Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen

7:08 am, 31st May, Bristol, United Kingdom

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Flynn curses under his breath. “Great!” he glares looking at Calme.

They are sitting at Dominic and Mazzeo’s living room waiting for Dominic to come home. It’s almost been an hour and they are still waiting or more like thinking deeply to make things fall into the right places. Earlier when they got here they thought Walker must have gone running. They took the liberty to search anything and everything in his room, but what they came up with were his empty wardrobe and toiletries. It was clear as water that he was gone. That proves their suspicion about him was right.

“Don’t give me that look.” Calme scowls at Flynn.

“Then would you care to explain where is this boyfriend of yours?” He grits his teeth. Calme starts to charge towards him but O’Brian chimes in.

“Where do you think he took off this time?”

“I have no goddamn clue. Maybe to some other country with a new identity, deceiving bastard that he is or better, he might be celebrating the little “Shawshank Redemption” stunt he has pulled on us in Fiji.” Flynn says furiously.

Calme sits back and buries her head in her hands. She was determined to prove everyone wrong before, but now she has no other option but believe it herself. Both the murders in the past two days have been connected to her and Walker all along and yet she couldn’t see it. She makes a mental note about the events- Walker met Jeremy, but they both weren’t happy with each other and clashed; Bethany called her names which made Walker furious and he clashed with her too; but clashing with someone about so little can’t be the reason to murder them. What is she missing here?

She suddenly feels disgusted with herself. How her instincts could be so wrong about Walker? She always prided herself on this.

“What if he didn’t go to any new place this time? What if he went back to his old den?” Mazzeo suggests.

“What do you mean old den? Don’t talk in riddles Mazzeo. We don’t have time for this.” she says resignedly.

“I mean what if he went back to Vegas? At this point he would want someone powerful. Since he had connections with these people from Vegas he definitely would go back to them to hide his mess and they would help him no matter what.” Mazzeo reasons.

“He has a point sir. He needs money and a new identity to survive and that’s a child’s play for these people to provide.”  O’Brian says.

Flynn nods and starts to say something but his phone starts ringing.

“Flynn.” He answers distractedly.

He listens, looks at all of them, then hangs up.

“It was Barone. He says the knife he retrieved from Ms. Taylor’s apartment has only her fingerprints all over it and he didn’t get any other prints of anyone else at the crime scene.” He says frowning.

“That doesn’t really matter for now. We all know how anyone can cover their traces. But again there has to be something.” Calme says. Flynn’s phone beeps with a text message and he smirks looking at the screen.

“Well another news. They got the footage of the restaurant and it seems like the same man we are looking for, only here any part of his face ain’t visible but the appearance is the same as that apartment footage.” He reveals.

“What our next move would be Madam?” O’Brian asks curiously.

“We gather information about the whereabouts of Mr. Smarty Pants and take a little trip to Vegas.”