I smile internally when I again scan the note at hand and carefully put it in my pocket. At least she said something before leaving this time.

I roll to her side of the bed and inhale the fragrance she left there. She smells like honey and sunshine; an exhilarating sweet smell.

I close my eyes wrapped around her scent and drift off to a peaceful slumber.