Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-six

“So, you knew all along.” he utters more as a statement. “I’m afraid so.” Calme admits.

“Then you can obviously end your discretion and roll playing and tell me what is it exactly you need from me?” he asks with her mouth pressed in a thin line.

“I want information about Gunter Ross’s plans. Exactly when and where is he planning the blast?” she asks straight away.

“Wait! You want to know about Gunter?” he asks, confused. “How would I know about his plans? I have only just got here and besides I’ve not been in touch with him for months now.”

“Then why did you come here all of a sudden right before 5th June if you had nothing to do with this?” she counters.

“I swear I don’t know about any of these. I left Europe because—”

“Because you killed Jeremy and Bethany.” She finishes for him. His eyes widen to the point of popping out of its sockets.

“Bethany is dead? What are you saying?”

“Right after the argument you had with her. I mean not exactly right after, but after three hours and don’t play canny, we got evidence against you, on both the cases.” She says calmly.

He looks at her as if she has punched him in the gut. Her heart wrenches seeing the look on his face. But she holds her imperturbability. This is no time to think through the heart.

“You believed all of that? And what evidence you are talking about? Hell! Why would I even want to kill them? I didn’t like Jeremy and had a little argument with Bethany, but that doesn’t mean I would kill them!” he says in nihilism. Calme thinks back to the same reasons she’s been trying to feed her mind.

“Who knows! You have killed before.” She points out. “But that was different.” He whispers distractedly.

“And I left because I had a call that night from someone and they told me to leave the country or they would reveal my past to the police and would kill you. I had no other choice left!”

“Killing isn’t really an admirable act to perform, no matter what your motive is. And who was this person you’re talking about? More of all, if you didn’t kill Bethany, then what were you doing in her apartment building that night?” she remarks, ignoring the fact she just discovered that she was threatened to kill.

“I went to meet my Landlord Mr. Burton.” He says slumping down on the bed, wrecked.  A sound of knocking comes from the front door and a gigantic man clad in black walks in. Calme straightens.

“Gunter wants to see you Ray.” The man imparts in a booming voice.

“Tell him I’m dealing.” He says looking at Calme. She looks at him startled and somewhat happy inside that even after knowing who she was and what was her purpose, he chose to be by her side.

“He wants to see you now.” The ogre emphasizes each word without assimilating her presence. The room fills with tension. Calme reaches for the gun always tucked under her shirt. But then she remembers that she forgot to bring it. Shit! Now I have to bring this sumo down without any weapon. I’m so dead! She thinks to herself.

“I’m not done with my business here.” she advances. The man turns toward her and checks her out visibly.

“Make deals with me lassy!” the man says laughing a guttural laugh. “And boss requested your presence too. He’s actually waiting for the two of you in the car.” The man moves to grab her arm. But that’s a very grave mistake he makes. Before he could touch her she gives him a mega side kick, all her training pitching in. The man cries out in surprising pain, taking that as a lucky chance she gives him a chopper blow and holds him into a headlock and twists his neck.

The man’s lifeless body crashes on the hardwood.