Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Fifteen

“You sure you’re okay with this?” I ask Serenity taking a seat beside her at the bar. She’s been quiet the entire ride to the club.

“Yeah, besides Emy wouldn’t like me being a cry baby.” She answers indifferently ordering her drink. “You shouldn’t drink you know. You’re gonna be sick.” I insist her.

She doesn’t say anything but sits blankly looking at the dance floor. Jason and Paxton are dancing like kooks with each other. I try hard to stifle a laugh.

“Come dance with me?” Serenity offers holding out her hand to me. I take it reluctantly and head to the dance floor. Jason and Paxton join us.

“Have you ever been to Vegas?” she shouts over the music. I become keyed-up at that. Vegas is another crude chapter of my miserable life and I really don’t want to go there anytime soon. I just nod.

“Do you have any idea who could have done this to Jeremy?  I mean the guy only came here the other day. What the cops are saying?” I ask her in an attempt to change the subject.

“They are on it. They don’t understand the motive behind this though.” She replies. “Are you sure it isn’t a case of mugging?” I proffer.

“No. Nothing was missing from his belongings. The thug simply planned on killing him.” she says calmly, but she is everything but calm.  I kiss her forehead holding her close while swaying to the music.

“Hi handsome!” Someone grabs my waist from behind. Serenity narrows her eyes. I turn around and face a giggling Bethany.

“Oh hi Bethany!” I acknowledge untangling her arms from me. I nervously look at Serenity and her pupils have dilated into something very dark and she’s smirking at Bethany.

“Let’s dance.” Bethany says placing her hands around my neck.

“I can’t. I’m here with someone.” I inform her motioning towards Serenity. Serenity’s smirk widens and she waves toward her. Bethany checks her from head to toe and scrunches her nose.

“Who’s she?” Bethany asks looking up at me.

“I’m standing right here kid!” Serenity says smugly.

“Kid! Excuse me? What are you forty or something?” she snorts. Amusement becomes evident on Serenity’s face.

“You never know!” she says.

“Whatever bitch!” Bethany says pompously, making my eyes wide. “What did you just call me?” Serenity asks stiffening.

“Bitch you bloody skank!” Bethany repeats adding one more lingo. I stare at her in disbelief. Serenity lunges toward her but Jason grabs her from behind. Anger bubbles inside of me seeing Jason’s arms around her and I see him clasping her tightly against him.  I grab Bethany’s arm and drag her out of the dance floor. It all started because of her. Jason got the opportunity to touch Serenity because of her. I take her outside and shove her against a wall.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she screeches.

“What the fuck were you doing? Why would you talk to her like that for no damn reason?” I yell at her.

“Because she was giving me that attitude for no damn reason. From where did you get that little slut huh? I bet she’s gonna be rich in one night with your money.” She says venomously.  I move towards her expeditiously causing her to stumble back. I clench my fists and close my eyes to control the rage burning inside me.

“If you dare say anymore bullshit about her then I swear to God, you won’t have your voice left to talk about anything anymore.”

I enounce every word on her face and with that I turn on my heels and get back inside the club.