Something Between Red And Violet by Rahee De - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-nine

Standing under the shower Jason chuckles about how he was able to delude the national security and frame his little brother. It was more thrilling than killing those seven people. Although, nothing has been easy for him, it took him more than twenty one years of bottled up fury to go down that route. Ever since he got to know from his cur of a father that how his own mother threw him off like a garbage sack to rot and took his ringer with her, all he felt for them was rancor. He had every intention of killing Damon just like he killed their mother, but that wasn’t sufficient affliction on him.  He too had to bear hardship just like Jason did for twenty one years. He held Gunter in contempt even if he never was hard on him in anyway.  He gave him almost everything he wanted. Still, he knew all the sordid reasons behind his father’s generosity. He was an international antagonist after all. Throughout Jason’s life he had to stay as an orphan even if he had both of his parents and family and that one thing annihilated his spirits.

Getting out of the shower he towel dries himself and settles in front of the lavatory mirror. A slow smile curves up his lips when he looks closely at his features. It’s unavoidable that he and Damon how much resemble each other, yet no one ever seems to suspect their kinship. He locks his gaze with his reflection’s and delves into the same violate eyes as Damon’s which he had been hiding behind those brown contacts. He starts to chortle, but pauses when he remembers about Agent Calme’s progress of investigation concerning the murders. She certainly is a potential threat to him. Most of her assumptions are enough to prove Damon’s innocence and if she happens to discover his real eyes and the relation between him and Damon, then it wouldn’t take her long to solve the snag. Tearing the page out of rage is a very dire mistake he has made. He has to be careful during his next feat. So far he has been ahead of the game, everything is planned perfectly and all are in his favor. They are supposed to encounter Gunter if they don’t succeed in getting him in custody and since he knows his father’s plan and place of the air-attack, no encounter would be necessary. He could get him to surrender. He may hate his father but always he at least took care of his “necessities”, sparing his life just to send him behind the bars wouldn’t be so merciful either. When it comes to his little brother, he would nothing but enjoy pulling the trigger. He planned on making him suffer, which he did by killing his happy little family; the bitch of a girlfriend of his and framing him for their murders. How he loved seeing him suffer all these years! Killing Bethany and Jeremy was the added weight to his sufferings. This time he lets out an evil laugh thinking how despicable he has become. However, he stopped caring a long time back about anything when he used to be bullied, beaten to a pulp and be found almost lifeless in different alleys each night without anyone to give a damn about that.

His stomach grumbles letting him know he needs to eat. He comes out of the bathroom, gets dressed and orders room service. Then he picks up his contacts, this is one thing which is letting me get away; he thinks. He cunningly let his father know about their arrival, a trap to speed up the pace of his victory.

Now all he has to do is, wait.