Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-seven

I sit there hog-tied trying to register the affair just took place before my eyes.  The whole thing seemed to be happening in a slow motion, from her side kicking Terry to breaking his neck. I find myself vacillating between her and Terry, not knowing how else to react. Terry seems dead with his mouth wide open and Serenity is standing over him, barely out of breathe with her almost six feet toned frame and checking his veins. I stare at her in astonishment. She didn’t even give the man a single chance to attack. She was that quick and took his almost three hundred pounds and seven feet chassis down single handedly without even getting a scratch. She truly has the power to unman me or probably everyone.

Then the revelation seeps in my mind. She’s been toying with me this entire time just to seek out information about Gunter. But her eyes always said otherwise, they seemed honest. Maybe she has something for me in her heart and she’s only doing her job? I understand the criticalness of the whole situation; the upcoming blitz, Jeremy and Bethany’s death, my past and probably I’ll get my ass thrown into prison, but none of these are bothering me at the moment, all I can think of is her and how wonderful she is and how I can get her to confess her feelings for me.

Two hard punches on my face bring me down from my air castle. “What the hell! Why would you hit me?” I scowl at her in anguish.

“You weren’t listening to me.” She says unconcernedly. “Gunter seems to have found out about me. So now I’m gonna tell you what you have to do.”

“So much for not killing anyone no matter what your motive is.” I mock her pointing at Terry’s dead body.

“Shut it and listen.”

“Where’s the bitch? And what happened to you? You look like shit!” Gunter scuttlebutts, rolling down the window of his car. I take a deep breath, time to test my acting skills.

“I don’t know. She killed Terry and knocked me out and when I woke up she was gone.” I explain, sounding melodramatic.

Gunter stares at me contemplating what I just said, which is quite unnerving. I really hope I pulled the act off without any exaggeration.

“Mike, head to The Mirage’s direction.” He orders the driver. “Do you really think I can deal like this now?” I scorn.

“We’re not gonna deal. We’re going to see this little agent and her team.” He says smirking.

“Agent? Team? What do you mean?” I ask faking confusion, but inside I know very well what’s going to happen. She’s an agent then!

“Playing dumb doesn’t suit you, kid. You’re so much like your mother.” He snickers making me jerk my head to his direction.

“How do you know my mother?” I ask him, trying to grasp where he’s going with this. “Well, since I’m your father it is only fair that I know your mother.”