Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Eighteen

11:10 am, 2nd June, Las Vegas, Nevada

“Ah! Ray, my boy! I was anticipating your Welcome Home ceremony; but not this soon.” Gunter says opening his arms for me.

“I had no other option.” I murmur looking down.

“What have you got yourself into this time? Have you raped anyone or something?” he says feigning horror. I flash him a death glare.

“What?  You have already murdered, dealt drugs, almost have done all the illegal things. Rape is the only worst thing which is left. So, I just presumed.” He says looking amused.

“You know I didn’t do anything willingly.” I hiss at him. He just shrugs and chuckles; as if it was a joke of the century.

“Who cares! Now, since you have already come to your senses and came back, I have some works for you to do. And remember, I won’t let you go this time. I considered the last time, but not anymore.” He states looking me straight in the eyes.

I curse under my breath. I knew very well before leaving Europe that what exactly would happen if I came back this time. But I had no other option. The anonymous call last night changed everything. I didn’t expect my secrets to be revealed. I had to get away from there, even if it meant setting my foot into the Pirate’s hideaway and leaving Serenity behind. I just couldn’t put her life in danger as well.

“You can stay in your own apartment. I gave it to someone though since you left; but you can always share. I’ll see you in the evening.” He says picking out a cell phone from his drawer and continues, “Here take it.” He says handing it to me.

I take it and start to leave the room. But he stops me. “Welcome to Las Vegas again my boy!” he says cheerfully.

I sigh and leave the room wondering what life will serve in my platter next.