Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen

“Do we have any lead yet?” Agent Calme asks, her voice booming through the big conference room. “The air-attack is supposed to take place on 5th June madam. But we do not know the places yet.” Detective sergeant O’Brian says shrinking slowly in his seat.

“We have seen a SUV parked around the corner of Walker’s apartment for two days in a row though.” Agent Mazzeo adds.

“Did you see who it is?” Calme asks raking a hand through her hair.

“No madam, but the car is unregistered.” Mazzeo answers bowing down his head.

“Okay! I want men to keep an eye on that car see if it keeps coming back and I want 24*7 surveillance on Walker. We can’t take any risks now.” She pauses and continues, “You, Agent Mazzeo, try moving your butt a little bit more instead of fulfilling your notorious urges. National security is at stake, we can’t just lounge around as if we are on some vacation. Do you get me? And I want you to pack your bags and shift at Walker’s place tomorrow morning.” She orders firmly.

“But mada—”

“No buts. You are not your master here, I am. So you do what I say. Do I make myself clear?” she asks firmly leaving no room for discussion.

“Yes madam.”

She dismisses everyone then with a flicker of her fingers. Her mind floats to Dominic Walker; their accessory to get back at Gunter. She thinks of his extrinsic violet eyes, she has never seen that color of eyes before. The first day he approached her at the café, she was stumped at seeing him in person. The picture she had of him was nowhere similar to the person that stood before her eyes. He was way too skinny and he looked worn out with the dark bags under his eyes and his disheveled attire that hung on his tall bag of bones, yet he was the most beautiful man she has ever laid her eyes on. His chiseled jaw, titillating mouth, keen-edged nose, high cheekbones and excessive in length lashes were enough for a girl’s libido to go overdrive. The times afterwards she spent with him was nothing like she had expected, she did yearn for him the whole time but it is not in her nature to give in to those desires so easily; unless it is necessary. And finally she did give in.

Although she keeps reminding herself that it was strictly to get closer to him and win his trust, but deep down she knows that is not true.

The ringing of her phone cut her off from her woolgathering. Sighing she picks it up.


“Madam, I’m afraid we have a bad news.” O’Brian’s somber tone causes her to straighten her spine. “Which is?”

“Agent Whitlow is dead.”