Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve

Jeremy Whitlow scowls at the glass of whisky in front of him.  This is the sixth one since he got into the pub. He reels the encounter with Dominic Walker again and again in his mind and his blood boils.  Jeremy was no fool; he saw how he looked at Serenity. He instantly took a dislike at him the moment he laid his eyes on him and why would not he; he is a criminal after all. Since then he’s been messing around with him the whole time. Jeremy was posted in Nevada when Dominic was there about a year ago. But he could not take him down for his misdeeds then. This time he would not fail, he decides. No matter what it takes, he will bring him in and in order to do that he needs to do some digging privately.

He didn’t like Serenity being friendly with him either. He and Serenity have known each other from middle school; but he could never tell her that how much more he wanted from their relationship. She has always been so closed off since the death of her parents; yet she turned out to be this amazing woman.  Not that she needs any protection but he always feels the responsibility to protect her, especially from that Walker bloke now. Maybe it’s time that he revealed his feelings for her.

He takes out his phone and calls her. They only talked a few minutes back but that was work. This is important. The phone keeps ringing but no one answers. Maybe that Walker hasn’t left yet or maybe they are…

He gulps down his drink. The bourbon slides burning down his throat but leaves a sour taste in his mouth.  His phone vibrates in his hand after few minutes. He smiles thinking it’s her. He looks at the screen but it shows an unknown number.  He answers begrudgingly.

“Whitlow.”  He says.

“If you want information about Gunter’s whereabouts then meet me at the back of the pub.”  A deep male voice says.

“And who the hell would you be?” He asks. But the caller already rang off. What the fuck was that?

He looks around the pub. How the hell he got hold of my number?  Probably a prank call; he thinks. But who would know that he was seeking information about Gunter? Strange! Then again, crapulence hardly lets you think straight. But giving it a shot would not hurt. He has to be cautious though.

Paying the bartender he makes his way out of the pub. The alcohol in his system makes his steps wobbly and his vision a bit hazy. Coming out of the pub he turns left and heads toward the back of the pub. Reaching there he looks around for a sign of someone’s presence; but finds no one.  Great!

It was a prank call.

“I’m gonna hunt him down and cut out his balls.” He says out loud; fuming. Then he turns to leave. “Well hello Jeremy!”  Someone calls out to him from behind. He turns around. But for the little amount of light and his foggy headed state he fails to make out who the person is.

“Who are you?”  He asks. The person moves and stands in front of him. “What the fuck are you doing here?”  Jeremy asks confused and angry.

“Why, don’t you need information about Gunter, my friend?”  He states smirking and before Jeremy understands what’s happening, the person takes out a knife and in one swift move slits his throat.

Jeremy falls to the ground looking at the most singular shade of orbs.