Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Sixteen

“Bloody asshole! Ugh!” Bethany hollers getting inside her apartment. How dare he humiliate her like that! That freak! Guess he forgot that he works under her. That jerk has been demeaning her from the very beginning and she was nothing but nice to him. He has to pay this time!

She storms to her bedroom and gets in the shower. After getting done with her business she gets ready for bed. She eventually falls asleep after tossing and turning for a while.

She wakes up feeling awkward. A feeling as if someone’s there inside her apartment. She gets off her bed and slightly opening her bedroom door sneaks a look outside in the living room. She finds the room’s light turned on. I did turn off the light, didn’t I? She thinks to herself. She hears someone shuffling around in her kitchen. Her heart starts pounding in her chest. She fully opens the door and tip-toes to the direction of the kitchen. The kitchen light is turned on as well but inexplicably she finds no one there. She slowly makes her way to the counter and picks up a bread knife in her reach.

“Hi Bethany!” a deep male voice says. She jumps and the knife falls from her hand. She hears the person coming to her from somewhere behind. She doesn’t move a muscle as if she’s glued to the floor.

“You shouldn’t have called her a bitch you know. But again, I’m glad you did or else I wouldn’t have gotten this opportunity.” He whispers biting her ear lobe. Her eyes widen. She shoves him backwards and runs to her room locking the door behind her. She hears him chuckling.

She searches for her phone. After finding it she dials emergency contact number fumbling all the way with the keys.

“Really? You would now close your bedroom door on me! Come on baby, open it already.” He says from the outside with an obvious laugh in his voice.

“Oh God! Please please please pick up..please!” she prays. “Hello” a woman’s voice says.

“Hello..hello..there’s someone in my apartment..please please help!” she rambles desperately.

“Calm down ma’am! Tell us your address, we will--” the door bursts open. Bethany shrieks dropping her phone.

“I hate picking locks you know.” He says making a disgusted face.

He moves toward her. Then takes out the same bread knife she took from the kitchen out of his pocket along with a packet of cigarette. He puts one cigarette in his mouth and lights it up.

And that’s when she sees the most unusual violet eyes with a glint of malice in them.